From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 535 Peace and Mutation

"It's Christmas in a blink of an eye."

In the garden of the school, William, who was rarely taking a break, stood in the garden of the courtyard, pulling a ball of flame flying in the air like clay with his fingers, while talking to Adams next to him.

"Isn't it just that - the first semester is so fast, obviously I haven't harvested the biting cabbage yet."

As he spoke, he crunched the snow and added spells to the rose bushes so that they could bloom in this weather without dying due to the cold - the elves did a good job, but they were still poor. So much.

"By the way," Adams suddenly asked as if he remembered something, "Hagrid took a long leave, did you know?"

"I didn't ask him clearly about this," William sighed. Hagrid just asked him for some potions, saying he needed to deal with special matters. William originally asked if he needed help, but Hagrid refused. In addition, the moon was full that day, so Lupine had to take over his class, so he could only send some potions and tell Hagrid to be careful.

But he didn't expect that Hagrid hadn't been back for so long - Dumbledore said that Hagrid was safe, but William didn't know about the rest.

"With such cold weather, it would be difficult to enter and leave the Forbidden Forest without Hagrid..."

Adams sighed, "I'm going to Australia for a meeting over Christmas. The weather there has been good these days. Together with Singed, the three of us can just inspect the local magical world. Do you want to go there?"

"I'm afraid this won't work. I have plans for Christmas." William shook his head. Although there was a high probability that the Dark Lord would not get involved there, he still wanted to be just in case - the professor had not been replaced until now, which still made him a little bit nervous. Uneasy, and more importantly, he had just promised Lupine to spend Christmas with them.

"This is really a pity. What gifts do you need?"

"Forget it," William shook his head, "If you get what I want, there is a high probability that you will be detained together with me during the customs inspection..."

"you win…"

Adams spread his hands, looking helpless.


"Has Harry written again?"

Sirius looked up from the video game and asked Lupine.

"Of course... Hedwig flies twice a day. I think she is a little hungry and thin."

"That's really... so..." Sirius paused, "It feels so normal."

He looked around, "Where's Professor William?"

"William?" Lupine glanced at Sirius, "Isn't Professor William upstairs? Isn't he studying the books you brought from home?"

"I didn't ask that!"

Sirius lowered his voice, "I mean, Professor William - he is... you see, he looks like a student who has just graduated a few years ago, so..."

Lupine stared at Sirius with wide eyes. He had no idea that Sirius could become so rich after not seeing him for just one semester - adventurous spirit...


"I've never heard of it. When you put it like that, it seems like I haven't paid attention to this yet."

Lupine lowered his voice - we were all Gryffindors, and there was nothing unusual about testing things like this.

"Hey, what are you talking about?"

Harry came down after finishing the letter and looked at Sirius and Lupine biting their ears and muttering, their faces full of curiosity.

The moment he asked, the two of them immediately regained their composure, as if they were not the ones discussing the gossip just now.

"Nothing, by the way, how do you feel about the OWLs year?"

Sirius tried to look decent, but it was difficult.

"I feel like," Harry sat down and put a book on the table, "Actually, it's okay. There's not much pressure on Transfiguration, and I can handle it in Charms class, but I'm behind on Potions class." There are too many things, as for divination..."

He sighed and began to miss Trelawney who predicted his death in every class - predicting his own death was actually not that difficult once a shortcut was found, and the homework was gone in no time. But now it's Snape...

"Potter, you always predict that you will be injured. Is it because you hurt your head?"

"Our famous Potter, doesn't he even know what the appearance of Mars over there means?"

"We divine with tea leaves, not mess them up like pigs, Potter."

As Snape gradually adapted to the course, he was able to flexibly apply various divination techniques to ridicule Harry in various ways.

This is very annoying - everyone knows that Snape has nothing to do with divination before, and his level may be just like that, but he manages to look very familiar to him, even more like a god than Trelawney. stick…

In other words, Professor Trelawney has always failed in her role as a diviner, causing Snape to catch up.

But no matter what, this course was more torturous than before. If it weren't for enough elective credits, Harry would have given up like Hermione.


Harry fell into a brief thought.


Sirius looked at Harry suspiciously and even waved his hand in front of his eyes.

"What did you think of?"

'I just thought about why I feel that Snape is more aggressive than before,' Harry's sadness suddenly emerged from the bottom of his heart, but he couldn't talk to Sirius about it - because Hermione gave up the Divination class. , how could one say such a thing that all of Snape's firepower was focused on him...

He couldn't even complain to Hermione, he could only say a few words to Ron during the correspondence... This was really an unpleasant discovery.

Harry silently made up his mind to write to Ron about this later.

"I just thought about some things about potions. I have forgotten too many skills about potions..."

"Magic potion..."

Sirius was stunned for a moment, "Lupin said yesterday that you are very talented in potions, and Professor Slughorn praised it very much..."

"She is very much like your mother, yes, very much. She is the undisputed number one in potions. Professor Slughorn has admitted it himself."

"If you could..."

Sirius' face suddenly became serious, and then he changed the subject in a pretentious manner, "I'm not good at it. My potions scores were average at that time. Lupine's scores were great, but they were mediocre in excellence."

"By the way, Lupin, speaking of which, weren't you very obedient and took a lot of notes back then? Where are your notes?"

"They were lost a long time ago," Lu Ping shook his head. "The books I had when I returned to school were all second-hand books I bought temporarily."

"The school didn't even send it... Speaking of which... ah, Professor William, are you down?"

"Well, I've finished reading a new book. It's really interesting. Thank you." William sat on the sofa, "Speaking of which, the second volume doesn't seem to be in this book..."

"I'm afraid it will take time. Kreacher is very obsessed with the old house now. I don't know how it categorizes the books. I will ask when I go back next time and send it to you by owl mail, Professor William."

"Then I can't thank you enough. I heard you just talked about the potion again?"

"Yes, Harry's potion performance this year is quite good," Sirius said while stroking Harry's head. "Although Professor Slughorn is not very likable, he doesn't lie about this. .”

'Actually, it's a bit bad. Harry doesn't have a keen sense of potions. ’

This is something that William has tested many times. Although Harry's performance this semester is very good, part of the reason is because Harry's reverse psychology is at work - he wants to prove that without Snape, his potion is The most outstanding.

He has a bit of a kid's mentality, but William doesn't think he's wrong, and he doesn't intend to point it out - anyway, his notes here will not be shown to Harry. He has no talent for studying potions, and he is at the top level at most. An imitator, this is far worse than his fighting talent.

"That Lily...what would her notes look like...the potion talent that even Professor Slughorn recognized as crushing Snape...It's a pity, it probably no longer exists..."

If it were any other wizard, he might have been taken away by relatives or family members, but William still knew about Harry's family conditions.

Sirius, who was most likely to store the relics, went in. Harry's grandparents and maternal grandparents had all passed away before the tragedy. His only relative was next door. According to the attitude of that family, he was counting on Lily's sister to use her sister's magic. Collecting the notes, it's really...

Besides, it's not appropriate for him to ask this...

He shook his head and gave up the idea completely, sitting at the table and talking to them about other things.


"Ron, come here."

Just as the family was reunited, Mrs. Weasley secretly called Ron away.

It was so important that she had to ask behind the others' backs - the rest of them could only learn curses at most, but Ron could go one step further, which was too biased.

But there is no way. Black magic is too dangerous. Although curses are not bad, they are still dangerous. What parent can't care?

"How have you been studying lately?"

’ Was it reported in reference to Harry’s homework? Was it reported for too much Quidditch practice? Or is it my poor performance in the divination class...'

Many things that might get stabbed came to Ron's mind - there was nothing he could do, the two older brothers were at school, and there was a younger sister below. That was really...

But he soon realized that what his mother was talking about was his curse tutoring.

“Still learning how to fight temptation and side effects…”

Ron answered honestly, trying not to sound bad - the confinement was over and he had to make up classes, but he still didn't learn any powerful magic.

From the first day to now, in addition to learning a few basic curses by experimenting with the curse effect of the voodoo doll, the education he received was how to deal with black magic, how to resist black magic, etc. As for powerful spells, he even I don’t know as much about the extracurricular knowledge that is occasionally popularized in class.

Not to mention the annoying repetitive and boring spellcasting that he was required to complete every day - if he hadn't promised the professor to complete it and his unwillingness to admit defeat, he would have given up long ago.

"This is really great."

Mrs. Weasley breathed a sigh of relief, "Keep it up, Ron, that's it."


"Follow the professor's arrangements. Train whatever you are asked to do. Don't learn more on your own, and don't pursue any powerful spells. Keep what I teach you firmly in mind!"

"Yes..." Ron said with a bit of grievance, "I will, Mom."


"Someone tell me!"

The roar echoed throughout the beater's makeshift office.

"It doesn't matter if something happens to the No-Majs, why are our streets and our shops like that?"

"People are complaining to the Magic Congress! Let us arrest those wizards who are taking advantage of the situation!"

"Then just arrest them. Anyway, the prison is still..."

A smart-ass hitman came up with what he thought was a great suggestion, and the next second he was scolded by the Congress president as if he were a fool.

"Catch him?"

"Half the street's wizards are involved. Do you plan to arrest them according to the list at that time?"

"Tell me, who are you planning to issue a subpoena to? Are you planning on the entire wizarding world refusing to accept orders from Congress?"

Not to mention that in the chaos, it was impossible to determine how many people were contributing to the riot. Even if he could confirm it, he would not go crazy and arrest so many people - at most, he would arrest the most outrageous wizards, otherwise he would not be sure. What new insults need to be added?

The investigation report came out, and many of the wizards who participated were young wizards who had been unable to find jobs after graduating this year. He believed that if he released the investigation report, public opinion would suddenly change to - who did it? These recent graduates committed such serious crimes...

"How are the store owners?" The Congress Chairman pressed his head to make it less painful. "How many were injured and what about the damage to the goods?"

"Not many people were injured, but the goods were severely damaged, and the store was completely destroyed... They are currently gathering together to demand that we punish the murderer severely and compensate for the losses..."

"Damn Purifier..."

The request is reasonable, but it is another blow to his prestige. The only one who can provoke others to complete this matter is...


Just as he was thinking about how to calm the matter, his assistant trotted in in a panic, with fear on his face.

"What happened? Are you so panicked?"

The Congress Chairman frowned. He now wanted to change his assistant.

"It's not good... it's not good."

The assistant finally managed to catch his breath, "They, they are impeaching you!"


It was like a sledgehammer hit his forehead - the Congress president almost fainted.

"who are they?"

"Auror office..."

It's over...the matter of dividing the Aurors...

"More than two-thirds of the MPs...and..."

He didn't hear clearly the series of departments that should have been familiar to him. He just felt a heavier hammer hit the other side...

"They," the assistant didn't notice the ugly face of the Congress president, "they accused you of serious dereliction of duty and impeached you on seven counts..."

"Just this week, tomorrow afternoon..."

Countless gold stars appeared from the corners of my eyes - it was over.

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