From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 516 Collapse and Despair

By lunchtime, word had spread throughout the school that Professor Snape was not causing trouble for Gryffindor students in class.

Because this incident was so shocking, even the people in the staff lounge learned about this rather supernatural incident, and some professors even began to secretly ask whether the ghosts in the school were real—— This thing is so outrageous that almost no one dares to believe it is true.

"Hey, William, you said Professor Snape didn't really plan to change his career... How could that be so outrageous?"

Before lunch, Adams walked next to William and asked this question.

Professors also gossip in their spare time, but in most cases, their topics are either about which professor or what kind of stupid thing a kid in a certain grade did.

'It's true...but I'm afraid he will chase me with a wand...'

William suppressed a smile and resolutely did not reveal that Professor Snape spent a lot of money to be deceived and bought a bunch of fortune-telling equipment to deceive laymen - to be honest, this is not entirely Snape's fault. Professor, if he hadn't heard the trick from the liar in the cell, he would have been fooled too.

"I don't know about that," William said with his eyes open, "but he doesn't really like Potions class anyway. It's normal to suddenly find himself falling in love with divination."

"Don't like potions?"

Adams' eyes widened, then he laughed, "Your joke is not funny at all - Professor Snape doesn't like potions?"

"Look at the basement where he lives, look at his grades in Potions, and look at the various potion ingredients in his office - oh, you haven't been there..." He shook his head. He shook his head and said, "If you had seen it, you would know how much he likes potions!"

I've been there - but I didn't get the owner's permission...

"That's why I think he doesn't like potions..." William spread his hands, "You know, I'm in this business. I can tell at a glance whether he likes potions or not. He's just talented in this area. He's just so tall that it makes people jealous, but when it comes to liking him, he really doesn't have much..."

William's expression became serious, "Let me ask you, how many rare herbs have you grown now? Have you cultivated any new varieties of herbs on your own?"

"Rare... According to my own knowledge, there are currently seven species. According to the generally accepted knowledge, I have probably cultivated a little more than two-thirds of that list, right?"

When it comes to herbs, Adams gets excited, "You know, the growing conditions for some herbs are so harsh that even the greenhouse at Hogwarts can't simulate the environment they like... We are currently applying to build a plant a little further away. There is a small greenhouse near the Black Lake to cultivate some aquatic magic herbs."

"Yeah, it sounds very meaningful," William nodded, "What about the cultivation of new varieties?"

"In terms of variants, nine...but when it comes to truly new varieties that can be published in magazines or publish papers on their own, there are one and a half. There is only one that I came up with and cultivated alone, and the other one won the Dean's Award. Help comes from many aspects.”

"What about Professor Snape?"

William laughed, "Over the years, have you heard about the new recipes for potions that he released? Have you heard about his improvements to the steps for potion recipes in textbooks? Have you heard about the potions-related projects that he has actively participated in? Meetings and exchanges?”

"It seems like there really isn't..." Adams was stunned for a moment, "He just seems to be able to make any new medicine all at once. When teaching students, he can see the problems at a glance. I have never heard of him publishing in any magazine. Related research questions…”

"How did you find out about this, William?"

I'm also a professional pharmacist! I subscribe to relevant magazines and newspapers!

William rolled his eyes, "That's not important. What's important is that Professor Snape's favorite thing is actually dark magic - as you know, he has been seeking a position in our office."

Moreover, that guy's attainments in black magic are frighteningly high, and he even mastered the skill of flying...

William later replayed it several times, but no matter how he calculated it, Professor Snape used techniques related to black magic. He could not imitate it for the time being, but he would definitely not miss it.

"What do you mean?"

"He probably treats divination the same way as potions, and is going to try to use his talent to crush them all the way - other than that, I can't find a better explanation..."

"That makes sense...but it's almost dinner time, so why doesn't Professor Snape show up?"

While Adams was talking, the food appeared on the table.

"Isn't it really to the point where you forget to eat and sleep?"

William glanced at the empty seat over there and couldn't help but become suspicious - isn't it, is it really about the fortune teller?

That thing really requires talent, and ordinary wizards can't play it!


"Why do all the good things happen to fifth-grade students..."

When a group of professors suddenly got into a discussion with the Divination Board because of Professor Snape, the sixth grade students were sighing silently.

Except for these students who have just finished their OWLs year, didn't anyone in this school pay attention to the fact that Professor William didn't give the students a showdown in his first class?

Professor Snape's divination was just fun, but Professor William's test questions were the source of pain! Doesn't anyone care about this?

Unfortunately - not really.

The fifth graders can't imagine what the sixth graders went through. The seventh graders had a great time last year, and the guys below the fourth grade still don't know how evil the word OWLs is...

There is no need for Professor Snape's venomous tongue in Potions class, there is no need to make up the experience of being injured in Divination class, and even in self-defense class there is no need to work hard to deal with those damn test questions.

What's even more irritating is that during last year's Triwizard Tournament, they, who are now in sixth grade, had a very unhappy year because of the OWLs - this series of blows made them feel like the mutton chops in their mouths suddenly lost their taste.

It's so bullying - how can it be like this?

Yes, and even more so.

Just as the sixth grade students were preparing to return to the lounge after lunch, the official announcement came.

This is an official announcement of the treatment of the four warriors who brought glory to the school and won the Triwizard Tournament. It is posted at the entrance of each college lounge.

The announcement was much more complete than those received by the prefects, and detailed the privileges and benefits that each warrior would receive in the following days of school.

The last piece of Dumbledore's private lesson directly made the mentality of a group of sixth graders extremely sour.

Among last year's warriors, there was one in seventh grade, two in sixth grade, and one in fourth grade. They were preparing for the game while others were happily watching the game...

But - there is nothing to say. The assessment is real. Only a few of them have passed the minor examination, and the Goblet of Fire assessment has passed everyone.

"This is outrageous... Harry, now I want to sneak up on you and use Polyjuice Potion to transform into you and go to class."

In front of the bulletin board, Fred described his envy to Harry in an exaggerated tone. George nodded in agreement, indicating that he was thinking of a suitable action plan.

All the Gryffindors present had the same feeling at this moment - Dumbledore has been away from front-line teaching for almost 40 years, and he is still recognized as the first white wizard! To be taught by Dumbledore himself!

The overly enthusiastic eyes startled Harry. He had suffered enough stimulation today. First he was taken by the professor as a teaching assistant, and then he met the strange Professor Snape - he swore that he I never imagined that my painting style in OWLs would look like this!

"I'm not envious. The fifth grade class schedule is already extremely full, so what if we add Dumbledore's classes to it? Are you busy?"

Ron suddenly shouted in dissatisfaction, his tone obviously irritable.

He walked quickly ahead, and after taking a few steps, he suddenly turned around and said, "Harry, what are you doing standing still? There is Professor McGonagall's class in the afternoon!"

Harry was stunned for a moment, then apologized and caught up with Ron. After returning to the dormitory very quickly, Ron breathed a sigh of relief and said, "It's almost like eating did I perform?"

"not so good…"

Harry kept a straight face, but still couldn't hold back his laughter, "You scared me like that."

"It suddenly occurred to me..." Ron also laughed, "I only remembered after I came back that I could actually call them away as a prefect. Blocking the road in the lounge is against school rules."

"Forget it, Professor McGonagall will scold you."

As Harry spoke, he looked through the textbook he was going to use in the afternoon, "The first class in the afternoon is Transfiguration... There are two Transfiguration classes every week this year... The classes are fully occupied..."

"It's OWLs year..." Ron said as he rummaged through his summer homework, "Transfiguration, I heard that transfiguration in fifth grade is so difficult that people want to give up... By the way, I heard that Dumbledore used to be the Transfiguration professor. Now, do you think your class will be about transfiguration?"

"That's not right - Dumbledore will definitely have a lot of powerful spells. Maybe he will teach you some particularly powerful spells."

"You can't use it, Ron." After Harry made sure that everything he needed was put in his schoolbag, he lay back and fell on the bed, "Professor William said that it doesn't take mastering a few remote spells to become a successful person. A powerful wizard’s understanding and transformation of spells is more important.”

It's not like he hasn't learned some remote spells - but those are the ones that he uses best overall.

"I tried to record the spells and techniques. If Dumbledore really teaches them, I will show them to you secretly, just don't let others know - Dumbledore will definitely not like it."

But Ron was already snoring on his bed. The crazy homework before the holiday and the holiday lifestyle caused Ron, who had been in class all morning, to fall asleep quickly...


"Dumbledore's Lessons."

In just one afternoon, Snape's Divination class was no longer a hot topic among the students. Even the fifth-year students didn't care anymore - Professor Snape probably couldn't even take off his robe and run around the castle. It became news among the students as Dumbledore prepared to teach.

No one would say it wasn't worth it, it shouldn't be - the three people being taught were all warriors who had won honor for Hogwarts, but everyone couldn't help but feel a little sour in their hearts.

These people even include Miss Hermione Granger, the eternal number one in her year.

She was sincerely happy for Harry, but still a little jealous.

"Without serious study, practice, and application," Professor McGonagall said solemnly on the podium, "you will not be able to pass the 0WLs exam. I think that as long as you invest time and energy, all the students in this class will be able to pass the 0WLs exam." There’s no reason why you can’t get a 0.w.Ls pass certificate from the Transfiguration Course.”

"Today's lesson is the extremely difficult Vanishing Spell... I hope you are prepared for it."

"The first thing we have to experiment is the snail. It is the simplest creature used to experiment with the disappearing spell. What I must emphasize here is that this is an extremely dangerous spell. Although in most cases it will not cause accidents, But it’s still strictly prohibited to use it on wizards.”

As always, she quickly understood all the principles taught by Professor McGonagall, and mastered the entire spell with the previous review.

Next, all you need to do is——

When Hermione was about to try it for the first time, Professor McGonagall had already let out a sigh.

Before Hermione could figure out why the professor was sighing, an exclamation was heard in her ears.

"Gone, gone! He succeeded!"

He succeeded?

This was a scene Hermione had never imagined - or, in other words, such a scene had never appeared in the classroom she was used to.

She turned her head and saw the source of the scream.

Harry held the wand in an extremely skilful manner, and the large snail that should have been placed in front of him had long since disappeared.

"Ten points from Gryffindor."

Professor McGonagall nodded and recognized Harry's achievements.

Hermione hurriedly raised her wand and began to cast a spell on the snail in front of her - but after a spell, nothing happened.

She said nothing, gritted her teeth, adjusted herself slightly, and cast the spell again.

Another failure...

She bit her lip slightly, froze for a few minutes, and then carefully started casting the spell for the third time - this time, she finally succeeded.

The surrounding students did not cheer - although many of them paid attention when Hermione cast the spell for the first time, but now...

Even the dullest students are a bit strange.

Although Hermione won three points for Gryffindor, she couldn't be happier...

First the self-defense classes...and then the Transfiguration? She didn't know what she was thinking now - the mentality that she had finally adjusted to in the morning was...


While the other students began to try their own hands, Professor McGonagall stood in front of their table and said in a very soft voice that only the three of them could hear, "Potter... I think you can actually start to learn a certain amount of Transfiguration on your own. Class is over. Come to my office and I’ll give you a book list over there.”

"You should be more strict with yourself, not just stick to some things in class - of course, my personal suggestion is not to touch the knowledge of human body deformation for the time being."

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