From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 511 The Marching Hogwarts Express

"Why do you still have so much homework..."

Ron was having a headache looking at how much homework was left.

In previous years, the owl would have brought him help from afar, and he even had the energy to help Harry complete part of it after consulting it - Harry was really not suitable for completing summer homework, and this kind of thing Hermione It will definitely not be done with help.

‘No, no, I won’t ask for help at all this year! ’

Ron habitually shook his head and put away his thoughts when he was about to write a letter.

This year was different from previous years. He received a prefect badge - this unexpected surprise made him almost like Percy back then, and he almost had this thing pinned to his chest all day long.

After sharing it with his family, his first thought was to share it with Harry, but he soon realized something was wrong - the fact that he got the prefect badge meant that Harry had no chance of being a prefect.

This made him very uncomfortable and anxious. He even had the urge to write to ask if the school had made a mistake - you know, Harry had won the Triwizard Tournament as a college warrior last school year. The trophy was taken back...

'I always have to do something...'

Although no one asked him to do anything, Ron still planned to complete the summer homework for this school year by himself, and also thought about how to tell Harry that he had received the prefect badge...

'But, why the damn transformation is so difficult...'

"Da da…"

The knocking sound from the window made Ron wake up from his complaints. He glanced towards the window - it was Harry's Hedwig.

This discovery made his heart feel heavy and his steps slowed down.

He hadn't yet decided how to talk to Harry about this.

So, of course, because of his too slow movements, Hedwig pecked his fingers twice - everyone is so familiar with them, why are you still so slow?

With some guilt, Ron opened Harry's letter.


Ron, seriously, I feel like I'm going to die - you know, I just finished my summer homework and then I saw this letter from the school...

This is really an extremely terrifying thing!

Fifth grade curriculum! Training from Professor William! Training with Professor Moody! There are also Dumbledore's lessons once a week!

I can't complain to Hermione about these things! You know what she would say! 】

'She'll be jealous to death, Dumbledore's personal teaching. ’

Ron grinned - although the two of them were good friends with Hermione, there was no way he could talk about this kind of related complaints to Hermione.

Hermione never felt that she had too much homework, she only hated that she had not studied enough...

Especially Dumbledore's personal teaching - not to mention Hermione, even Ron himself felt that adding such an extra class was not too much even in the fifth grade.


It's really a terrible nightmare - by the way, I read the professor's letter. It seems that you were elected prefect, and so was Hermione. I didn't have time to congratulate you...

'He knows? ’

Ron felt relieved - now he didn't have to worry about how to tell Harry about this.

[…But I’m not bad either. Let me tell you secretly, Snape can’t deduct my points this year! I can't wait to see his expression, it will be very interesting!

Although this year will be extremely busy, but thinking about this, I can still barely accept it...]

‘That’s going to be great. ’

Ron laughed and read the letter again.

This is simply not great - Harry suddenly received a lot of enviable privileges due to his outstanding performance last school year, but he is not bad either, he is now a prefect...

Everyone is coming in...wait a minute!

Ron looked at the beginning of the letter, then at the owl eating food there, and quickly made a decision that was not difficult.

【Harry! Help! Operation! ! ! Transfiguration, Potions and Divination classes! ! !

ps: I will convince my mother to go shopping in Diagon Alley tomorrow, hoping to meet you. 】

After hurriedly writing such words on the parchment, Ron handed it to Hedwig, who nodded slightly.

"Please, Hedwig!"

He opened the window and watched Hedwig leave.


"You two have brought all your things!"

Sirius stood under the platform and watched Lupine and Harry board the Hogwarts Express.

"No problem, I've got everything!"

Harry and Lupine waved and boarded the train.

Another school year has begun. Sirius ended his vacation and continued to open his detective agency, while Lupine and Harry returned to school to start a new semester.

After finding a box at the back, the two squeezed to the window, and then waved their hands again towards Sirius below.

Sirius whistled, then turned and left in an unusually cool manner.

Although parent visits are strictly prohibited at Hogwarts - but the school governor is not among those restricted...

But this year was the year of OWLs, so he thought it would be better for Harry to study hard in school.

"It's time to have a good adventure. My bones are feeling a little rusty during this holiday..."

He stretched himself for a while, then left the platform, preparing to return to his office - the gold coins and Dobby had already gone there first, and he hoped to encounter some interesting things this year instead of constantly looking for cats and catching cheaters...


"Leave my luggage here, you have to go to the prefects' box, Harry."

Lupine watched Sirius walk away and said to Harry with a smile, "If you stay in this box with me, I'm afraid not many people will be willing to come here. Moreover, according to the notice I received before, Silla Professor Ghorn will also be on today's train..."

It was pleasant to stay with Lupine, but forget about the other professor - especially Harry didn't like Professor Slughorn very much, which made him more determined to leave.

"OK, all right."

Harry nodded, then carried the box and walked towards the prefects' box.

That was the largest box - although he didn't like using such privileges indiscriminately, he didn't resent it since Ron and Hermione were probably there.

Of course, it would be even better if we could meet Qiu and stay in a box together...


"School is about to start."

William glanced out the window. He didn't come to school on the Hogwarts Express this year.

‘I’m still a little used to it all of a sudden - but then again, from tonight on, I can no longer fly a broom on the Black Lake at will. ’

‘I haven’t got the class schedule for this semester yet. I’ll go to Professor McGonagall later to get the class schedule first. "

‘In my words, this year should be 365, in Lupin’s words 14, and in Professor Moody’s 27th grade - this year’s arrangement is such that there will be no Triwizard Tournament to disrupt the situation this year. ’

Since there is no Triwizard Tournament this year, if the students' learning status is good enough, he plans to reduce the number of courses appropriately.

Last year, it was so tense that many students cried bitterly during the last period. This was not good - he was here to teach students to learn, not to make them risk their lives.

‘There could be more practical training courses, and the incentives could be stronger...’

He began to make slight adjustments according to the amount of the whole year, and soon came up with this year's teaching outline.

"That's it. While the weather is fine, let's get another fish to eat. It won't be so leisurely when school starts."


In the prefect's box, a group of prefects looked enviously at Mr. Meng sitting there doing nothing, but no one could say anything.

Now they have learned that these warriors who have won the championship enjoy the treatment of prefects - which is very enviable.

Although the prefects have a separate box, the time they can sit down is very short.

A group of students who had been unable to cast spells all summer long were eager to use their magic wands to do something immediately. In addition, a group of first-year students who knew nothing came into the car - this management difficulty was not ordinary.

Now is the time for the student union president to assign tasks to the prefects, arrange the areas for inspection, and explain the rights and obligations of the prefects to the new prefects. When the train starts, everyone has to go out on duty.

But the warriors who enjoy the treatment of superiors are different - they can stay in the spacious box as much as they want and enjoy this privilege.

In the past, it would have been fine when everyone was out on duty, but now the comparison is really uncomfortable.

Especially Cedric - he is a prefect himself, and enjoying the treatment of a prefect is not a reward for him. He also has to watch Harry and Montague enjoying the box happily...

"By the way, where is Harry?"

After explaining what was to be done to the new prefects, Cedric, the new president of the Boys' Student Union, asked about Ron and Hermione.

"I don't know, we haven't seen it either."

Ron and Hermione looked at each other and shook their heads.

"With Qiu, we met."

The two new prefects of Ravenclaw happily revealed the information without any intention of hiding it.

"Then it seems he has no intention of coming."

Cedric shook his head, "We are going on a patrol, Montague, do you want to come and take a look?"

"Not interested, wish you good luck!"

Montague waved his hand cheerfully, and the smile on his face made people want to pull out the wand and start a duel.


"There is a new Potions Professor this year. He is the former dean of Slytherin House. Sirius said that his courses are very good..."

Due to the circle of eyes around him, Harry could only briefly communicate with Qiu about the events since the last communication, and then began to follow their topic.

Speaking of Slughorn, Harry regretfully thought of one thing - according to Sirius's previous analysis, Slughorn taught fifth grade, so the Slughorn he shared with Ron There is no way to achieve the picture of helplessness.

"Hey, the new professor? I don't know if he has a good temper or not - I don't know how many grades he teaches..."

A group of students who had just been promoted to sixth grade looked very relaxed at the moment, and they were quite confident when discussing their professors - they were in advanced classes this year, and not to mention their optional courses, the professors were even gentler than the others.

Even Professor William, who was like a devil last school year, was as gentle as a different person when he treated the sixth graders.

Just like what many former sixth-grade students recommended - the most painful course in fifth grade is self-defense, but the happiest course in sixth grade is self-defense...

"You must learn self-defense, otherwise I'd be sorry for the torture we endured last year - I'm really curious, is the sixth grade course really that good?"

"Yes, yes... But they all come back from class smiling, and it doesn't look like they are cheating..."

"What other subjects do you recommend? I don't want to choose so many courses..."

Just when a group of students were chatting lively, the door of the box was suddenly knocked open.

"They said Harry Potter was in this box—"

A junior student poked his head in and said, "Well, let me give this invitation to him."

A bunch of parchment tied with a purple ribbon was handed over. Harry took it doubtfully. After saying thank you, the junior student stumbled away.


Harry unfolded the parchment amid the confused looks of the others.


I would be very happy if you could have lunch with me in Car No. C.

Yours faithfully

Professor H.E.F. Slughorn]

"Wow, an invitation from the new professor!"

There was a lot of chattering in the box.

Harry glanced at Qiu, but the invitation did not say that he could bring a companion...

But it’s impossible not to go to the professor—it’s extremely rude and can easily leave a very bad impression on others.

Fortunately, Qiu also smiled and urged him to go to the appointment quickly - for most students who are still studying, being invited by the professor to have lunch is a great and very cool thing.

He excused himself hurriedly and walked along the crowded crowd.

'I don't know what happened to Lupine... Professor Slughorn didn't seem to be in the box with him. ’

While he was thinking about it, Harry suddenly saw Montague wandering over there - even though the other party was a Slytherin, he was still able to communicate as a team last school year.

"Harry," Montague waved his hand faster than Harry, "are you going to the banquet too?"


Harry nodded and leaned over.

"You also received it, the letter about private classes after school starts."

Montague lowered his voice, his tone full of yearning.


To be precise - there are other courses... so many that I'm going to collapse...

"Yeah, it's really an unexpected surprise... We did a good job last school year, didn't we?"

"This is much better than being a prefect," said Montague in a low voice. "Speaking of prefects, remember Draco - I heard that he was originally going to be chosen this time, but his family rejected him."

? ? ?

Harry was a little confused - Malfoy had hardly shown his presence during this period, so why did Montague say this?

"Actually, if he is elected, it will definitely not be a good thing - since the incident happened in his family, not many people like him. If people are opposed, he will not be able to be a prefect."

"In other words... as long as you do well enough, that's all the prefects do. We did a good job last year. I bet if you are elected prefect, no one will object."

"So don't get carried away, Harry, we're getting a lot more than the prefects."

Meng Tai said earnestly.

"Well, I didn't get too emotional and refused to go to the prefect's box...Actually, I just wanted to go on a date with Qiu..."

Montagu remained silent for a moment and quickened his pace - it was too much. He had not been so seriously injured during the Triwizard Tournament...

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