From Azkaban To Hogwarts

Chapter 508 Aftermath

After putting his clothes back on, William discovered that his forehead was covered in cold sweat.

If he hadn't seen Dumbledore almost fall into the trap this time, it would have been impossible for him to doubt the authenticity of the so-called 'system'.

Even when he really came to check himself with basilisk venom and phoenix tears, he wondered if he was too suspicious - but the fact was that he easily checked out the damn Horcrux.

Thanks to the fact that Hogwarts has been relatively peaceful recently, he has not used many of the so-called drawn cards, which also makes him less dependent on the power of the Horcrux, which makes the Horcrux not It doesn't affect him very much.

Judging from what happened to Ginny and Lockhart, there is no doubt that Horcruxes will use their own knowledge to seduce the user - and the Horcrux that bewitched him was even better and did a perfect job in bewitching him. Package.

“First of all, it’s a system that appears suddenly but doesn’t feel too out of the ordinary for me…”

"Then, there's the first card, the escape card from Menton - if I had been greedy and chosen to escape from prison..."

There is no doubt that for a person behind bars, quickly escaping from that hellish place is the first priority - an ordinary prison is scary enough, but Azkaban is a purgatory within purgatory...

"The first card started to deceive people... If I had escaped at that time, I would have absolutely relied on the system created by the Horcrux in all aspects."

"But it's a pity that the temptation of magic allows me to tolerate the environment in Azkaban temporarily, and the relative safety in Azkaban makes me have no strong desire to escape."

"No - how can he be sure of escaping?"

"Apparating in Azkaban... The Ministry of Magic had a tight siege there. Even Sirius escaped through the Animagus... If I had used that card at that time, how could he help me? Escape?"

Fortunately, William collected a lot of information in this area - thanks to the dementors, he was extremely concerned about Azkaban.

Soon, he found relevant information. He reviewed the information and then focused on a few paragraphs in the information.

[...The small North Sea island where the wizard prison is located cannot be plotted on the map, and it cannot be discovered by wizards or Muggles. An evil wizard named Extis was probably the first inhabitant, building a fortress on the island and managing to lure Muggle sailors there and torture them to death.

After Extis's death, the concealment spell he had used on the fortress and island ceased. It was only then that the Ministry of Magic became aware of the existence of such an island.


Another document contains the memoirs of the investigators at the time.

[...Those sent to investigate have since refused to talk about what they found inside, and the least horrifying part of it is that the place has become a dementor's haven. 】

‘I just remember having these things. ’

William nodded—Azkaban was formerly the sinister castle of a wizard named Extis, who cultivated dementors wantonly on the island.

‘So, is it Herbo or that Extis? ’

He couldn't be sure at once - the person who could so easily exploit the loopholes in the prison set up by the Ministry of Magic was most likely the original owner of the prison, Extis, although the data showed that he was dead and the castle was occupied by dementors. Possession, but how can a dark wizard die so easily?

Those things that were refused to be mentioned are naturally all kinds of evil black magic experiments, immortality, resurrection... There are all kinds of black magic methods... It is not difficult to make a Horcrux...

But what about Haierbo?

He is a recognized master of black magic. He was the first to cultivate the basilisk and the first to invent the Horcrux. People who don't know Haierbo have never been exposed to real black magic.

Nico Flamel can live to this day, so there is no reason why the master of black magic cannot find a way to live forever - black magic is actually better at those things.

'Forget it, there is not enough evidence, I'm afraid I can't make a judgment on this...'

William shook his head and stopped worrying about the specific identity of the Horcrux.

'He has been guiding me to learn black magic, using all kinds of tempting black magic learning talents to seduce me deeper...'

'Moreover, the predictions on those cards are also very abrupt - many things that have not happened have been predicted. This is simply the biggest insult to the system itself...'

'He's trying to act like an all-knowing, all-powerful system, but he's not really a prophet... He predicts all the things I should know about, and then mixes in his views on magic and the rest... It seems awesome, but even Even the most basic predictions don't look like...'

'Miss Hermione Granger did not attack Professor Snape at all in her third year. This is the best evidence! ’

'It's funny to say... Because I feel too disconnected from reality, and there are other ways to improve my strength, I try not to touch the system, and he doesn't have to rack his brains to make up various cards to avoid being too exposed. Many flaws. ’

‘That’s why we’ve been in peace and harmony for so long... I’m afraid he’s been thinking hard about making up cards for the elixir of fortune some time ago...’

'Also, they are all students in Hogwarts, but some people have been introduced a lot, and some people, even if they are very good, have not been introduced much...'

When one thing is wrong, more things emerge - a lie is a lie after all, and a lie needs to be covered up with a hundred lies until it can no longer be covered up.

"It's so... that sentence in the textbook is so true, never believe in something that has its own thoughts..."

While shaking his head, he carefully collected the venom used to destroy the Horcruxes, restored everything to their original state, then sat on the chair and began to recall the time when he had not mastered much magic.

"The backup I had been preparing turned out to be the existence that wanted to harm me the most... It's just..."

"By the way... there is also the Animagus. I originally planned to study the Animagus this summer, but suddenly I decided to choose between Greece and Voodoo..."


As if remembering something, he opened his Chocolate Frog card collection book, took out the Haierbo card, and started reading.

It clearly says that Herbo is a Greek wizard...

‘So even studying those curses was induced? Maybe you will find some item belonging to Haierbo, which will greatly increase the power of the Horcrux? ’

'Probably not...Am I frightened by that guy? I'm thinking of relying on the Horcrux...'

William laughed at himself, then soaked the coin in the basilisk venom and sealed it - although theoretically it was fine, he still felt relieved to soak it in the basilisk's venom...

"I'm going to have dinner... If I stay here any longer, I'm afraid I'll scare myself to death...'



Lupine began to roar again—but this time it was not for no reason.

The reason is simple. In front of the wolf transformed by Harry's Animagus is a large basin, and in the basin is a large basin of bloody raw beef.

When Lupine came in, the wolf that Harry had transformed still had a few traces of blood on its mouth.

"Harry is not a wolf!"

Lupine hurried over to stop him, but this time he was stopped by Sirius.

"No, he can be - I hope he is more like him, instead of being stupid and recognized at a glance!"

Sirius stopped Lupine while encouraging Harry.

"Try to bite the bone, Harry, you can do it, imagine yourself eating nobly!"

"You're crazy!"

"I'm teaching him how to survive! If he wants to use Animagus transformation to escape, he must look like a wolf and not be discovered by others as a fake at a glance!"

"This is how I survived and ran out. Everything else can be perfunctory, but Animagus cannot transform!"

After Lupine's protest failed, he could only leave angrily, leaving behind Harry, who was still in the state of transformation, and Sirius, who had become extremely serious.

"Okay, next, run, jump, and dodge like a wolf. You have to learn how to survive in the Animagus state so that when people see you, they won't think you are obtrusive, just like the traitor. No one will." I suspect he is a wizard turned mouse!"

Sirius said as he opened the door to the next room, "Try to get over the obstacles. Gold Coin and I have arranged enough obstacles in this room. It's time for you to give it a try!"


Harry whispered in response, sounding very - cute and cute...

"Be strong, Harry!"

Sirius repeated his criticism - he would never allow Harry to slack off on this.

'I always feel like it's just like the professor...'

Harry was thinking as he howled louder - compared to the previous training, the current training always felt a little shameful to him... Whether it was the way of walking, the sound of communication, or eating raw meat, it was very It made him feel very strange.

But there is no doubt that this is useful knowledge…

'It's probably enough for the professor to come, but...'

He howled softly and jumped over the first barrier very quickly.

"Great, next one!!!"


"You don't look well, William."

At the fire beside Hagrid's hut, Adams was dealing with the last ingredients and talking to William.

"Because I was scared."

William sighed, and then continued to use the transformation spell to conjure the sign.

"Scared? Did something terrible happen?"

"I almost got scammed."

"Didn't you also teach fraud prevention in your class?"

Hagrid lowered his head curiously, trying to hear more clearly.

"Yes, but the other party is very experienced, so I am just a little bit away from being fooled."

William sighed, "Forget it, let's not talk about this anymore, how was your summer vacation?"

"As I said, greenhouses, meetings, that's all. But if I have to talk about something new, I remember that there was a riot of magical creatures in the Forbidden Forest a few days ago - I almost forgot to ask, Hagrid, what was that?"

Adams thought for a while and suddenly remembered to ask Hagrid.

Hagrid, who was listening to the conversation, immediately turned his head and started busy with the lamb in his hand...

'This is too perfunctory and obvious'

William and Adams read the information on each other's faces at the same time, and then changed the topic in a very tacit understanding - Hagrid always does some very cruel things in the Forbidden Forest, but this matter... barely falls within the responsibilities of Professor of Magical Creatures. …

"By the way, Adams, do you have any mandrake leaves over there? It's best to have them fresh."

William first changed the subject - he planned to try Animagus during the rest of the summer vacation, so as not to delay another year.

"Which one do you want for...that thing is really too..."

Adams thought for a while but couldn't find the perfect adjective, "That's simply a living nightmare!"


The shadow is so big? Wasn't it the last time he came to teach?

"Can't dry leaves be used? How do you plan to use them?"

"I want to try an Animagus."

Anyway, William didn't intend to use this as a trump card. To him, Animagus was more like an attempt at transformation.

"Then you can use dry leaves...but, your transformation technique?"

"Please ask Professor McGonagall - I helped a lot today!"

William boasted unceremoniously - today he took Professor McGonagall to see Dumbledore in person, who seemed to be under control. It shouldn't be too much to mess with the Transfiguration class.

"I'm not very optimistic that you can understand that spell," Adams shook his head decisively, "The rest is easy to say. The last step of transformation is almost impossible to explain. Those who know it will learn it after a while, but those who don't will just have to learn it... "

"I will give you the dried leaves tomorrow, but as you know, the next full moon will be more than half a month away."

"Just in time, I'll read a book."

The two of them kept talking, and it wasn't until the things were placed on the fire that they realized that Hagrid hadn't said anything for a long time.

When William and Adams looked at Hagrid, the surprise on Hagrid's face did not even disappear.



You write your answer too clearly on your face...


"It's over at last, Bertha."

The Dark Lord tapped his Death Eater's head with his new wand - he was extremely pleased with his new companion.

"Yes, Lord Dark Lord."

"So," Tom smiled very proudly, "What is it that you have forgotten?"

"Barty Crouch attacked me," Bertha said with disbelief on her face, "I didn't expect...I didn't expect..."

"Barty Crouch?"

"Yes, Barty Crouch - he attacked me because I overheard him talking to his house elf!"

Bertha looked up, her eyes hardened.

"He imprisoned his son, Barty Crouch Jr., in the house and controlled him with the Imperius Curse! That young man is loyal to you, Lord Dark Lord! He seems to have been planning to escape to find you!"


"Yes, Lord Dark Lord."

"He actually..."

The expression on Voldemort's face softened a little, and after half a minute of silence, he said, "His loyalty will be rewarded, but now is not the time. Bertha - is there any news about the former headmaster?"

"Not yet, it seems someone is helping him... We are unable to determine his whereabouts."

"Hurry up and find him, he is a restless factor... Also, Bertha... we need more people to join our cause..."

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