From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 1411 Aqionghan Quagmire

Qiao Liang looked at Mohammed Jacob in front of him, and he said with a heavy expression: "Jacob, I hope you can let people negotiate with the tribal armed forces inside the Golden Crescent. If any of them are willing to help us When the special forces are rescued from the mountains, I will provide them with rewards they cannot imagine..."

As the military leader of the younger generation of Tower L class, Jacob couldn't help but feel a little moved when faced with the conditions offered by Qiao Liang.

Because in the past few months, he had gained some understanding of Jialiang trade through various inquiries, and Qiao Liang had proposed a series of agricultural reform plans, which deeply hit the political point of the Ta L class...

Seeing the young man in front of him showing a hint of anxiety for the first time in months, Jacob shook his head helplessly and said: "Qiao, I really want to help you, but our main force is now in the north.

The security battle around Kabul continues, and there is still a lot that needs to be done for the interim government to come to power next month.

Joe, I have called several brother tribes in the south, but their attitudes are not very good, because your brother bombed 40 drug processing plants last night, causing extremely serious losses.

If he could blow up those tribal warlords or leaders of terrorist organizations at that time, I might have some ideas now...

But now those people are not dead. While they are eager to express their position by attacking P·B, they also want to obtain sufficient compensation by defeating P·B. "

Jacob looked at Qiao Liang, who had an ugly face, and said with a wry smile: "Qiao, you and Jackal are all magical people, but you actually don't understand Aqiong Khan's survival logic.

Aqiong Khan has experienced decades of invasion and war. In order to protect their dignity and interests, the people here will do many things that are unthinkable to you civilized people. "

After hearing this, Qiao Liang frowned and said in a deep voice: "Including drug trafficking and creating terrorist attacks?"

Jacob was silent for a moment and said: "It's all for survival. Drug trafficking is for survival. Joining or forming an extremist organization or even creating terrorist attacks is all for survival...

Because drug trafficking allows them to make money, and so do extremist organizations...

Establishing an extremist organization can comfort many people who are filled with anger, and can also obtain sponsorship from NGOs in need...

Without this money, many people in Afghanistan would starve to death! "

As he spoke, Jacob picked up the somewhat broken teapot and poured himself a cup of black tea. He picked up the cup but did not take a sip. Instead, he stared at the somewhat turbid tea and said with a wry smile: "Qiao, we want to change. This situation is why you, a Chinese, can convince us to believe your logic...

But the prerequisite for implementing this logic is to calm Kabul and establish an Afghan government that can be recognized by the outside world.

We have been working hard for twenty years and finally we are here today!

If you are facing just one or two tribes or extremist organizations, I will not hesitate to lead my people to the west to fight against them.

But the Jackal has offended too many people at once. It is impossible for me to let our people go to collective war with the tribes in the west. Aqiong Khan cannot afford the civil war! "

Qiao Liang looked at Jacob who was always staring at the tea but did not dare to look at him. He suddenly shook his head in disappointment and said, "Mr. Jacob, all the reasons you mentioned are valid.

But I want to tell you that you missed an opportunity to become a true ally with P.B. You also missed an opportunity for P.B. to take care of Afghanistan as it takes care of the Syrian safe zone.

If you only talk about politics, then what you will have to face in the future will also be politics...

There is no friendship or sympathy, only politics, interests, compromise, exchange..."

As he spoke, Qiao Liang stood up, stretched out his hand to Jacob, and said: "You want to see P.B. crack down on the tribal armed forces in the west and clear the way for you to form a provisional government, and you will see it!

You will get what you want, but in return, the land near Ismail's Well needs to be transferred to P·B as a reward.

At the same time, the power facilities and communication facilities built by P·B around Kandahar will no longer be free. We will set up a management company to manage those infrastructures for a fee.

In the next 10 years, if the copper ore production you provide every year can meet the needs of the contract, we will transfer the shares to you year by year at a share of 5%, and 50% will be the upper limit...

Don't worry, the agricultural reform plan I promised will still be implemented. Even if you are unwilling to cooperate, please don't stop us from changing the agricultural ecology of the Golden Crescent region.

Once you are willing to crack down on the drug economy in the interior of Afghanistan, we are still willing to cooperate with you and help you obtain funds internationally.

But those will no longer be free! "

Jacob held Qiao Liang's hand, stared in disbelief and said, "Are those free?"

Qiao Liang nodded slightly and said: "It used to be, but not anymore!

I said, you don’t even know what you’re missing? "

As he spoke, Qiao Liang looked at Jacob, whose expression changed drastically. He nodded formulaically and said, "Mr. Jacob, I understand your difficulties and can clearly understand your demands...

But business is business, P·B sells safety, and increases trade and sales channels. These all come with a price! "

After Qiao Liang nodded politely, he turned around and walked out of the house. Under the escort of several bodyguards, he got into a car and headed to Kabul Airport. He was going to take a plane to Kandahar...

On the way to the airport, Qiao Liang took out his satellite phone and dialed a number he had never dialed before...

"My brother needs help, and I know you guys must know what's going on there, and you can't just stand by and watch forever..."

"what do you want?"

"I don't know. I only know that the US military's 'Operation Red Wings' made them lose face in Afghanistan. PB cannot and should not face that situation."



When Qiao Liang made the call, four long-range Scorpion drones had already taken off from Ganzi, heading northwest from Pakistan into the Hindu Kush Mountains, and flew towards the western part of Afghanistan.


In the Djibouti base, Commander Qingshan took off his military uniform and boarded a plane with a command team.


Inside Gwadar Port, Li Weiguo, who received the notice, began to urge the port to unload the cargo, and contacted freight and security. The six Wing Loong 3 and technical team members from afar will speed up to Kandahar.


At this time, Boss Qiao was watching 6 Chinooks and 6 Black Hawks take off...

The enemy has needle-type portable anti-aircraft missiles produced in Russia. The risk of helicopters entering the combat area is extremely high, especially in mountainous areas where there are not many places suitable for landing or even hovering.

The destination of the former government army's special operations team was not to go to the mountains to support the Huya Team.

Instead, they flew to the eastern part of the Mandalay Mountains to establish a defense line to prevent Huya Team from being attacked from both front and rear. At the same time, they moved forward to search for support in the direction of Huya Team's evacuation.

These transport helicopters will make multiple trips to deliver as many P.B. ground forces and Kandahar City Guard personnel as possible to the area near Mandal.

Last night's bombing was like poking a hornet's nest. After being threatened by Boss Joe, 'Varys' deliberately released the news, encouraging the tribal armed forces and extremist organizations that had suffered huge losses to go to the mountains to encircle the Huya Team.

From the beginning, there were about 400 armed personnel of the Baloch Liberation Organization in the Mandal area, which suddenly grew to thousands, and the number of personnel continued to increase. People from all directions were rushing towards Mandal.

In the entire Golden Crescent area, more than half of the armed personnel commanded by tribal drug lords were mobilized.

When it was almost dawn, the soldiers of the Eagle Brigade of the Combined Battalion arrived near Mandalay, and then they fought with unknown militants...

With all advantages in reconnaissance, communications, equipment, and firepower, the combined battalion easily repelled the opponent's attack.

But when they wanted to move forward, they encountered constant harassment and their movement was slowed down.

At this time, Boss Qiao, who was in the command center, realized why NATO had weapons that were a hundred times more powerful, but there was nothing they could do against the Tower L class hiding in the Hindu Kush Mountains...

The traffic mess inside Afghanistan and the rugged terrain make it impossible for most heavy armored vehicles to leave the main road and move quickly.

P·B's light synthetic battalion is slightly better, but really it's just a little better.

Faced with endless harassment, the cost of each attack by the synthetic battalion was extremely high.

They covered the accompanying infantry and carried out several counterattacks, but they could not catch up with the opponent at all.

Eyes in the sky can guide direct fire attacks, but the combined battalion's artillery reserve is limited.

Boss Qiao was willing to hit an enemy with one shell, but with this attack, the combined battalion might not be able to wait for follow-up ammunition support and would be surrounded by the enemy.

The P·B Air Force, which Boss Qiao has always been proud of, was completely defeated this time.

The existence of portable anti-aircraft missiles has increased the flight risk of the Super Tucano exponentially.

The Super Tucano, whose selling point is low-speed cruising, is safe if it flies too high, but if the target on the ground cannot be seen clearly, its cover performance will be reduced in half.

Hanging the Hellfire and cruising at low speed in the mountainous area, the attack efficiency has increased, but to be honest, the power of the Hellfire is very average in open areas. It cannot cause too much damage to the opponent, and the Toucan will become the enemy's most vulnerable target. Good goal.

The complex terrain of mountainous areas and the sophistication of the enemy have led to a decrease in the detection efficiency of unmanned airships. Small-power aerial bombs are of little use, and high-power bombs have a low cost-effectiveness ratio. Moreover, no one knows if the explosion caused a landslide. Will it pose any danger to the special forces team?

The two Su-27s have been cruising in circles since they returned to the combat zone with additional missiles. From time to time, they used missiles to bomb some seemingly valuable targets on the ground, but the effect was far below Boss Qiao's expectations.

Fighting in the mountains is like an elephant facing a swarm of ants...

The elephant has to carefully avoid being sprained and at the same time, it has to accurately attack the ants. This is really difficult!

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