From arms dealer to king of war

Chapter 1403 Legal Expert

Integrity is a very positive quality, especially in chaotic places. When "integrity" has power, it will have the power to bring order to chaos.

The guy sent by Tajik Class L spoke a little awkwardly, and he spoke in Tajik that even the Tajik team couldn't understand. However, as long as you ignore this guy's uncoordinated use of his hands and feet, his tone and demeanor were almost " The word integrity is written on his face.

Rigid, conservative, rigorous, and unsmiling in words and deeds...

No matter how many people laughed at P·B, this guy seemed to have no feelings and kept doing what he did.

He stood at the foot of the steps and said a few words loudly, then walked up the steps and handed a letter to Boss Qiao...

As long as this guy doesn't walk with those funny moves and just stands there and matches his appearance and temperament, he will look like the great master of the Arab world.

There is no film school in Aqionghan, and Boss Qiao doesn't believe that anyone can perform "honest".

In fact, even if that guy is really acting, as long as he can keep acting, that's a good thing.

After opening the envelope and taking a look at it, Qiaojia, who did not know Arabic writing, regretfully handed the letter to Ayo beside him...

Who can believe that Ayou, who was illiterate a few years ago, can now easily read and write English and Arabic, while Boss Qiao, a college student studying veterinary medicine, is at a loss for Arabic.

Ayew took the letter, read it for a while, and said, “Boss, this is the Taliban’s appointment document.

This guy's name was Rashid, and he was appointed judge and chief of security in Kandahar. "

Jorgia glanced at Rashid and found that the man had been staring into his eyes with a bull's eye.

Boss Qiao, a man who had been through a lot of blood, looked at this guy with some instinctive unnaturalness.

Rashid's clothes were shabby and his behavior was inappropriate for the times, but his eyes were bright and clean.

Boss Qiao will never be wrong about this kind of thing, but a middle-aged man in his forties, especially in a place like Aqionghan, will make Boss Qiao feel instinctively awkward.


Rashid said a series of words, but Boss Qiao could only vaguely understand a few of them. He waved helplessly to the Tajik team and said, "Radar, come and help me translate..."

‘Radar’ walked up to Boss Qiao with a grimace and said: “Boss, my Tajik is not particularly good, this guy speaks a certain dialect, and I can’t quite understand what he just said.

How about letting the old squad leader Bayika give it a try..."

Qiaojia really didn’t want to deal with people like Rashid, so he waved to the ‘Radar’ and said: “The Tiger Tooth Team is responsible for providing basic training to these, um, Kandahar law enforcement teams.

Let them change their clothes and learn military discipline. Later, I will organize some personnel from the United Nations to provide them with legal and law enforcement training. "


‘Radar’ pointed at his nose and said distressedly: “Boss, I still have a lot of things to do.”

Qiao Jia glared at Radar and said unhappily: "If you don't agree, I will make you unable to do anything. Do you believe it?"

'Radar' nodded dejectedly and agreed. Just when he was about to greet Rashid, the uninvited guest, to leave, Rashid suddenly said in proficient English: "I am the judge of Kandahar appointed by the Taliban. From now on, we will take over Kandahar." Policing.”

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment, frowned and looked at Rashid in front of him, and said in a deep voice: "Are you kidding me?"

Rashid shook his head seriously and said: "No, I think you should speak your own language in your own country..."

Qiao Jia was choked for a moment and said in a funny tone: "You are the ones who want to communicate with me now. What's the point of talking to me in a language I don't understand and wasting our mutual time?"

Rashid said seriously with a straight face: "No, sir, I am telling you that Afghanistan is a multi-ethnic country with many ethnic groups and languages.

If you can't communicate smoothly with the locals, many of the things you said will simply not be realized.

The United States has been working hard here for twenty years, but they only force everyone to cooperate with them, but they never really try to understand us. "

After hearing this, Qiao Jia nodded unexpectedly and said, "You are right, I understand that I am not omnipotent, so you appear here.

I don't need to deliberately convince anyone, because P·B will not stay in Afghanistan for a long time.

The rights of Afghanistan should belong to the people of Afghanistan! "

Rashid made a lot of preparations before coming, including how Boss Joe would respond to his own toughness...

As a result, Boss Qiao's blow was like a punch on cotton!

Looking at Boss Qiao’s smiling expression, Rashid said seriously: “If what you say is true, then you should hand over all power in Kandahar to the Taliban, because only we can lead this country on the right track. "

Qiaojia was amused by Rashid's naivety. He pointed to the barbed wire fence outside the base and said with a smile: "There are tens of thousands of Afghans gathered outside. Go into them without a gun and ask. See, See if they agree with your ideas.

Brother, I am willing to hand over the administrative and public security powers of Kandahar to you. This does not mean that I agree with you, but because you are the 'least bad choice' compared to the current government of Afghanistan. "

As he spoke, Chorale led Memnon of the Bat Team to him, pointed to the lion armband on his arm and said, "Did you see it?

P·B, Lion, we are a private military contracting company, and we have no intention of coveting your sovereignty.

We are here because many people are worried about a humanitarian disaster in Afghanistan as the Taliban takes power.

You must not say that everyone is just imagining it, you did it once in 1996!

You said that the Taliban can lead Afghanistan to the right track, I have no problem...

In fact, you shouldn't tell me that if you can convince everyone to believe you, I can leave right away. "

After hearing this, Rashid was silent for a moment and then said: "If the outside world interferes with our laws and systems for a long time and makes people have unrealistic imaginations, we will not be able to convince everyone."

Qiao Jia sneered and said: "That is your problem. Allowing different voices and even critical voices to exist is an important sign of whether a regime is open.

Some voices may not always be right, but they still represent the positions and demands of some people. Politicians must consider how to mediate and balance and win the approval of the majority of people, rather than simply beating the other party to death with one shot. .

Look at yourselves, you are not a regime recognized by the international community in the first place!

You are now the weak side, and using actions to convince the outside world of your belief is your only option. "

As he spoke, Qiaojia looked at Rashid, who looked unconvinced, and said earnestly: "Man, the door of the United Nations is open, but there are conditions for walking in.

You want others to respect you, your traditions, and your rights, so as a vulnerable party, you must first respect other people's values ​​during the dialogue.

You are very humble when talking to the United States, but why do you talk so much nonsense when it is my turn?

In the past, you always resented others' interference in you, but have you ever thought that when others give up on you, they will not have any dialogue with you, will not provide you with any investment, and will not give you the opportunity to join the global trade circle...

You're going to fucking starve to death and die in obscurity!

I'm here to fucking help you, if you don't want it then just say so.

I would make Kandahar and Spinbuldak in the south a safe zone and push for the United Nations Trusteeship Council to take over.

I am completing a commission, and it is a legal commission. The Taliban may be powerful, but my legitimacy in Kandahar is higher than yours.

You say you are a judge, but if I don’t nod, who will recognize you? Will the people outside who are scared to death of you recognize you? "

Rashid did not become hesitant as Boss Joe imagined. This guy said with a firm expression: "Give me enough time, and I can make the people in Kandahar believe in the Taliban.

I am not here for power, but to bring laws and rules that are in line with Afghan traditions to the people here.

No one knows the Afghan people better than us, so no one knows how to manage the Afghan people better than us.

I know what the Afghan cities were like under NATO rule. They were full of theft, fraud, violence, and blasphemy against tradition...

Our country shouldn't be like this! "

There was a strange sense of compassion when Rashid spoke, which made people want to believe him...

There is indeed such a thing as "personality charm" in this world, especially when certain positive traits in a person are extremely prominent, they will be "persuasive" to strangers.

When Boss Joe was silent, Rashid turned around and walked to the side of the vehicle, and took out two heavy books from the back seat. His hands and feet were not very coordinated and he almost fell down when he went up the stairs.

But this time no one laughed at him. The kind-hearted Ayo even gave him a hand and helped him get a 'book' weighing nearly twenty kilograms...

"I studied law in the United States. This is the constitution and criminal law provisions of Afghanistan that I reorganized with reference to the Koran and the traditions of Afghanistan."

Boss Qiao took a 'book' that was pressed against his hand. After opening it, he saw that it was filled with handwritten legal provisions in English and Arabic...

After turning over a few pages, Boss Qiao said in surprise: "You alone constructed the constitution of Afghanistan?

Either you are a political idiot or you are an egomaniac!

Or both! "

Ayew on the side took out a document from the envelope just now, handed it to Boss Qiao, and said: "Boss, this guy may be a lunatic..."


Qiao Jia frowned and glanced at the wrinkled paper in his hand, which had a mental report printed on it...

After reading it carefully, Qiao Jia looked at Rashid in front of him, shook his head and said, "He might also be a genius!"

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