When Qioga got the news, he had already arrived in Marsala by helicopter...

Marsala is in the far west of Sicily. Now we have to rush to the Catania Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to wait for the Italians to rearrange the helicopter. It will take at least 3 hours. It will definitely be too late.

Boss Qiao is not the kind of character that allows others to manipulate him. Faced with this kind of trouble, he and fellow 'Shan Ying' will make different choices.

The 'Ndrangheta's drugs landed today, and Isis chose to make big news to attract attention...

This is related!

If you want to attract attention, you can't push the matter to an unmanageable level at the beginning. This will give Boss Qiao enough time.

What Boss Joe has to do is to quietly capture the drug dealers who are preparing to conduct the transaction, and then return to Catania to try to rescue the people from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention...

“When will the other party start trading?”

'Messenger' Lineker also learned the news. He shook his head and said: "Generally speaking, it will be an hour after the big event happens, so that the 'Ndrangheta will have time to confirm the police's movements and ensure the safety of the transaction."

As Lineker looked at Boss Joe who looked unhappy, he hesitated and said: "Sir, we are not the police and we don't need to pursue people and take stolen goods.

If you are in a hurry, you can first kill the members of the Mattis family who took over the drugs...

I am familiar with the transaction process of the 'Ndrangheta. As long as you give me a little time, I can find the 'Ndrangheta cargo ship through the terminal management system. "

After hearing this, Gioga stood up and said to Ressler: "Notify the Italian side and I will take action in advance..."

Ressler, holding the phone in his hand, said with a wry smile: "Sir, the Italian people may not have time to supervise us.

The Italian Minister of Health and the MP from the Sicily region are also at the CDC, along with 4 TV media and 16 print media reporters...

Iblis’ men are on TV…”

Qiao Jia was stunned for a moment and said unhappily: "What the hell is this going to do?"

Ressler said with extreme helplessness: "Use terrorist actions to promote your presence and express your demands. Of course, it is best to help a batch of drugs land..."

“I fucking know, I’m asking why did they choose the CDC?

What demands can they express by attacking medical facilities during this time? "

When Joga frowned and asked questions, Nice walked up to him with a mobile phone, pointed at the young man on the mobile phone screen with a bomb strapped to his chest and shouted in Arabic, and said: "Looking at the accent, he should be from northern Syria...

He was complaining about the injustices inflicted on the Arabs by Europe and the United States, and expressed his disappointment with the actions of Al Qaeda in the past year. "

Qiao Jia reached out and turned up the volume on his phone...

The young man in the mobile phone picture is wearing a bomb vest, pointing a gun at a crying TV reporter, and yelling with a fanatical expression...

“No one cared about our lives, we became a problem when they needed energy, but when the virus came, everyone forgot we existed.

What Europeans and Americans call globalization is a lie. They have been trying to enslave us...

Our brothers and sisters are being tortured by the virus, and a large number of people are dying every day, but no one cares about us..."

The young man probably didn't memorize his lines well beforehand, and his words became more and more confusing later on. His views were not particularly clear, but he did enough to express his "fanaticism".

The TV reporter who was pointed at a gun burst into tears, but in the end he still couldn't help but refute...

"Sir, according to our statistics, P.B. Company has transported twice as much medical supplies to Afika and the Middle East through the Jia Liang trade than Europe and the United States..."

The terrorist was stunned for a moment. As if he was humiliated, he slapped the reporter hard on the face...

“We have received nothing and no one cares about our life or death!

That jackal only wants us to die, we will not admit defeat, we will make him pay the price..."

Qiao Jia couldn't stand it anymore after seeing this. He reached out and turned off his phone and said, "Don't look at it. This guy is just a fanatical cannon fodder. If I were Iblis, I would shoot him if I saw this guy stealing the camera like this." Got him.

Get ready, let's go do what we need to do! "

After speaking, Qiao Jia said to a few old anteaters who had been silent: "Antar is responsible for guiding the target, you are responsible for clearing the outer sentries, the first bat team will be the backup, and the second bat team will cooperate with the A team in the assault... …

It's okay to keep the perimeter quiet until I get into my attacking position? "

'Spider' smiled and nodded, and said, "No problem, just move forward..."

Qiao Jia watched the four old monsters leave the warehouse and followed the shadow created by the setting sun to disappear into the complex dock storage area. He shouted to Ressler: "You stay and cooperate with Lineker. Once the 'Glory' is discovered, There will be a cargo ship, please notify me immediately."

After speaking, Boss Qiao looked at Nice, who had already picked up the G29, and said: "You are responsible for covering me..."

Nice nodded slightly and said, "Just move forward..."

Qiao Jia nodded, put on his helmet, waved to Ayou and the others, and said, "Let's go..."

Dorian's absence left Team A without one attacker. Ronnie took the initiative to assume the position of the first attacker. Rhino partnered with him. Boss Joe was squeezed into the third attacker's position. Ayew was responsible for covering. The medical officer is behind...

Five people entered the dock storage area in a row. The 12 people from the second bat team were divided into two teams. The three teams slowly approached a very dilapidated looking dock warehouse from three directions.

The mafia family responsible for receiving the goods took it seriously. Sentries and mobile sentries were arranged near the warehouse. Because there were more goods, more people came, about 80 of them, and more than a dozen trucks alone.

The virus caused the Marsala Pier to shut down. There was no one inside the officially managed terminal, let alone outside the terminal...

The gang sentry tried hard to behave professionally at this critical moment...

When two young gunmen armed with old-fashioned shotguns were patrolling along the perimeter of the warehouse, when they passed a corner, they saw a ghost figure standing up from the shadows...

Then just as they were trying to issue a warning, their heads suddenly sank...

'Leech' stood in the shadows, looking at the 'Spider' who was standing behind the two corpses holding a hammer, grinning with terrifying fangs, and said with a smile: "These people don't even have basic vigilance, you followed They are more than a hundred meters away and they don’t feel anything. Are the Europeans already so weak?”

The 'Spider' bent down and grabbed the two corpses with holes in their heads, dragged them into the shadows, and covered them with abandoned colored steel tiles leaning on the roadside...

"They remind me of those lambs at Shovel, life here is probably too good..."

As he spoke, 'Spider' heard the instructions from Antar in the earphones. He pointed in one direction and said: "There are two more there, let's continue..."

On the other side, 'Crocodile' kneeled down the head of a gangster gunman who wet his pants, letting his face sink into the dirt. He pulled the knife out of the heart of a dead sentry, and then made signs on the back of the gunman's neck. After a moment, the tip of the knife cut along the gap in the spine...

Without making much movement, the pinned gunman seemed to have lost power and lost control of his body.

'Crocodile' stretched out his hand to help the gunman up and let him sit upright against the wall on the ground. In order to prevent him from falling over casually, he had to insert two steel bars into his waist and cheeks to fix him on the ground and let him raise his head. Looking into the distance...

After completing his masterpiece, 'Crocodile' looked at the gunman who was still conscious but unable to make any sound. He grinned with a terrifying big mouth...

"Don't be afraid, it will be over soon..."

When 'Crocodile' stood up, the old monster 'Thorn Vine' got off a forklift not far away. The lazy gunman sitting on the car had his neck tied to the back of the chair by a thorny tree vine...

The gunman's expression was extremely painful, but he could only tremble all over. Not only could he not move, he could not even make a sound.

While the old monsters were taking action, Boss Qiao had already approached the outside of the warehouse where the gang was...

Just like what Laoguai and Nice promised, 'You just keep moving forward.' Team A encountered no obstacles along the way. It wasn't until the warehouse where the enemy was located came into view that Team A stopped...

Qiao Jia used the drone to check the situation in front of the warehouse. A dozen small trucks and dozens of cars were parked in front of the warehouse in a mess, forming a natural bunker.

Dozens of gang gunmen were in the parking lot, gathering in twos and threes to chat and smoke, completely unaware of the deadly threat around them.

The warehouse area is very large, but there is only one covered warehouse with a brick-concrete structure in the entire warehouse area. The other areas are open-air storage yards filled with agricultural machinery, steel materials and other items used for appearance.

There was still light in the evening around evening time, so being able to get as close as about 80 meters without being discovered was already the limit.

Because the enemy is the receiver, the location of the 'Ndrangheta's cargo ship has not yet been found, so we can't make too much noise to prevent others from discovering...

Therefore, micro-missiles, switch knives, even grenades and shock bombs are inconvenient to use...

Qiao Jia confirmed that the two teams divided into Bat Team 2 were already in place, about 30 meters to the left and right of him. After thinking for a few seconds, he pressed the communicator and said: "'Owl', shield the nearby area. electronic signals…

'Spiders', you are responsible for guarding the perimeter to prevent anyone from breaking through...

Bat Team 2, we use gas bombs to break their will, use smoke bombs to cover ourselves, and prepare..."

Following Qiao Jia's order, more than a dozen smoke bombs were thrown more than 30 meters ahead. The moment the thick smoke rose and the enemy was alert, 6 gas bombs were fired from three directions. Gas bombs fired from both sides fell on into the parking lot, and the gas bomb fired by Ronnie with the grenade gun flew directly through the open door and into the interior of the warehouse.

The embarrassed gangster gunmen couldn't see where the enemy was. When a few of the smarter ones covered their mouths and noses and tried to kick away the gas bombs, bullets hit them...

"Da da, da da..."

"Papa, papa..."

The crossfire from three directions left the gunman in the parking lot at a loss...

They endured the pain that made their respiratory tracts feel like they were being burned. When they tried to fight back, they suddenly found a group of demon-like soldiers wearing gas masks and holding silenced weapons walking out of the smoke, only 40 meters away from them. …

Several gunmen who were extremely nervous subconsciously pulled the trigger, but most of the bullets hit the vehicles in the parking lot...

40 meters, for professional and non-professional soldiers, this distance is the distance between life and death...

In the case of close combat or chaotic fighting, gangster gunmen can still give it a try, but there is no chance at 40 meters...

The VSS silent rifle used by everyone in Bat Team 2. They were all in groups of three, with one holding a shield and two attacking.

Silent, firm, precise, deadly...

The three teams thrust into the parking lot like three sharp swords...

The gangster gunmen encountered gas, and most of their combat effectiveness had been destroyed. Most of them actually chose to surrender in the face of such a strong attack.

But the people they met this time didn't need prisoners at all...

"Pah, pah, pah..."

Qiao Jia and Ayou formed a team and rushed directly into the parking lot...

He quickly emptied the bullets in the rifle. After passing a truck and facing two gunmen who suddenly appeared, Qiao Jia held the handguard in his left hand and pulled the rifle away. He instantly pulled out the pistol with his right hand and quickly knocked down the gunmen...

After shooting them in the head while passing by, Qiao Jia looked at the Rhino team who had rushed to the warehouse door. He shouted loudly: "Shoot another wave of gas to enter. The second bat team will clear the area. Let's go..."

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