The Italians do not yet know that Sicily has become a battlefield for all parties...

The legendary Italian Mafia was still fighting for profits in a dog-eating-dog manner at this time, completely unaware of the punishment they would suffer for betraying Aaron.

This group of people thought that Aaron and his family were all dead, but they never imagined that even if Moussa Suleiman caught Aaron, he would only dare to threaten him through his wife and children to cooperate with the 'Ndrangheta, without any hesitation. Dare to use violence against Aaron himself.

This is the power of collective!

When an international intermediary company clearly states in the CEO's introduction that if there is a problem with its president, the company will carry out unlimited revenge, this is a talisman!

In order to make up for the losses of the past few years, Moussa Suleiman chose the most radical approach...

He fished Iblis out of the battlefield in Yemen and then tried to develop Isis into his own drug dealer.

Isis needs enough funds, and drugs are the hard currency of the underground world.

Moussa Suleiman wanted to overturn the past practice of the 'Ndrangheta, directly seek powerful dealers, and use a tougher stance to deal with external attacks.

Iblis is one of his attempts...

As long as Iblis can rule the Sicilian mafia, he can replicate the success here in other places, quickly open up the market for his drug production capacity, and earn huge profits from the compression of the drug chain.

Boss Qiao’s guess was correct. Moussa Suleiman used Isis as a bargaining chip.

He wants to quickly repopulate Isis during this period of raging virus. As long as they regain their influence, they will be the best political bargaining chip...

Selling Isis for a price will generate huge political benefits.

In Europe and the United States, people call drugs "illegal drugs" instead of "poisons." The popularity of legalizing marijuana has made some smarter drug dealers discover that there is huge room for mediation.

As long as the bargaining chips are sufficient, the 'Ndrangheta may not necessarily be the government's key target.

It's a pity that Moussa Suleiman could never imagine that the relationship between Aaron and Boss Joe would be so close that he could not understand it.

He never thought that the first thing Aaron would do when he was in trouble was to send a distress signal to Boss Qiao...


"Is your boss stupid?"

Gioga took his own people and landed on an uninhabited beach near Catania via a small boat...

After crossing a rocky coast and boarding a coastal landscape road, Qiao Jia looked at Ma Hong who came to pick him up and said unhappily: "The wife and children of the president of an international agency company were kidnapped, and the company actually behaved poorly. There is no way.

What about early warning systems? What about defense forces? What about recourse? "

After hearing this, Ma Hong smiled bitterly and stretched out his hand to signal Boss Qiao to get in the car. Then he smiled ingratiatingly at the old Afika men behind Boss Qiao who seemed to be untouchable, and said: "Sir, let's get in the car." Besides..."

After everyone boarded the vehicle, Ma Hong got into a commercial vehicle. After using the radio to signal the driver to drive, he turned to look at Boss Qiao and said, "The virus in Italy is too serious. My wife was infected twice in a row." , and the second time he was admitted to the intensive care unit.

For their health, the boss established a quarantine area around the Mori family's original location.

In this case, it was impossible to arrange too many security personnel. At the same time, because the action was too large, the target was exposed to the Mafia family. "

As he spoke, Ma Hong shook his head helplessly and said: "If I had known this, I had actually suggested to the boss to stay in Madagascar. Although the medical facilities there are rudimentary, the situation will definitely not be as bad as in Italy.

Who would have thought that the 'Ndrangheta would launch an attack during this period? "

Qiao Jia had always had a good impression of Ma Hong. Seeing this guy's resentful look on his face, he shook his head and said, "Aaron fought hard to get a position in an international agency. Why am I involved in this matter?" Don’t see any use?”

After hearing this, Ma Hong said helplessly: "Sir, this is Europe. European international intermediary companies are facing a vote of no confidence from customers due to early investment losses.

In order to prevent customers from withdrawing "margin" on a large scale and causing a run on the company's funds, restructuring and elections are currently underway in Europe.

The internet in Europe is a mess right now and there is absolutely no way to help. "

After speaking, Ma Hong hesitated, lowered his head and said bitterly: "Moussa Suleiman of the 'Ndrangheta, with his huge financial advantage, is currently one of the candidates for the president of the European region.

So we simply cannot mobilize our counterparts in Europe...

The only good thing now is that Musa will not hurt my boss. "

Qiao Jia looked at Ma Hong with side eyes and said teasingly: "So you can hurt your boss's wife and children?

You guys who are gangsters, isn’t this theory a bit crooked? "

Mahon lamented and said: "Theoretically it's not possible, but the chaos in the European zone made everything get out of control.

My wife is competing for the position of president of the European region of an international agency company, and most of the European directors do not like her...

When Musa joined the competition with a large amount of money, the situation got out of control! "

Qiao Jia has always felt that the so-called international intermediary company is just a capital group that sells "fund-raising" but not "platform".

This company seems to be fair, but in fact it is still capitalistic.

Whoever has money is the boss and whoever can bring benefits to shareholders will receive preferential treatment.

And what’s particularly funny is that if Moussa Suleiman’s kidnapping of Aaron’s wife is classified into the category of job competition, this is actually reasonable in the black world.

When heroes compete for the throne and a new king is born, it will always be full of blood.

When Aaron came to power, many people died in the United States!

As long as Moussa Suleiman wins the competition in the end, then everything is reasonable...

Seeing the tired look on Ma Hong's old face, Qiao Jia shook his head in disgust and said, "This is bullshit logic...

What should we do now?

I am quite sure that I can rescue Aaron from where he is. Is he willing? "

Mahon shook his head and said: "Moussa Suleiman has seized on our weakness. He will not leave the house until the ladies and others are found."

Qiao Jia now confirmed that Aaron's life was probably fine, and he was not so anxious anymore...

Rescuing hostages is a meticulous job, and the most critical part is the preliminary preparations, and this is precisely the part that Boss Qiao is least good at.

The situation is bad, but not so bad that it cannot be ended, so Boss Qiao will choose to trust the judgment of professionals.

The convoy drove into a holiday estate in the Tower Mountains...

When Qiaojia got out of the car, he saw Sergey standing on the lawn with a bottle of wine, competing with the short and stocky Puyol in a throwing knife competition.

The captain of the 'Golden Eagle Special Forces', 'Tomahawk', stood beside him with a group of people, constantly cheering Sergey on.

The moment Boss Qiao appeared, the scene became quiet...

Sergey threw out the flying knife in his hand and hit the Ace of Hearts on a wooden target twenty meters away. Then he made a contemptuous gesture towards Puyol, laughed and walked to Boss Joe's door with open arms. In front of him, I hugged him...

"Boss, I haven't seen you for a long time. You seem to be in good spirits..."

Qiao Jia pushed away the old man who smelled of alcohol in disgust, looked at the guy's clothes up and down, and said with a smile: "You look in better spirits! How do you think? Wu D is in good condition, right?"

Sergey nodded with a smile and said: "As soon as the virus came, Wu D temporarily suspended the war!

The people in Camp YaS lost financial support and temporarily stopped.

So we received Aaron’s commission and brought people here..."

Qiao Jia was simply amused by the actions of Aaron's people. He looked at Ma Hong, who looked unhappy, and said, "You can't even find anyone you can trust?"

Ma Hong shook his head and said: "Madeline led people to cover several important people moving around Europe. The Amal people took over Moussa's family in the Middle East and were ready to launch attacks on the remnants of Isis at any time.

My manpower has been spread out to protect my wife’s properties, so..."

Upon hearing this, Qiao Jia nodded suddenly...

Madeleine is probably dragging Kalpin's son to drive the train to divert the attention of global intelligence agencies, which is a foreshadowing for what will happen next.

It is only right that Amal leads people to Isis' lair...

Aaron has always regarded himself as a smart person. He and Boss Qiao have completely different business and management ideas. It is not cost-effective for him to support too many armed personnel.

After thoroughly understanding the cards in Aaron's hand, Qiao Jia shook his head slightly and said, "Then what kind of help can you provide me?"

Ma Hong, who was a little embarrassed by Qiao Jia's question, was a little nervous and didn't know how to respond. Galsi walked to the door, greeted everyone in like a host, and said with a smile: "They can do it while we are in action. To start a war with those mafia families and thus attract the attention of the Italian police."

After finishing speaking, Galci guided Boss Qiao to sit down at a dining table and gave him a cup of coffee, and then said: "We have too little time, so the intelligence we currently have is very limited.

It has been confirmed that Moussa Suleiman handed over Aaron's wife and children to Iblis, so the arms trade at the dock is the easiest place to catch Iblis' tail...

As long as we can smoothly muddy the water at the dock, we can seize the thread while our opponents are in confusion..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia glanced at the time and said: "There are still 6 hours before 4 am. The FBI people were smart and changed a boat at sea. According to their speed, they will land at the pier at about 5 o'clock.

Let's get ready...

Leave the task of tracking Iblis to others, we are responsible for keeping the situation from getting out of control..."

Ma Hong was stunned for a moment and said: "Sir, it is very important to track Iblis. Only by catching him can we possibly rescue the boss's wife and children..."

After hearing this, Qiao Jia sneered and said, "Do you think your boss asked me to come here just to save his wife and children?

I don’t know that Moussa Suleiman doesn’t care about the lives of his wife and children, but he definitely cares about his own life!

You can't handle Moussa Suleiman, why can't I handle him? "

As he spoke, Qiao Jia reached out and patted Ma Hong on the shoulder and said: "You have to believe that there is someone in this world who wants Iblis to die more than you...

Track down Iblis, there is someone more motivated and experienced than you! "

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