"Haha, Wu Yi, this time you have done meritorious service."

He Jianguo stepped forward and laughed. Eight people were killed and four people surrendered. There were still so many goods in the car, and the contents should be drugs.

Wu Yi rushed down with people, only one of his people suffered minor injuries. It can be said that the action was very satisfactory, and he said with a smile.

"Counselor Ho does meritorious service, I just want to complete the task."

He Jianguo stepped forward, and the remaining four people, all with their hands behind their heads, squatted on the ground and dared not make any movements. He came to the car and took a look.

Communicate with these people in other languages, and ask them how many people are there this time, and how many goods are in the car.

The four people were very unified, and chose not to answer. He Jianguo avoided this question for the time being, and went to check the contents of the car before talking.

After opening the cloth covering the carriage, there were several wooden boxes inside. He Jianguo used the gun in his hand as a tool to pry open a mouthful of the box.

The moment he opened the box, a person squatting on the ground suddenly changed his face and stood up from the ground. I don't know when, there was a remote control device in his hand.

There were a few unintelligible words at the bottom. After Xiao Yi saw this scene through the binoculars, his ominous premonition really came true.

"Old Ho, go!"

Xiao Yi said to the headset that He Jianguo realized this at the moment, and hurriedly jumped out of the car. Wu Yi, who was on the side, fired several shots at this person.

However, it was too late. At the last moment, this person chose to press the detonating device. The compartment was not filled with drugs, but several boxes of explosives.

A loud bang reverberated in the mountain col, accompanied by a burst of fire, and the ground near the distance was trembling. At this moment, Xiao Yi rushed down.

"Don't come over, you guys, stay concealed here, and you will cover us later."

Xiao Yi instructed the six people behind him. At this moment, these six people were completely observing Xiao Yi's instructions. Xiao Yi was right before he did not let him act rashly.

As he rushed down the mountain col, Xiao Yi noticed the changes in his surroundings. Not long after the explosion sounded, in a jungle not far away, a few blond and blue-eyed mercenaries dressed in armed forces smiled through the glasses. Laughed.

"Hua Xia soldiers, but so, they shouldn't come here, they should go home to find their mother."

The person holding the telescope said that after the previous actions, he basically knew how the front was arranged.

"Check if the position in front of you is correct, and light up these rockets."

The two men carried the rocket-launching device on their shoulders. At this moment, they received the order. What awaited Lao He and them was the bombing of six rockets.

With a sound of breaking through the air, Xiao Yi raised his head and looked ahead. Two rockets landed at the location of the previous explosion, bursting into flames, and the car was instantly torn into pieces.

"These grandchildren!"

Xiao Yi cursed, and continued to rush towards the mountain. After six rockets fell, the car was blown into a big hole.

At this moment, everyone understood that these twelve people were basically decoys to lure them, and it was no fault of Wu Yi's impulse to do things. Who would have thought that the other party would use their living human lives as bait to lure them.

After the six rockets exploded, the scene was a mess. The stones weighing hundreds of catties were all blown into dust. When Xiao Yi passed by, the eight people who were killed before were only broken. Meat loaf.

The minced meat was accompanied by some froth and the red blood in the body, and the internal organs became small pieces, mixed in the soil, like a **** on earth.

There is no doubt that none of the twelve people survived. Xiao Yi had discovered something abnormal before. These people were too calm, and unfortunately his guess was fulfilled.

The twelve people here are acting as a death squad. Their purpose is to use their lives to lure those who ambush here to be fooled. But at this critical moment, Wu Yi was fooled.

There was a strong smell of blood permeating the scene of the explosion. The truck had already been blown into a pile of parts, and the wheel was missing one. I don't know where it went.

Xiao Yi rushed to the scene, then saw a few people lying on the ground not far away, and went forward to check.

"How? Can you stand up?"

A person's leg was injured. Xiao Yi checked it. Fortunately, it was a fatal injury, it was just rubbed by the fragments of the bomb.

"Captain, I..."

"Don't talk about anything else, leave here as soon as you can stand up, where is the old man?"

Xiao Yi asked at this moment. This person pointed his finger to the front. In front of him was a mound of explosion exploded. After taking a look, Xiao Yi rushed to the edge of the mound and shouted.

"Old Ho, squeak if you are alive."

A mound nearly one meter high, Xiao Yi came to the side to check it out, and on top of the mound, a section of tree roots that had been blown out was pressed.

Holding this root of the tree with one hand, Xiao Yi threw the root aside. Several people who were blown aside saw that Xiao Yi was looking for He Jianguo, and they all came to help.

A group of people smashed the soil with their hands. He didn't know where it was buried. After a lot of effort, they finally found a hand in the soil.

"Find a hand, I don't know whose it belongs to."

Xiao Yi went to help loosen the soil around this hand, but fortunately, this hand was connected, not the broken arm.

"What the **** are you doing in a daze, leave here first, are you all here waiting to die?"

The explosion just now was just the beginning. Xiao Yi knew at this moment what was waiting for them.

It was too late to speak. From the location of the Southern Col, a group of people had already touched it quietly. Through the telescope, Han Bing noticed the abnormality.

"It's not good. Someone is coming up from the Col."

"Fuck, what I set up before was a trap!"

Xiao Yi cursed, while urging the people around him to leave this place first, and later this place will experience a baptism of bullets.

"Go away, don't understand if it's right, you're all **** here waiting to die, right? The enemy has already touched it."

At this moment, Xiao Yi ordered these people to retreat first. Most of them were people who had never experienced this kind of thing. In addition to the previous round of explosions, several people were injured to varying degrees.

Since they were some distance away from the location of the explosion just now, they were only affected by the shock wave generated by the explosion. In comparison, this situation is now lucky enough.

"The enemy is coming up soon, you will die if you stay here, understand?"

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