Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 448: Made me look bad

"I come from Yangfeng Group in City H. I heard that Miss Sophie came to Beitang County and came here in person this time. She wanted Miss Sophie to be the image spokesperson for our company's products. Miss Sophie has prepared the expenses. One million is considered as our meeting gift, and Miss Sophie will definitely appreciate it."

Yang Wei hurriedly stated his intentions. The average celebrity endorsement advertisement, which is five to six hundred thousand, offered Sophie a price of one million, which is considered a high price in this circle.

And Yang Wei clearly stated in his words that one million is just a meeting ceremony, and there will be rewards afterwards. Sophie has no reason to refuse.

"What about you? Do you want to ask me to be a spokesperson?"

Sophie turned her gaze to Meng Nana, and she could see that Meng Nana was not an ordinary person, she had an overbearing taste, presumably the boss of some company.

Meng Nana walked in front of Sophie. This time there was something to invite Sophie. Meng Nana's attitude was much gentler and smiled.

"Ms. Sophie, I'm the president of Lanhui Group. This time I came to see you because I wanted you to endorse a product of our company. The endorsement cost is also one million."

"Meng Nana, you really know how to talk to others. I said the price of one million first. Since you insisted on being equal to me, then I would pay 1.5 million."

Yang Wei added another 500,000 yuan to the original price, and Meng Nana suddenly felt a little embarrassed. The advertising cost of this million is already the highest budget in the planning plan. This is because Sophie’s reputation is relatively high. Millions of expenses can be earned back in the future.

"Yang Wei, are you crazy? I know that your company has a new project plan recently. The investment in advertising has been increased to 1.5 million. If this is calculated, what profit you can take."

Meng Nana has the ability to swallow gold in her sleeves. Just tell her simple data, Meng Nana can calculate how much profit there is, and the final result is whether it is making money or losing money.

Yang Wei knew in his heart that if he calculated it this way, he was indeed losing money. At this moment, Yang Wei didn't care about losing money.

"I'm glad you can manage it? If you have the ability, you pay two million and I will follow you. As long as Meng Nana has my place, don't try to make things so smooth."

Meng Nana couldn't answer the conversation, she had already talked about it, and how much money she paid was what she meant, and Meng Nana couldn't change it.

The company’s new product advertisements need to be shot in a short time. If Sophie agrees to Yang Wei, it means that Meng Nana has no chance and can only think of other ways.

"Don't fight with me, right? The so-called Lanhui Group is only so strong. I heard that you Meng Nana has been doing charity work. You can just take out some of the money and make a fortune. More than one million, right?"

Meng Nana smiled. Yang Wei's remarks are true. Every year, the company invests less than one million in charity. Lanhui Group is the leader of the H city economy. At the same time, Lanhui is committed to charity. A lot of investment.

"Yang Wei, don’t think about it wrong. I won’t move a penny of the investment and construction of the Lanhui Group in charity. How many times have you fought with me, and in the end, who loses and who wins, don’t you know in your heart?"

"You... anyway, at least this time I won. I tell you Meng Nana, you won't be proud of it for long, this time is an example."

What Meng Nana is talking about is the fact that Yang Wei and Meng Nana have competed in the business field no less than ten times, and the final result is that Yang Wei lost.

Seizing the project with Meng Nana, although they were snatched at the time, but in the end, because the project exceeded the budget, not only did not make money, but also had to pay for it. Meng Nana was like a female general in the business field.

Sophie glanced at both sides, then walked straight in front of the two of them, and said lightly while walking.

"I'm sorry that you two's request, I won't agree, sister An will send them for me, I still have things to do."

Sophie did not agree to what the two of them said impartially. This trip to Beitang County was made by Sophie himself. In addition to holding a concert for Xiao Yi, no one was invited. Sophie has no interest at all.

Sister An only acted according to Sophie's intentions. Sophie had already said so, so she stepped forward to settle the two people away, and at the same time, Sophie's bodyguards stood beside Sophie.

Yang Wei was dumbfounded. This was a bit of a non-compliance. The price was 1.5 million. Except for if he was willing to make such a bid, almost no second person could be found. Sophie didn't even think about it, so she refused. Up.

"Wait, Sophie, you think it through. This is 1.5 million. You can only make a few money after holding a concert. If you can agree to have a meal with me and go out for a while , I will add another 500,000 when I am happy."

Sophie stopped walking as she walked and turned her straight legs around. This look made people feel a little frustrated. Yang Wei saw Sophie turned back and said with a smile.

"I know you people. I don't know anything else but money. If I need money, I don't want to say two million. If you can be my wife, I will give you 20 million."

Yang Wei smiled triumphantly. In this era, there are things that money cannot do. As long as the money is in place, everything can be in place.

"How much money do you have and what does it have to do with me? I have no interest in what I have said about you. I don't like to repeat the same thing a second time."

Sophie said in an icy tone. In weekdays, I see a lot of this kind of things, so it’s not surprising that Sophie sees so many things. I am most tired of such rich people. I always feel that I can play all over the world with money. People in the world want to be the same.

"You... Sophie, I know that you have always had a weird temper and don't give any face, but there is a word I said in front. If you don't agree, then don't regret it."

"Is this threatening me? Even though I'm just a singer, I won't be scared by a few words from you. You appreciate things very well. Even if you give me more money, I have no interest."

In front of so many people, with such a firm attitude, no matter what kind of conditions Yang Wei offered, the reply he got was always rejection. Yang Wei looked cold, feeling that today's face would be lost.

Clenching his fist tightly, Yang Wei approached Sophie's side. Suddenly without any warning, Yang Wei raised his hand and fell on Sophie's face.

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