Free Soldier King Mixed Country

Chapter 290: Old friend

"It's good for General Han to understand. I also thank General Han for the old master. It doesn't matter where I left this old bone, but the old master's child, don't make a mistake."

Xiao Qingshan said, no matter what, even if it is to fight himself, Xiao Qingshan must ensure that Xiao Yi will be fine.

For more than 20 years, today is the most shocking day for Han Batian. The old friend of life and death was destroyed by the family and no one survived.

But now I got the news that the old friend's child is still alive, has escaped the killing, and is still living in this world.

Looking at Xiao Qingshan's face, and now knowing that the old friend's child is still alive, this is good news, but in Han Batian's heart, another question also arises.

"Xiao Qingshan, tell me the truth, since his child is still alive, why didn't you come to me earlier? If you came to me earlier, you wouldn't have been so hard."

"General Han's difficulties, you should also know that when the old master died, he specifically told me, don't think about revenge, their generation has struggled too hard."

Xiao Qingshan sighed. It was precisely because of this sentence that the old master ordered Xiao Qingshan to decide to live an ordinary life with Xiao Yi incognito.

"The old master's child, Xiao Yi, I don't want him to get involved in the right and wrong of the year, and even his life experience, I am hiding it."

Han Batian sighed deeply. The fight back then was indeed too tragic. The same room fought with swordsmen, and if it was him, the children would not be allowed to live this life.

"It really hurts you. He left you to take a child with you. No matter what happens, you can only carry it yourself."

"I have survived these years. As long as Xiao Yi can be safe, I don't have any extravagances."

Xiao Qingshan said that in Xiao Qingshan's heart, he had already regarded Xiao Yi as his all, so after Xiao Yi's accident, Xiao Qingshan took the risk to find Han Batian.

"Look at what I am sighing with. This is a good thing. Don't leave today at noon. I have a meal at my house. I haven't seen you for more than 20 years. Let's have a few drinks. "

Han Batian smiled heartily. Speaking of that man's son, Han Batian remembered one thing, which he didn't care about.

"Speaking of his child, I remembered one thing. His wife gave birth to a boy and the one in my family gave birth to a girl. Then the two of us smiled and pointed to the child who was still in the infant. , Make a kiss for the child, and grow up to become a relative."

"No, no, no need to do this, let's not talk about your Han family's power, Xiao Yi is not qualified, and if you marry your daughter to him, it will definitely attract the attention of those people."

Xiao Qingshan hurriedly stopped saying that there were too many inconveniences in this matter. It was still a joke, and it passed.

Han Batian has always been a person who talks and counts. At first he knew that his child was dead. Now Xiao Yuanshan sends back a message saying that his child is still alive, so he has to find a way to realize this.

"I, Han Batian, always say one thing is true. My precious daughter is now at the age of marriage, and there are many suitors around me, but I look down on them, and I have all been driven away."

"That's natural, General Han, you are from a general family background, and the son-in-law you are looking for in the future will naturally have to be right."

"It doesn't matter to the family, my daughter, the old men who follow me on weekdays, have learned a lot of kung fu, the children of the rich, even she can't stand up to half of them, what do I want such a waste son-in-law to do. "

Xiao Qingshan understands Han Batian's thoughts. Han Batian fought on the battlefield, and those who have been on the battlefield have always respected force.

In the future, he will find a man for his daughter, not to mention what kind of generals he is, at least he is a man, a big man, if he can't beat a woman in the future, Han Batian will naturally not want such a son-in-law.

"When I have time, let my daughter meet this Xiao Yi, I don't say why, she will definitely not ask, if two people can sparkle, it will be considered as a completion of the year. wish."

Xiao Qingshan had to agree first. Anyway, in Xiao Qingshan's heart, he thought that it was absolutely impossible for Han Batian to think about it. How could Han Batian's daughter like Xiao Yi now.

If you change the previous words, it might still be possible. The identity of the old master is there, and the number of people who want to curse is uncertain.

Xiao Yi was still in the detention room. He didn't know what happened outside, and he didn't even know. Grandpa ran out alone to beg someone to save him.

At around nine o'clock in the morning, including Li Xiaojia, he was already the fifth person to see him. In front of him was the friendly boss Zhang Hong, as well as Li Mei and Zhang Bing.

Wang Rong made a special trip to see Xiao Yi, thinking that Xiao Yi would be a little wronged in the detention room, but when she saw Xiao Yi lying on the bed, she flipped through a book in her hand.

On the side, Li Xiaojia helped to peel the apples. After the apples were peeled, they were cut into small pieces and fed to him in bites.

"Hey... I thought you would suffer so much here. Outside, I supported everything in the company and found that you were relaxing inside. After I was busy outside, I was a little envious of your life. ."

Xiao Yi noticed that it was Wang Rong who had come. This woman had been doing well these days, and she basically handled everything that should be busy when she was away.

"If you envy me, you come to lock me up here, what will happen after I go outside to work?"

"Cut, I'm not a fool, why do I want to change with you?"

"Now that you know the truth, don't talk coldly. If there is any news from outside recently, what is the situation of the company now, please tell me."

Xiao Yi still cares more about these things. Wang Rong told Xiao Yi, don't worry about these things, there will be no problems with her.

Li Xiaojia felt a little guilty. After all, Xiao Yi got into this trouble to save her. He came to see Xiao Yi and bought some food and things for Xiao Yi by the way.

"Miss, are you accustomed to him like this? Sooner or later you will get used to him."

"Xiao Yi was implicated because of me. This is what I should do. My dad has already figured out a way to find someone and a lawyer to handle this matter. You can't stay here for a few days."

Li Xiaojia said that while they were talking, people came again. Xiao Yi was very busy. Qin Xiaoyan heard Zhang Hong say something happened to Xiao Yi, so he hurried over to take a look.

She also carried many things in her hands, including food and clothes, and came to the detention room. When she saw Xiao Yi's side, there were already two women guarding him.

A kind of dissatisfaction surged in her heart in an instant. Fortunately, Qin Xiaoyan had already prepared in her heart. A man like Xiao Yi would be surrounded by other women in the future.

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