Xiao Yi was taken aback, and then walked over to check it, and found that it was not a corpse, but this guy still had a breath.

Xiao Yi turned the man over, with brown hair, a beard, and two blue pupils, slowly expanding.

"Hello brother, are you still alive?"

Xiao Yi said something in the local language, but the expression on this person's face was blank, obviously not understanding.

"Can't understand what Nanguo says? Then I'll change another sentence."

Immediately after that, Xiao Yi used many local languages ​​to say hello. This person has been silent, with blood pouring out of the corners of his mouth.

"FUCK, your grandma's leg, what are you trying to do?"

Xiao Yi couldn't help but cursed. When the man heard this word, his eyes reacted, and his trembling hand took out something from his body.

"Please take this with you and help me contact Mr. John, his daughter has been kidnapped."

The other party speaks fluent English, Xiao Yi just remembered that he had spoken a lot just now, except that he didn't speak English.

The man took out a string of necklaces from his body. There was an amethyst pendant on the necklace. There were a few words printed on the pendant. Xiao Yi had no time to pay attention to it.

The pendant was stained with blood, and there was a string of numbers on it, engraved with a contact number.

"It doesn't matter to hang up high, I am not here to help people save the children. After you die, buddy, you can tell the person you want to tell in a dream."

Xiao Yi said, just after saying this, the man spit out a big mouthful of blood, the bullet pierced his chest, and Immortal Daluo couldn't save him.

"Hey, if you say you die, you will die, FUCK! Let's say another word and kiss."

The pupils of the other party had been enlarged, and it was obviously hopeless. Xiao Yi dragged the person's corpse aside, walked a few steps and turned back.

"Hey, for the sake of your death, I will hold it for now."

Xiao Yi took away his business card. He is too busy with his own affairs now, so there is no time to take care of others.

After installing the necklace, Xiao Yi smoothly entered Murphyra's realm. As soon as he entered Murphyra, Xiao Yi saw that there was not even a ghost in the streets of this town.

A gust of wind blows, the fallen leaves on the street are rolled up, the shops on both sides are closed, or both are smashed, the owner of the shop inside has long gone out for refuge.

Occasionally a few stray dogs pass through the street, enter the shops, and search for something to eat. This place feels like the end of the world.

But when Xiao Yi went on for a while, another scene appeared in front of him. The streets here are bustling, many merchants are doing business, and the guests are constantly coming and going.

The east side and the west side are completely different. Xiao Yi is very curious about what is going on. Entering a local restaurant, Xiao Yi orders something casually.

After Xiao Yi's inquiries, it turned out that Murphy was divided into two parts, of which the east was protected by private armed forces, and the west was not.

Although the people living in the eastern half of the district seem to be very prosperous, most of the money they earned is actually taken away by private armed forces, and the rest is used to make ends meet.

Private armed forces are responsible for maintaining law and order. Although everyone is unwilling to pay, there is no way without paying, otherwise the western half will be their end.

Taking advantage of this moment, Xiao Yi found a place to contact Zhan Spear, Zhan Spear and the others happened to be, all three of them were in a hotel in the eastern half.

Xue Yaoyue sent the eagle out to collect information, War Spear and Xue Yaoyue, and then made plans based on the intelligence and decided how to act.

Xiao Yi and Zhan Spear agreed on a meeting place. There was a water tower in the eastern half to purify people's living water. Xiao Yi set the meeting place on the side of the water tower.

Putting on a coat with a hat, Xiao Yi put on a peaked cap, and then went to the location of the water tower alone. Ten minutes later, Xiao Yi stood by a wall under the water tower.

Less than two minutes after he arrived, a figure got out of the taxi, and then looked around to confirm that no one was following, and then walked towards the water tower with confidence.

"I haven't seen him for a while, this kid has become more and more cautious."

Xiao Yi had already seen the shadow of the War Spear. The War Spear looked very thin, but he was very strong. By breaking his wrists with the deputy team Thor, the War Spear could be tied.

However, this is not the greatest ability of War Spear. The most powerful aspect of War Spear is the technique of blasting. It is also because of this that Xiao Yi was given the code name War Spear.

Zhan Spear saw someone waiting for him in front of him, and thought that he could see the **** of death soon. Now the news from the outside world said that the **** of death was dead, but only he knew that the **** of death was still alive.

Excited, he almost shed tears, and Zhan Spear quickly walked towards Xiao Yi, wanting to shake hands with Xiao Yi and give him a hug.

"Okay, War Spear, just stand there, as long as you know I'm alive.

"But Grim Reaper, I want to see you and see what you look like now. It has been more than two months since leaving the team."

Xiao Yi took a deep breath. Xiao Yi was thinking about how to talk when he saw his former teammates. In the end, Xiao Yi still held back.

"Don't worry, I am fine now, and I am more moisturized than before."

The spear was standing on the spot with Xiao Yi right in front of him, but Xiao Yi was wearing a hat, and he couldn't see the expression on Xiao Yi's face at this moment.

The voice did not change, the breath did not change, but Zhan Spear felt that something had changed in Xiao Yi, like a sharp sword, without the sharpness it had before.

"Reaper, it's really good for you to be alive. Although I don't know why you don't come back now, if Xue Yaoyue learns this news, she must be mad with joy."

"I've been suffering for her all the time. We don't need to say more about War Spear if we reminisce about the past. Let's talk about the focus of this mission."

Xiao Yi knew that time was the most precious now, and it would not be easy for the spear to come out once. If it was wasted on a conversation and it was too late to return for a while, Xue Yaoyue would definitely be suspicious.

Zhan Spear told Xiao Yi all the information they had detected, and said separately, this time the mission is afraid that it will be a futile return.

Although the difficulty of the task was only Grade B, at the time, Buck was only alone, and the situation is different now.

In the years when Buck was a mercenary, he strengthened a group of illegal armed forces. Buck and the leader of this group are like brothers.

This time Buck appeared in Murphyra. The original mission was not too difficult, but now Buck, perhaps knowing some movement, is entangled with this illegal armed force.

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