Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

: Fish girl three prince

"This, I don't know, all adults are like this. Every day, I am worried, and I am sighing, I am afraid that."

Pepe said, "But our children will not, our children will never be afraid of anything, not afraid of Shannua, you are so kind and fun starry aliens!"

"Maybe, your race is too weak."

It thought for a long time and came to the conclusion. "You float in the universe, it is like dust floating in the air. Everything around you is stronger than you. All creatures and non-livings can swallow you. It's no wonder that you are all day. Panic, afraid of death.

"But now you don't have to be afraid. Now that you have me, I will protect you. I... In your words, it is very powerful. Even the most horrible storm in the four-dimensional space can't hurt me, and it won't hurt me. Protecting you, we can live happily together forever, just like the people in the story."

Pepe opened his mouth and wanted to tell Shannuya that the truth was not the case - even with the protection of the Nether Hunter, and the development of a new starship and shield technology, there are still many people in the four-dimensional jump Involved in the storm, torn apart, annihilated in the void.

However, despite telling so many stories, it is difficult for Shannua to understand the concepts of “individual” and “ethnic group”. In the vast majority of its long life, it is a unique one, and it is a continuous cycle. The ecological circle, in its case, as long as the main body of the ethnic group is preserved, and the individual who lost the life will continue in other individuals, so there is no need for pain and sadness - just as it will not be sad to lose hundreds of tentacles Sad, if the tentacles are broken, they can grow longer. If people die, they can regenerate. What does it matter?


Pepe gave up the explanation, and along with it, sweet smiled. "At that time, my ancestors wandered in the stars, and suffered a lot of hardships until they encountered the previous generation of emptiness hunters. Days, now with the protection of Shannua, we are not afraid of anything.

"Only, we are a small carbon-based life that has not yet evolved completely. In the dark years of wandering in the stars, the genes of fear are deeply hidden in our cells, so adults will be nervous. I’m afraid that I’m going to do something that little kids can’t understand all day, and it’s pretty pitiful to think about it!”


It was undecided, hesitated, and finally threw out a question that had been thought for a long time and was the most incomprehensible. "Pepe, can you tell me why you want me to call Shannuya?"


Pepe stunned.

"The 'empty hunter' is the name you used to define my race. Although it is a bit strange, it is barely understandable."

It said, "But why is my name ‘shannuya’? Do you know the meaning of ‘shannuya’?”

Pepe certainly knows.

"Shan Nuya" is the protagonist of the story collection "One Thousand and One Nights". It is a cruel king on an ancient island in the ancient world. Because he was betrayed by the Queen, he deeply hated all the women in the whole world. After killing the Queen, Always greet a bride every day, killing her in the morning, more than three years, more than a thousand innocent girls died in the wrath of King Mountain Nuya.

Later, the daughter of the prime minister, Shan Ruzod, voluntarily married the king in order to save the innocent girl, telling the king a story every night. She grasped the rhythm just right, and every time she talked about the most wonderful place, it was when the chicken broke. In this way, to attract the king, so that the king is not willing to kill her, just like this, the story speaks a thousand and one night, the king was finally moved by her, gave up the cruel evil, and Shan Ruzode was old.

“‘Shanuya’ is a name of...the tyrant, very cruel.”

It said, "But I am not a cruel tyrant. I am your guardian. Why do you want me to call Shannuya?"

"This, I really don't know."

Pepe was helpless and surrendered again. "This is the name that was handed down a long time ago. Before I was born, no, before the parents of my parents' parents were born, they called you like this - you know, Our life is too short for your life, so I don't know why people who were a long time ago called you 'Shanuya'."

"I don't like the name."

It murmured. "I used to be jealous. I never thought that this name was wrong. But after listening to Pepe, you suddenly had a kind of feeling. I don’t want to call again. 'Shanuya', I don't want to be a tyrant."

"What do you want to call?"

Pepe asked.

"‘Happy Prince’.”

It said, "Pepe, do you know what the 'Happy Prince' is?"

"Of course, the story of "Happy Prince" is still what I told you to listen to!"

Pepe couldn't help but laugh. "The happy prince is a very beautiful statue. The gems and gold foils decorate its body and have the most kind heart. Everyone boasted and praised it. Winter is here, the poor are here. The biting cold wind shivered and suffered the frost and snow. The happy prince couldn’t bear to see this scene, let the passing swallows take away the gold foil and gems on it to help the poor, and they became ugly. Finally, people were pushed down and remelted - the ending of this story is not so good."

"But I still like this story. I like "Happy Prince" more than "Alibaba and the Forty Thieves."

It said, "And, the ending of this story is also very good. Finally, not all happy princes and little swallows are sent to the garden of God. Will they live happily together forever?"


Pepe once again widened his eyes. "Shanuya, do you believe in the existence of God?"

"If 'God' refers to a heterogeneous life form beyond the scope of the "human" small primate carbon-based intelligent life, then of course it exists. When I crossed the four-dimensional space, I once felt a lot of 'God. 'The existence of 'has been, as to whether there is a garden in their field that can accommodate happy princes and little swallows, I don't know, hope there?"

It said, "And, I don't like you calling me 'Shanuya', can you call me a 'happy prince'?"

"This can't be done. I didn't say that I can change your name at will." If I do this, Dad will make a fuss and tell me a good meal, but I can help you ask Dad. Ask them why they wanted you to call 'Shan Nuya'. Can you change your name?"

Pepe said, "Before that, I can call you the prince of Shanuya. Ha, this name is also very good, can you, my Royal Highness Prince Shanuya?"

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