By the time the Arsenal players returned to their own half-time after celebrating, the game was already in the 44th minute.

Time was running out of the first half, but Liverpool still played a quality attack.

Liverpool's back-of-the-line Carragher made precise passes to Reds centre-forward Kuyt, who used his height advantage to steal the ball in front of Vermaelen.

Then he turned around and hit the goal, but unfortunately the flying football deflected off the Arsenal goal.

After this attack, the referee did not give more time and directly blew the midfield whistle.


"Whew! The first half is over, Arsenal leads Liverpool by two goals, both scored by Chen Fan! Huang

Jianxiang breathed a long sigh of relief, and Kuyt's final shot made him very nervous.

The players from both sides walked to the tunnel and went back to their respective dressing rooms.

When Arsenal's players returned to the dressing room, Arsene Wenger was already waiting for him.

"Nice job! Keep it up! "

Every time an Arsenal player enters the dressing room, Wenger pats him on the shoulder and says a word of encouragement.

When the players were seated to rest, Wenger stood at the front of the dressing room and spoke.

"Guys! Nice job in the first half! Keep it up like this, and I'm sure we'll be the winners! "

The Arsenal players here are also in high spirits and want to quickly proceed to the second half to win.

On the other side, Liverpool's dressing room.

A man wearing Liverpool's number eight shirt on crutches walked into the now somewhat somber dressing room, with Reds boss Dalglish walking behind him.

Liverpool legendary captain, Gerrard!

The Reds players looked up when they heard the movement and saw that it was their captain, with some excitement on their faces.

Some players stood up and tried to help Gerrard, who now had a calf injury, but the latter stopped him with a gesture.

After everyone's attention came to Gerard, the Red Army captain spoke.

"Why do you all keep your heads down?! Listless?! When

everyone heard their captain question, their expressions changed, and they were a little remorseful.

"What team do we belong to?! Whose players are we?! Liverpool! We are the Red Army! What about being two goals behind?! "

That Liverpool team in Istanbul back then could win, why can't we now!" You can do it! I'll watch you guys win!

Gerard shouted next.

He didn't say anything more and turned and left the dressing room, leaving only the Liverpool players flushed and clenched into fists.

Soon, the players from both sides walked out of the tunnel together.

As soon as they came out of the passage, they felt two different sound waves against each other, impacting each other.

On one side are the gunners, on the other - the Red Army.

What they didn't know was that fans of both teams began spitting fragrance at each other from the end of the halffield, allowing the security guards present to temporarily call headquarters for reinforcements.

The players from both sides quickly established themselves on the pitch.


The referee blew the whistle and the second half, which decided the fate of both teams, began.

The desire to fight on both sides was mobilized at halftime, and the smell of gunpowder on the field grew stronger.

The core area of the contest between the players of both sides is the midfield, where it is almost hand-to-hand combat to grab the football.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

The referee blew the whistle frequently, and only after showing yellow cards to players who had committed multiple fouls did the two sides restrain slightly.

"The two teams fought in the first game, and the game was much more exciting than we predicted before the game."

Andy Gray likes great games and said excitedly.

As soon as his words fell, there was an unexpected scene on the court.

In the 51st minute, Suarez received a direct drive from Henderson over the Arsenal midfield.

He used his foot skills and body all the way to Arsenal's big penalty area, and Vermaelen decisively put a tackle to remove the football.

However, an accident occurred, and instead of making a tackle on the football, Vermaelen tripped Suarez.


The referee quickly blew the whistle and ran to the scene of the crime to show Vermaelen a yellow card, which fortunately had not been given before, otherwise it would have been bad.

Liverpool then received a well-placed free-kick, which was discussed by the Reds players and was headed by Suarez.

Su Ya, who was not a big deal after falling, stood in front of the football and gradually stepped back to measure the running distance.

When the referee blew the whistle to signal that he could take a free throw, Su Ya quickly started and raised his leg to shoot.


The shot of the ball rushed towards the Arsenal goal.

Arsenal's human wall height is completely inadequate, and football easily crosses it.

Gunners goalkeeper Szczesny flew to save as soon as the football flew in, but unfortunately the angle of the football was too tricky and flew into the goal against the goalpost.

“goal!!! Fantastic free kick! Suarez from Liverpool!

Andy Gray, who was in the Wembley commentary seat, shouted quickly.

"The quality of the ball is high, and Szczesny is also powerless, alas."

"Hopefully Arsenal can adjust quickly and not let the other side continue to score!"

Seeing this ball, Huang Jianxiang was also a little helpless.

On the watch pitch.

Suarez, who stopped in the distance, saw the football fly into the goal and ran frantically to the sidelines.

On the way to running, he raised his right hand, stretched out only three fingers, and then kissed them in turn.

It's a celebratory gesture of his personality, meaning thanking his family, wife, and children who have always supported him behind his back.

After a moment of celebration with excited Reds fans, the Liverpool players returned to their own half-time to continue the game, as they were still one goal behind.

The game then continued, and the Liverpool players gained momentum after scoring a goal, and their style of play gradually became fierce.

In the 65th minute of the game, Liverpool striker Coyt quickly countered after receiving the ball and hit the opponent's heel.

Unsurprisingly, he was shown a yellow card.

Under the opponent's such a fierce style, the Arsenal players are naturally equally fierce.

This leads to a situation where the longer the game lasts, the more intense the pitch.

In this state, the mistakes of players on both sides gradually increased.

In the 76th minute of the game, Chen Fan, who retreated from the right side, cut off the opponent's pass and turned directly and ran wildly.

"Defend! Defend! Old! Prevent Chen!

Dalglish on the sidelines jumped his feet when he saw this scene, and if Chen Fan's speed increased, it would be a disaster for Liverpool.

Without a coach reminding them, the Reds players couldn't let Chen Fan accelerate with the ball so easily.

The closest Liverpool player to Chen Fan was Henderson, who quickly approached Chen Fan to use his body to steal the football from under the opponent's feet.

Unfortunately, Chen Fan gently pushed the football with his left foot, and then accelerated again to cross over from his right side.

"Chen! Pass to yourself in three seconds! "

PS: Is the sky of Chinese football going to be bright?

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