The recent games have been very intensive, and the team’s training has basically been based on tactical training, and the training with a relatively high possibility of injury has been reduced as much as possible.

After all, the team’s manpower is already a bit insufficient, such as Dalot, even the national team, playing time is a lot.

Coupled with a veteran like Cavani, it is not as durable as Luo and often needs to rest.

The most important thing is that although Kavani performs well and everyone is used to him, he has no feelings for Manchester United after all, which is not enough for Liu Yi to pay prestige to modify his data.

Another problem is that Cavani himself and his family have always had a lot of opinions about the weather in England.

Eager for the passionate South America, or the sunny Iberian Peninsula, it is possible to play football in the West Wild Teeth.

When his contract expired in the summer, Barca repeatedly expressed interest in him.

Of course, Barca have expressed interest in more players, Rashford, Lingard and Mata, etc., all of whom have passed the news, and there are noses and eyes.

Rashford and Lingard, Liu Yi will never let go, but if Mata and Cavani are words, Liu Yi hopes that they can live happily at Barca and get a high enough salary.

Looking at the players running around the court, passing the ball to each other and practicing offensive routines, Liu Yi scattered his thoughts and focused his attention.

He did not know, in the eyes of the players, but the boss stood on the sidelines with a straight face, a serious look, a very opinion of everyone.

Even Carrick and Fan Zhi did not dare to disturb him, C Luo was diligently training mentally, and the others did not need to say.

If you are not careful, you may be found by the boss to find a reason to let yourself do physical training and run ten kilometers!

Tomorrow’s game against Everton, with Liu Yi’s current level, even if he does not use the system to open and hang, he can definitely take it down, and the tacit understanding of this group of players in the current squad is really too good.

However, it is still necessary to use it instead, since there is no use, once the car is overturned, it is not bad for its own reputation.

Raising his hand and looking at the time, it was already five o’clock in the afternoon, and it was time to tell.

A soft cough followed by a clapping of hands that drew everyone’s attention.

Carrick and Fan Zhi immediately shouted loudly, the boss has something to say, everyone immediately stopped the action of their hands, and came to listen to the boss’s words.

Players flocked to the scene, scrambling to keep themselves from being aggressive enough.

“Today’s training is here, don’t do anything else in the evening, go away to play Everton tomorrow, I hope you will keep your physical strength and energy on the pitch, as for what to do, wait until the end of the game!”

“Whether we can continue our victory this month determines the results of our season, so no one should drop the chain for me, understand that there is not!”

Everyone shouted in unison, “Understood! ”

Liu Yi was very satisfied, some smiles appeared on his face, and nodded to everyone.

“You know, even among all the players from ancient times to the present, there will not be too many players who can win the honor of triple crown, and this season we just have such an opportunity, do you say we can let this opportunity slip away!”

“BOSS, of course not!”

“Even if it’s not an opportunity, I will create an opportunity!”

“No one wants to take the championship from us!”

The players are full of energy, morale, and it looks like the military is available.

“Very good, tomorrow morning I hope we have a lot of shows up here!”

This last sentence, before Liu Yi said casually, to show his requirements for the team, but since the Aoki accident, this has been a de facto thing.

Even the players were trembling, thinking about Greenwood’s fate, if it fell on their heads, it would be absolutely irresistible.

Not to mention other players, even Marcus Rashford, who has been awarded, came to such a time, it is discredited, and his career is directly ruined.

The players scattered, and Liu Yi walked to the office with Carrick and Fan Zhi.

“Old Card, how have you been feeling lately?”

“BOSS, I’ve learned a lot around you, and my previous ideas about coaching a team were still a bit naïve and naïve!”

Carrick is very modest, and of course this is also true.

“Old Card, you’re a smart guy when you’re a player, but sometimes as a football participant, you can’t be so smart, you have to have some tiger spirit and recklessness!”

As Liu Yi spoke, Carrick was a little dazed.

He could understand every word, but when they were connected, he didn’t know what it meant, and he looked at Fan Zhi for help.

Unfortunately, Fan Zhi’s English level still has a lot of room for improvement to reach this point.

The two looked at each other, and finally had to harden their scalps and ask Liu Yi to re-enter.

“This means that you can’t hesitate at the critical moment, you must have the courage and boldness of the stud, and go out and fight with the opponent!”

Hearing the word stud ha, whether it was Fan Zhi or Carrick, he immediately understood, and nodded his head in unison.

Carrick quickly said some of his own understanding, whether it is Fan Zhi or Carrick, it is impossible to be a lifelong teaching assistant, and this opportunity to ask for advice in person is indeed not much.

After a few simple comments, Liu Yi turned his attention to Fan Zhi, the big man who dedicated the Bible to Gongnan of Longguo Football, and now has a look of sincere trepidation.

“Old Fan, how do you feel lately, it’s been a while since you’ve been here, have you adapted to it?”

Hearing Liu Yi ask this, Fan Zhi was immediately relieved, he was still very hard, but the concept change, as well as in-depth learning, this requires a process.

“I’ve adapted, I’m getting to know better, and the old card has helped me a lot!”

“Well, if you have time, you can go to the academy team, U15 or u16 children, do more practice, and communicate with the following youth coaches!”

Liu Yi said and patted Fan Zhi’s shoulder, if he did not open the hanging, Fan Zhi would not be at the level of Carrick assistant in his life.

This is not because Fan Zhi does not work hard, or because of the lack of IQ, mainly because of the huge gap in the football environment, resulting in the difference in understanding of football, which needs to be slowly made up.

The next morning, the players appeared one by one, and Wan Bissaka in the hospital also sent photos showing himself lying honestly in the hospital.

Everyone took a group photo and then took a bus to Liverpool City, yes, Everton is also a club in Liverpool City.

Manchester United’s official website and official social media also issued a declaration after receiving the photo: “Forward, towards the championship!” ”

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