The referee simply blew the whistle and then gave McTominay a yellow card.

Then the whistle of the end of the game was blown, and in one fell swoop, there was no trace of mud and water.

To McTominay’s pleasure, the boss did not blame him, but instead patted him on the shoulder and encouraged his behavior.

Then, as is customary, all the players and staff go to the away fan area together to thank the Manchester United fans who have come from afar to support the team.

At the post-match press conference, Liu Yi and Luo, who was elected as the best in the audience, were interviewed.

“Liu, how did it feel to be in Delhi for the first time?”

“It’s a beautiful city, I’m here for the first time, tomorrow after the team holidays, get ready for a good walk!”

“Oh, you’re sure to have a sneak trip!”

“Thank you!”

‘If you’re not happy at Manchester United in the future, would you like to come to Madrid and coach?’

Liu Yi looked at the Spanish beauty in front of him and did not bear to blame the other party, after all, for reporters, such an interview method is really normal.

‘I’ve had a great time at Manchester United, I’m a Manchester United fan and I have a long contract with Manchester United!’

“Is Real Madrid attractive to you?”

‘Real Madrid are one of the best clubs in the world, they have incredible achievements, they have a huge influence and countless fans around the world and I hope to lead Manchester United to catch up with them!’

Being interviewed is also a matter of practice making perfect, and Liu Yi is now coping with this kind of problem and is familiar with the road.

Ronaldo was also interviewed, and the reporters had a deeper influence on him and more questions, wanting to ask the superstar who left Madrid.

“Cristiano, congratulations on winning the best player on this stadium again!”

“Thank you!”

“Back in Madrid again, do you have anything to say to the fans, you know a lot of Real Madrid fans love you too!”

“It’s amazing feeling, as a Manchester United player, I came back here to play against Atletico, forever grateful to the Real Madrid fans for their support and love, I will always support Real Madrid!”

“Your experience in Juve in the past few years has not been a success, and you are getting farther and farther away from the Golden Globes, so do you regret leaving Real Madrid?”

‘Real Madrid is a part of my life, but it’s over, I’m a Manchester United player now, I want to give everything for Manchester United, as for Juve, I only have gratitude in my heart!’

“Would you resent Flentino and be ruthless in dealing with your problems?”

‘Of course not, he just did what he thought was right, I made my choice, now I’m doing well at Manchester United, this is where I started, now I’m back here, to make up for the loss that left Manchester United and also hope to bring more glory to Manchester United fans!’

It is worth mentioning that in the following time, Florentino said in an interview: “If Cristiano is willing to return to Real Madrid, we are willing to talk to Manchester United!” ”

For his behavior, Manchester United fans naturally scolded and did not face, and some Real Madrid fans expressed their joy, which can make up for the regret that Luo did not end up with Real Madrid.

But C Ronaldo fans were silent, for most C Ronaldo fans, Real Madrid’s behavior was too disrespectful to Ronaldo, they had their own reasons, but in the end it hurt C Ronaldo and some C Ronaldo fans.

Somewhat surprisingly, Ronaldo did not respond to the incident, which caused some Manchester United fans to be dissatisfied.

They appeared on Ronaldo’s social media and asked Ronaldo to respond to the matter.

He was meeting with Mendez in the hotel, and Mendez was accompanied by Fernando Gomez, the head of the Portuguese Football Association, which showed that the other party was very sincere.

After greeting each other for a while, the two sides began to talk about some specific things, and for Liu Yi’s request, Gomez agreed to it all, not even counter-offering.

“Liu Yi, we believe in your strength, so we don’t set any goals for you, no matter what the result is, you will be one of the most popular people in Portugal!”

The specific contract is naturally handled by Mendes, and it is not realistic to let the interests themselves.

At this time, Liu Yi and Mendez received the message almost at the same time, looked at the mobile phone and the face invariably changed, Liu Yi’s short message was sent by Carrick, saying that it was a C Luo thing.

“C Ronaldo should make a crisp response!”

Mendez was the first to speak, clarifying his attitude.

Liu Yi nodded, and in front of the two people, dialed C Luo’s phone number.

“Cristiano, my Manchester United come and go freely, if you want to go back to Real Madrid, then you can call Real Madrid and ask them to make a quote!”

The C Luo on the other side did not know where the BOSS was angry because he did not respond in time, and he immediately panicked: “The boss did not wait for him to finish, Liu Yi directly hung up the phone, and then politely nodded to the two people.” ”

“First give me some time to think about it, after all, the national team game is still for some time, and the World Cup is still more than half a year, we are not in a hurry!”

Fernando Gomez wanted to scold Luo at this time, what are you doing at such a critical time?

Luo at home in Madrid, opened his social software, looked at the hot search and various comments on it, and finally understood why BOSS was so angry.

He himself wants to use this matter to let the outside world see, even if he is now, he can make Real Madrid extend an olive branch, but he ignores the feelings of the fans.

His silence was misinterpreted by United fans as wanting to return to Real Madrid.

What made him even more uncomfortable was that Liu Yi did not give him face at all, directly showed his attitude, and said something he had not thought of at all.

You have to respond quickly, but what should you say?

When C Luo was ready to ask for help from Mendez, Mendez’s phone had already called, and this figure who was felt by Luo was like a big brother, and his voice was a little cold.

“Just now we were talking to Liu about the Portuguese national team and now he feels the need to reconsider!”

In an instant, Luo’s cold sweat came out, he just did not think of this matter, if Liu Yi is not willing to take over the Portuguese national team, the World Cup is absolutely no play, the most important thing is that the efforts made before, all of which have been adrift, he may even go from being a national hero to a sinner.

“Jorge, I was thinking about how to reply before, not because I didn’t want to!”

Ronaldo quickly explained that he really had no idea of returning to Real Madrid at all.

Mainly because he has a clear heart, he has experienced several managers after leaving Real Madrid, and even when he was in Real Madrid, there has never been a manager who can let himself burst out of such a powerful force like BOSS.

This is not enough to explain his own strength, and even C Luo knows that this is beyond the scope of his own strength…

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