Football King Bale

Chapter 291 Hot search headlines

After breakfast, Liu Xian'er volunteered to clean up the table, which surprised Bell very much. He hesitated for a moment, and agreed that there was not much tableware to wash this morning, even if Liu Xian'er hadn't done any housework, it wouldn't be difficult to deal with it.

When Liu Xian'er was cleaning up, Bell found that she was doing well, but he could also see that Liu Xian'er was still very unfamiliar with these things, and she probably seldom did them.

In any case, she shouldn't have smashed the tableware, but it made Bell feel relieved. Then he walked into his room, took out a box of coffee beans, and ground them with the machine in the villa.

After Liu Xian'er finished packing the tableware, Bell enthusiastically picked up a cup of coffee and greeted him enthusiastically, "Xian'er, have a taste, I ground the coffee myself."

The noon sun was very strong, but there was a big tree outside Bell's rented villa with lush branches and leaves, which just blocked the glare of the sun.

There is a kapok rattan table and two rattan chairs by the window sill. Two people sit by the window sill and chat while enjoying coffee and sunshine.

"I like this feeling." Liu Xian'er sighed, the golden sunlight projected on her long ink-like hair through the mottled branches, looking at her from the side, her delicate face was very attractive.

"Yeah, a relaxed feeling." Bell nodded.

Liu Xian'er smiled, and said softly: "The beach, the sun, the waves, and the people by my side."

Bell subconsciously avoided his sight and looked at the sea in the distance. He didn't know how to answer this topic.

Seeing Bell's performance, Liu Xian'er felt sad.


While Bell and Liu Xian'er were enjoying a quiet time by the seaside in Beidaihe, the world was already turned upside down because of their affairs.

Especially on the Internet, it has set off an upsurge. Especially in Liu Xian'er's post bar, it was even more noisy.

Netizen I Ai Xian'er took the lead in building a building: "Which villain is Bell? How dare he covet our Xian'er? Stand up, I promise I won't kill you!"

"A monkey who likes to show off!" Blue Moon replied.

"Cousin Shabi! The landlord of Shabi! It's her blessing that our Bell likes your Xianer." The century-old Red Devil immediately yelled at the two floors in front.

"Man Dog is Man Dog. It's like having a spring. When you see a beautiful woman, you go up to it. Have you cleaned your Wang Mouji's PG?" The netizen whose ID is Anfield You Will Never Walk Alone replied.

Netizen Yinhe Batianxia immediately responded: "That's right, the people who are carried by Man are not good people. If you have two boats, you are not afraid of capsizing and drowning you?"

The cosmic wosa also appeared shiningly, and replied: "Although I have never been used to the upstairs, but this time I will give you a lung!"


In less than an hour, this building had thousands of floors, and it quickly became the hottest post on the Internet, almost setting a world record for building construction.

This is inseparable from the huge popularity of the two protagonists involved in the East.

Liu Xian'er, as one of the four famous female roles in the East, was also the first "Goddess of Crane" selected by the Oriental Crane Film and Television Art Festival five years ago. While being high, she also attracted a lot of black fans. As long as there is news about her, it will not only attract many fans,

It will also attract the same amount of black powder to smear.

As for Bell, his popularity in the East was very average, but with his transfer to Manchester United last year, he quickly became the core of the Red Devils and led the team to become an unprecedented four-time champion team, which allowed him to conquer in a short period of time. It attracted tens of millions of Red Devils fans in the East.

However, as Bale and Manchester United dominated football, he also attracted the hatred of fans of other teams, especially the fans of other big teams in Europe.

After all, there are only so many football champions. Manchester United won all the championships they could win in one season, which greatly damaged the interests of other European giants. While the fans of those teams hated Manchester United, Bell was the first to bear the brunt and became the person they hated the most.

No matter how many fans the Red Devils have in the East, it is impossible for them to surpass fans of a large number of other European giants. When they see the news of Bale, they are naturally happy to step on it.

Not to mention that this news is about the scandal between Bell and the oriental goddess-level beauty star Liu Xianer. Many of them are fans of Liu Xianer, and they hate that Bell might steal their goddess away. Belle was even more unceremonious.

And because of Bell's huge influence in football, this scandal not only quickly aroused heated discussions on the post bars of stars in the entertainment industry, but also in the post bars of major European football teams, and even in the personal post bars of some star players. , is also a vigorous discussion.

All of a sudden, Bell and Liu Xian'er's scandal became the hottest topic on the Eastern Internet, with millions of relevant news, and the hot searches on the famous Eastern Internet search engine Qiandu exceeded tens of millions. Far more than other topics, not even an order of magnitude.


In the Eastern capital, Liu Fei looked a little unhappy when he heard the reports from his subordinates.

The topic of her daughter appears on the Internet, whether it is a scandal or not, it is good for her daughter's popularity. He has no objection to this, because he knows very well that since his daughter has entered that circle, it will be inevitable one day.

However, he didn't want his daughter to have contact with a foreigner, so when he learned that his daughter had an affair with a foreign player, he was so angry. He immediately called his daughter who was on vacation and ordered her He went back to Beijing to deal with this matter, but unexpectedly, his daughter, who was always obedient, refused, and even hung up his phone regardless.

Regarding his daughter's reaction, Liu Fei was very unhappy, but also a little helpless. After all, that girl was already an adult, and he didn't want to control her too strictly, so he planned to use some of his own channels and means to make that kid retreat.

However, Liu Fei soon discovered that the development of the matter was somewhat beyond his expectation.

He is well aware of his daughter's popularity in the East. Although her topic item is a frequent visitor on the thousand-degree hot search list, she rarely tops the list, and even tops the list with an advantage of more than an order of magnitude.

Apart from the daughter's factor, the reason for this abnormality must be the young player's factor.

Liu Fei knew beforehand that that kid had some fame in western football, and he became a top five candidate for a football award at the beginning of the year, but Liu Fei didn't care too much.

However, the sudden explosion of the Internet now made him feel that things might not be as simple as he thought.

As more and more news was reported to him by his subordinates, his expression became more serious.

Especially when a bill about the young player's income was put in front of him, he couldn't calm down at all. He never imagined that this young player, who he thought was no big deal, had an annual income of 30 million euros. He was familiar with foreign exchange, and he knew it well, which meant that the young player's annual income would be 300 million in Dongfang currency!

This is a billionaire! And he is a billionaire who is only 22 years old!

From this point of view, that kid is worthy of his daughter?

Just when Liu Fei's thoughts eased a little, another piece of news came back: According to reliable sources, that young player is also one of the major shareholders of Dagu Smartphone, which has become famous in the East this year!

Liu Fei is quite familiar with this smartphone company founded by Rebus, who is well-known in the Eastern business world. Although the company's first mobile phone will not be officially launched until two months later, the industry is very optimistic. Now that Dagu has completed three rounds of financing, people's market value has reached the level of 1 billion US dollars!

And since that young player is one of the major shareholders of Dagu Company, the shares held by him may not be less than 5%. And according to the report of his subordinates, this ratio may reach 10%!

With that said, that guy is already a bona fide billionaire, and in dollars!

I bought a watch last year, so I am already a billionaire at such a young age. When I was at that age, I didn’t graduate from university, right?

Is playing football really that profitable?

For a while, Liu Fei was in a slump and didn't want to care about his daughter anymore.


At night, Liu Xian'er received a call, not from her father, but from her best friend Zhang Liangliang.

After hanging up the phone, she couldn't fall asleep for a long time, tossing and turning for a long time, she got up from the bed and went out in her pajamas.

This is a billionaire! And he is a billionaire who is only 22 years old!

From this point of view, that kid is worthy of his daughter?

Just when Liu Fei's thoughts eased a little, another piece of news came back: According to reliable sources, that young player is also one of the major shareholders of Dagu Smartphone, which has become famous in the East this year!

Liu Fei is quite familiar with this smartphone company founded by Rebus, who is well-known in the Eastern business world. Although the company's first mobile phone will not be officially launched until two months later, the industry is very optimistic. Now that Dagu has completed three rounds of financing, people's market value has reached the level of 1 billion US dollars!

And since that young player is one of the major shareholders of Dagu Company, the shares held by him may not be less than 5%. And according to the report of his subordinates, this ratio may reach 10%!

With that said, that guy is already a bona fide billionaire, and in dollars!

I bought a watch last year, so I am already a billionaire at such a young age. When I was at that age, I didn’t graduate from university, right?

Is playing football really that profitable?

For a while, Liu Fei was in a slump and didn't want to care about his daughter anymore.

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