Football King Bale

Chapter 271 The storm is coming

That night, although there was still a Champions League final to be played after six days, Manchester United held an internal celebration dinner.

The club's old chairman, Malcolm Glazer, who was paralyzed due to a stroke, also unexpectedly attended the celebration dinner. Before the dinner started, Glazer announced that in view of Manchester United's outstanding performance this season, all first-team players will receive 100,000 pounds. Cash rewards by check.

This is an additional reward in addition to the championship bonus. It does not differ based on the player's performance in the club and is distributed on the spot.

This immediately caused everyone to cheer.

Bell has almost no contact with this team owner, but in the eyes of the outside world, he has always been regarded as a vampire. Now he actually offers such a bonus, which is really beyond Bell's expectations. After all, there are nearly 30 people in the Manchester United first team, each worth 100,000 pounds, which is nearly 3 million pounds, and it is cash.

Old Glazer looked at the lively scene, toasted with congratulations, and left with the club's senior officials. They knew that with them here, everyone would not do their best.

Ferguson, who has always been strict in running the army, also directly said: Today is a celebration banquet, all the rules can be relaxed, the wine can be drunk freely, even if someone is drunk, no one will blame them.

Furthermore, Ferguson also announced that the team will have a day off tomorrow, resume training on the 24th, and then leave for London on the 27th to prepare for the Champions League final starting on the night of the 28th.

The old Sir Alex received a burst of cheers as soon as he said these words.

Later, Ferguson also left. He was about to turn 70 and could not play with the young people in the team.

He made such a decision to relieve pressure on the players. Although Manchester United is undefeated on four fronts this season and has won the domestic treble, the psychological pressure accumulated on the players is also huge. Before preparing for the game against Cosmos Barcelona, ​​it is necessary to relieve some of the psychological pressure on the players. , allowing everyone to travel lightly is helpful for the decisive battle.


After Ferguson left, Manchester United players started to have fun.

Of course, because many players brought their family members or girlfriends, although the atmosphere of the dinner was good, it was not so crazy that it was uncontrolled.

Although Ferguson relaxed the alcohol ban, Bell did not completely let himself go like some Manchester United players. He just drank some champagne, which was something that could be managed. Since he was attending a dinner party, it was impossible to completely isolate himself from wine.

After clinking a few drinks with his teammates, Bell didn't drink any more. Although the alcohol content of champagne is not high, drinking too much will still make you drunk, which is also bad for players' health.

While the Manchester United players were having fun in the banquet hall, the club's top brass also held a special banquet, attended by the club's top brass and some of the club's current or future partners.

Manchester United has won the domestic treble, and is expected to win the unprecedented quadruple crown a week later. The club's future development and planning will also enter a new level. These market relationships and connections need to be cultivated.


When the time reached ten o'clock in the evening,

Bell said goodbye and left first. Although the Ming Dynasty team had a holiday, Bell himself had his own training plan and it would not end because of this holiday.

When Bell left, his teammates were still having fun. Of course, some teammates left with their female companions during this period. For them, this would be a night of release.

Bell was the only one of the players who left first without a female companion. For nearly half a year, Rosamund Pike was filming on the other side of the ocean and has not returned to England. The contact between the two is much less than last year.

Back at the house he rented on the outskirts of Manchester, Bell finished washing and went to bed before eleven o'clock.

The next morning, Bell still woke up at six o'clock as usual, and then went out for morning exercises.

After doing morning exercises, Bell returned to the house, went to the bathroom and took a bath. Finally, he felt physically and mentally comfortable. He changed his clothes, opened the curtains, and let the golden sunlight shine in. He felt completely refreshed.

Because it was a holiday today, Bell did not have to go to Carrington Base for training, so he leisurely made an exquisite breakfast in the kitchen. He sat alone in the yard, eating breakfast in the morning sun while enjoying the rare silence. time.

After breakfast, Bell went to the concierge to get Jin's newspaper, and sat and read it slowly in the yard.

However, when Bell browsed the Sunday Herald, his eyes froze.

The "Sunday Herald" published yesterday put a picture of a player on the front page. Under the picture, it read: "Everyone knows that this is the player who was involved in an extramarital affair. He applied for a privacy order to avoid being exposed. ." Then he sealed the player's eyes with a black strip and wrote the word "Deleted". The player in the photo has a gray beard, and the jersey he is wearing is vaguely identifiable as that of Manchester United. His identity cannot be concealed - his teammate at Manchester United, Ryan Giggs.

Bell sighed helplessly, this happened inevitably.


Although Bell reminded himself of the Welsh big brother several times after moving to Manchester United last summer, Bell knew that those reminders had no effect. The big brother still played how he should play.

As the saying goes, nature is easy to change but hard to change. Habits formed over more than 20 years have been deeply rooted in the bone marrow. It cannot be changed by changing it. What's more, this big brother has no idea of ​​​​changing in his heart.

Thinking of the chic life of his Manchester United teammates, Bell once again shook his head helplessly. Compared with them, I really lived a life like an ascetic.

However, Bell has no regrets. He enjoyed this kind of life very much. Compared with the days in his previous life when he had to work hard to survive, it was much better.

The most important thing is that although my life is not as exciting as those of my teammates, it is better than being stable and I don't have to worry about being exposed in the spotlight.

Later, what Bell thought about was the possible impact this incident would have on Manchester United. Then he discovered that there would definitely be an impact, but it wouldn't be too serious.

Although Giggs has performed well this season, his status in the Manchester United team has been diluted a lot compared to another time and space.

In memory, Giggs was the core of Manchester United at that time and one of the important contributors to Manchester United's ability to win the league and reach the Champions League final this season.

However, in today's time and space, with his transfer to Manchester United, Giggs has become more of a rotation player for Manchester United. His playing time has been reduced a lot, and his impact on the team has also been weakened a lot.

Perhaps this impact on the upcoming Champions League final will not be that serious?


While Bell was sitting in his courtyard thinking quietly, the whole of England, and even the whole of Europe, was already quarreling over this news.

Ryan Giggs is once again the talk of the town. Of course, this time it was not because of his 12th Premier League title with Manchester United, nor because of his contract extension with the club, nor because of his release of a yoga DVD, but an extramarital affair.

A Scottish newspaper has now confirmed that the star who had an affair with former Miss Wales and Big Brother star Eorgan Thomas was Giggs.

Although the Sunday Herald is published in Glasgow, Scotland, many England fans still see the newspaper.

"When I saw the name of the protagonist, I was shocked." A fan named Delany said.

On Titter, tens of thousands of people have forwarded the report of Giggs' affair. The whole UK, and even the whole world, knows that the Manchester United winger is the man who had an affair with Imorgan.

Many fans cannot accept Giggs' affair.

"I never thought it would be Ryan. He has always been a role model for my children. I have educated my children to become a wise and principled person like Ryan." 39-year-old Manchester United fan Clegg said.

Even Giggs’ agent couldn’t believe it. He said in an interview: “I was shocked, it’s unbelievable. I can’t relate this to Ryan, he is such a family person. I don’t know what to do about it, I know his family well.”

Someone joked on Titter: "Well, it's Giggs. I'm really surprised. Besides winning the championship, he has other things to be busy with."

Another said: "Dear Ryan, you are offside."

The affair between Ryan Giggs and Imogen was rumored even before Manchester United won the title. In mid-April, "The Sun" broke the news that Imogen was with a top star playing in the Premier League. This relationship had lasted for six months, and the latter had a relationship with Imogen behind his family's back. The two often go to the hotel to have fun before the game, usually for one to two hours.

Due to celebrity privacy protection regulations, "The Sun" did not disclose the player's identity, but mentioned that he is "married, a famous star playing in the Premier League, and usually presents himself as a good man."

Such a cover-up has aroused the public's appetite, and many people have targeted Manchester United. Some people guessed it was Scholes, others guessed Giggs, and others guessed it was Joe Cole.

Subsequently, newspapers such as the "Daily Star" also mentioned the star, but also did not disclose his identity. The BBC insinuated that this person was linked to a certain Manchester United player. From the media reports, everyone realized that this person has a considerable reputation, and there has been very little negative news about his private life in the past, so his image is healthy.

Afterwards, People's Daily, a newspaper published over the weekend, obtained a conversation between the star and Imogen. The newspaper said that the star asked Imogen to conceal his identity because of the exposure of the affair. At the same time, he applied to the court for celebrity privacy protection regulations to prevent newspapers from publishing his identity.

Great Saint Bell ww.50568/

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