Chapter 197 Leicester City Champions Parade!!!

John’s Kingdom april 3.

Round 32 of the Premier League.

Leicester City host Southampton.

As Leicester City won the title seven rounds early.

The stadium was filled with fans who had come to watch Leicester City raise a glass.

Italian tenor André Bocelli stood next to coach Ranieri in the pre-match celebration and sang the famous song “Nobody Sleeps Tonight”.

Chu Feng and his teammates walked out of the players’ tunnel.

Southampton players and referees welcomed Leicester City players to the tournament in the front of the match The game was completely in a celebratory atmosphere, Southampton has also played quite well this season, all players on both sides have played quite easily Chu Feng in addition to the first half of the long-range shot outside the door, the second half also assisted Vardy to complete the goal.

Southampton player Mane also helped Southampton score a goal towards the end of the game to escape a little more.

The match ended with Leicester City’s 2-1 win over Southamp.

After the game, Leicester City fans did not leave to wait for the toast ceremony behind.

Officials awarded Leicester City the Premier League trophy.

Chu Feng and his teammates received the championship medal together with ZhiLanieri.

Chu Feng didn’t know the award presenter, but the man and Chu Feng didn’t pat Chu Feng on the shoulder after that, saying that Chu Feng had done well this season.

Chu Feng and his teammates who had accepted the championship medal stood on the stage that had already been erected.

Coach Ranieri and captain Morgan are ready to hold aloft the championship trophy.

Chu Feng watched As Ranieri and Captain Morgan raised a glass amid the cheers of the fans, the fireworks behind him, and the ribbon that held Jan.

After holding aloft the championship trophy, Ranieri took off his glasses to wipe the tears from his eyes and enjoyed an honor he had never held before.

Chu Feng and his teammates standing behind them kept cheering and jumping after raising a glass, and the ribbons kept falling on them from the air.

Teammate Morgan held aloft the championship trophy for a while and gave it to Chu Feng.

As Chu Feng once again held aloft the trophy, the original huge cheers in the arena once again increased by a few degrees.

All Leicester City fans and players have recognized Chu Feng’s tribute to Chu Feng this season, and Chu Feng is also full of joy, and the first goal since the rebirth has finally been completed.

Chu Feng knew that although he could win the championship even though he did not have his own Leicester City, Chu Feng believed that because of his arrival, this royal power had become more brilliant.

And he would set this crown with two gems, one called the Associated Nations Cup and the other called the FA Cup.

Then the Leicester City boss also held up the trophy surrounded by players and shared this moment of honor with the players.

The Leicester City boss could not have imagined that Leicester City, who had originally targeted relegation at the beginning of the season, would win the Premier League seven rounds in advance.

He gratefully shook Chu Feng’s hand, and in his opinion, all the variables came from Chu Feng.

With the grand victory ceremony over, the original Leicester Music Department was ready to hold a parade ceremony after the end of the league.

However, with the will of the majority of fans, the parade ceremony was scheduled for the day after the end of the next round of the league.

John’s Kingdom april 11.

Leicester City’s away game against Sunderland is over.

Chu Feng and Mahrez each scored one goal.

Leicester City beat Sunderland 2-0.

Chu Feng and the players had just finished their expedition to Sunderland.

But Chu Feng and his teammates did not feel tired, because today was the day of Leicester City’s championship parade.

Leicester City fans had long since gathered on both sides of the pre-booked street.

Around six o’clock in the evening, Leicester City’s players and coaches, along with the team’s management, set off from the streets in a celebratory bus.

Chu Feng and his teammates went on a championship parade, and the whole Leicester turned into a blue ocean of joy.

Chu Feng was now on the bus watching his teammates being interviewed by Fox said.

“Can’t believe it’s Leicester, unbelievable really unbelievable, I don’t know what language to use to describe this scene.”

Chu Feng looked at the cheering fans around him and saw that all the shops were closed.

Someone came out of the window sill and shook the blue flag with the logo on it, and someone was now waving a ribbon of wine on the roof.

I heard Vardy say to the camera that it was a wonderful day before ending the interview.

Then the team staff began interviewing themselves.

Chu Feng replied with a smile, “It’s really hard to believe, I’ve never experienced such a parade, I can’t believe that the whole city has come, I can’t see my head at all.” It was really a peculiar experience for me. ”

The team slowly moved forward, and Chu Feng was lying on the fence and the fans were interacting.

Suddenly, several fans rhythmically reduced: “Chu Feng!! ”

“Chu Feng!!”

“Chu Feng!!”

Led the fans around them to shout, which is the fans expressing their love for Chu Feng.

Chu Feng was unwilling to shout his name all the way over, after all, he could not personally represent the team.

Chu Feng led the fans to start shouting the names of his teammates one by one.

First coach Ranieri, then forward Valdi Mahrez and others.

Then there are midfielders Albriyan, Kante, Dringholt and others.

Chu Feng and the fans kept shouting until Sang Zi was a little hoarse, Chu Feng still felt very excited.

The convoy ended at Victoria Park in Leicester City, the final destination.

Ranieri and the team vice-president once again held up the championship trophy to the fans, and a huge number of streamers fell.

Speaking on behalf of the team, Ranieri said: “I would like to say thank you all of you, you have pushed us forward throughout the season, you have trusted us. When we are behind, it is you who do not give up pushing us, the good work, thank you!! ”

Then the vice-master of the team also spoke to the fans: “Hello, champion! ”

The fans let out a loud cheer.

“As the owner of this club, I want to thank all of you.”

‘You’ve all done a fantastic job this season, you’ve been supporting the club forward, it’s been an incredible season and I hope you can continue to support us.’

“I think I might need a bigger stadium for my row!!”

Although Chu Feng did not make a special speech, the fans were still chanting Chu Feng’s name.

In the final cheers of the fans, Chu Feng changed from the prince of Leicester City to the king of Leicester City.

As night falls, leicester city is set off with celebratory fireworks, and the whole city of Leicester is destined to become a city that never sleeps…

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