Chapter 336 Su Long’s Plan!!

The results of the World Cup instantly blew up the media of public opinion.

All the media is making a big fuss about Zidane’s events, and surprisingly, although the Dragon National team was eliminated early, Su Long was still the player who scored the most goals in the entire knockout stage!

The second and third places came from Flange and Italy, respectively.

The carnival of the World Cup has finally come to an end, the quadrennial football feast is over, and the next time it will be four years later, the regret of the Dragon Kingdom, I am afraid that only four years later will have the opportunity to make up.

But, despite this, many fans are already happy with the result.

How many times has the Dragon National team entered the World Cup with one finger to count, this time all the way to the semi-finals, is not satisfied?

Fans woke up, and the domestic media gradually became optimistic.

The news channel reported the results, paired with the host’s passionate words and tone, as if it were a great achievement recorded in history, but who says it is not?

This afternoon, the hospital arranged a more systematic examination for Su Long to see how the recovery was.

As a result, just like the last time in another hospital, the doctors were frightened when they saw Su Long’s examination results, and suspected that something was wrong.

The result was delayed, and Su Chengcheng knew the problem.

So, I personally walked over to the attending doctor, and this time even the crutches were useless.

Only then did the doctors believe that there was nothing wrong with the result…

At the same time, the hospital also challenged Athlon’s discharge time prediction based on the phased recovery effect, directly three months ahead of schedule, and was able to be discharged before next season’s Champions League Premier League.

However, Su Long was still not satisfied, and planned to have a good time before the start of the game, so Su Long had already planned to be discharged after two weeks according to the judgment of the system, and if there was no accident, the recovery at that time had reached more than ninety-five percent.

These days, the league side has also been contacted by Su Long.

The club must know about Su Long’s injury in order to prepare for next season in advance.

After all, Su Long is also a main core in today’s Manchester City.

Due to last season’s excellent results, this season Manchester City intend to bring in a good front-court player and a rising star in recent years, Ibrahimovic!

Su Long was excited when he heard the news, but he immediately swallowed back…

This guy and his position are somewhat overlapping…

What if you put yourself firmly on the bench next season for fear of a recurrence of injury?

According to rumors, Manchester City now has money and is very generous, and this summer window adjustment of Ibrahimovic is just one of them, and it has been relatively certain, so that everyone in the club knows it.

Su Long suddenly had a sense of crisis in his heart, thinking that he must take the time to simulate it several times.

As for the transfer, Su Long does not have much idea for the time being, and in the last season’s state, staying at Manchester City is the best choice, at least for the past two years.

It depends on whether something unexpected will happen at 0.4.

In the evening, after Su Long and his family had dinner, a person returned to his room and told the others that he did not want to be disturbed tonight.

In the quiet room, Su Long turned on the three-point light, and then began the simulation.

What Su Long wants to figure out is how to solve the problem of the overlap between Ibrahimovic and his position next season, and what is the future holding…

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