Chapter 312 Su Long Comes to War with Injuries!!

“There’s a figure who’s running toward the stadium, that’s right, he’s Su Long!”

“Su Long’s injury situation may be much better than we thought, Su Long can come on as a substitute at this moment, which is definitely a great news for the Dragon National Team!”

“There’s still suspense in the game! We can still tie the score! ”

Words of explanatory passion blurted out.

On the court, Su Long and his teammates greeted each other once, saw the gap area left between Daguan Zheng and King Koudong and ran through the Fa.

As soon as he got on the court, Su Long’s eyes quickly locked on the ball.

Next, there are less than 14 minutes to go before the end of the regular time, if you can tie the score, you need to play extra time, up to thirty minutes of extra time, even Su Long himself is not sure that he can hold on!

Most of the simulations lasted only twenty minutes, which may extend some time if confrontation can be avoided as much as possible.

The current score, if you want to win before extra time, there is only one kind of force!

Two goals in twenty minutes!

The fans cheered and shouted, and on the pitch, everything changed after Han Peng replaced Su Long, and all the tactical systems they were most familiar with before they began to enter.

That’s right, at least no more buses!

“With Su Long, the world’s top finisher, it is also time for the Dragon National Team to come out and fight!”

“The current formation is starting to be slightly more aggressive, somewhat like the system used by the Dragon Kingdom before, the midfield iron triangle is not less, and Su Long is waiting for an opportunity in the front court!”

“This is very threatening!”

“It can be seen that the formation of the Grapevine team seems to have changed somewhat, and it seems that the head coach still has some jealousy of Su Long and has made full preparations in advance!”

Two minutes later, Su Long quietly withdrew from the feet of Costigna, who had just come on as a substitute in the second half, and successfully broke the ball for the first successful steal after the game came out of the game!

Su Long’s feet did not touch the ball, without any hesitation, seeing the two teammates on the right side immediately chose to pass.

At this time, Da Zheng also began to tactically respond, and the left side began to exert pressure on the offside line of the fork, and in an instant, the midfield of the Dragon Kingdom began to press forward in an explosive way, and this situation was the first time in this game!

Subsequently, the ball came to the penalty area after several rational passes, at this time Su Long and Da Zheng stood in a row, and Li Yi’s pass passed in front of the goal.

The two jumped up at the same time, but unfortunately they couldn’t save the ball!


Li Yi leaked a somewhat guilty expression, and a hint of an embarrassed smile flashed by.

The ball went so high that even Guedes, who was 191 tall, didn’t touch it.

Subsequently, Portoja also counterattacked.

C Luo was fouled on the side of the road to get 090 to get a midfield set-piece, and the final pass was destroyed by Sun Sun.

In a few minutes, the two teams began to attack mode, coming and going!

The fans were impressed.

Although there was no goal, the situation was much better than the bus in the first half!

Especially the cooperation between Su Long, Da Zheng and Li Yi is simply picturesque!

As time went on, Deco, one of the core of the Grapevine team’s frontcourt, also seemed to be a little weak, and the head coach arranged for the substitutes to prepare for the game and began to warm up on the sidelines.

During this time, Su Long saw an opportunity, which was also the opportunity to simulate the success of countless goals in the memory fragments!

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