Chapter 277 Break Free from the Chains!!

“What’s going on with these guys?” How it was completely different from the first half! ”

“It seems to be playing more flexibly, not restricted by the rules.”

“Maybe it’s a change in their tactics, let’s play our own well!”

“That’s right!”

Su Long’s confident and determined gaze gave his teammates courage and peace of mind.

In the 4th minute of the second half, facing the active elf-like Dante Lopez, Li Tie actually did not have the upper hand at all!

Dante López received the pass and started dribbling from midfield, slowing down a few metres from the box to prepare for a change of direction.

Li Tie’s gaze focused on the opponent’s body and the micro-movements under his feet, and did not rush out of his feet, but waited for Dante López to suddenly accelerate the breakthrough, and the center of gravity sank, ready to change direction at any time.

Dante López took off at a sudden speed, and Li Tie chased after it almost at the same time, taking a steady step.

Dante López slowed down in the penalty area and quickly connected to the goal, just then he was seized to fall to the ground and cut the ball off!

Only 4 minutes!

“Nice Iron Brother! Cows, cows! ”

A dangerous attack was defused, but the opponent seemed to go crazy, completely ignoring the backcourt and began to brainlessly organize attacks again and again.

In the face of such crazy firepower, the coach was also terrified and began to make gestures to strengthen the defense.

“We have to stabilize the defense and don’t have any more problems!”

Su Long shouted loudly to his teammates in front of him.

“That’s right, let’s fight defensive counterattacks, these guys are like crazy, so that the brainless attack will expose the problem sooner or later!”

“Da Zheng, you go back to midfield first!”

Su Long beckoned.

“Well, isn’t it usually your retracement, you can better control the rhythm!”

“It’s all right, you listen to me first, believe me!”


The other players on the field also became very confident, because although the score was behind, it seemed that there was no loss at all from the tone of Su Long’s communication with his teammates, but full of firm confidence!

“Watch the right side!”

Su Long shouted loudly.

In the 11th minute, a long pass mistake by Sun Sun caused the opponent’s back to receive the ball one step ahead.

Originally intended to receive the ball, Paredes on the right was almost unguarded, and his front was an empty no-man’s land, straight into the penalty area, and there was Valdés in front of him!

Isn’t that the end of the game?

Da Zheng hurriedly began to run to the right, and at the same time, the picker also began to assist in the defense in advance.

Sure enough, Santos passed the ball to the right side of the test gap.

But fortunately, Su Long arrived in advance to warn, Paredes received the ball and faced the two people to defend, trying to split the ball and ultimately failed!

People passed, the ball failed to 353 pass!

After Da Zheng took the ball, he quickly took the ball diagonally and then handed the ball to Su Long.

Su Long’s light stop to control the ball at his feet, while paying attention to the situation on the field, a look to his teammates, next to the big Zheng, Dong King quickly understood, began to run forward.

Su Long played with flowers in the same place!

This group of South American football players were forced to be played by Su Long, and the ball was at his feet but could not be grabbed.

A sudden change of direction, Su Long broke away from the defense of the two players and came out of the cracks, a bright red flash, shaking ten meters away from the Bala turtle goalkeeper a spirit!

In such a situation, this guy can get over it!??

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