Food Hunter

Chapter 559: baptism

From darkness to light, it was another moment, and he returned to the initial node again, ignorant of the reality of the situation.

It seems that all operations can only start from this moment, and then there is only one day time limit.

No matter how many times, no matter how tortuous the process, it will only linger within this day.

Luo opened his eyes and looked at everything around him as before, his gaze shifted slightly, falling on the burning fire, and he couldn't help but reach out and rub his temples.

In the last illusory scene, the killing intent bell actually affected him. If he hadn't been forced down with willpower at that time, then Bai Yu Xuying's palm knife would definitely kill Bisi Ji who was defenseless.

Everything that is so real will definitely leave a shadow in my heart.

"How can I get rid of it?"

Affected by the killing intent, Luo finally felt a sense of crisis, squinting his eyes to sort out the different places in his dozens of experiences, only feeling that the clues were too messy and entangled into an insoluble thread.

The sound of wind and rain outside slowly stopped, and when it was completely silent, the slightly familiar ringtone came in again.

This time, it came faster and faster, and the effect was more rude.

The killing intent came out from the bottom of my heart like a spring, and the red luster flickered in the eyes.

Luo subconsciously was about to take out God, but he didn't respond. He saw the black cat burrowing out of the back of his hand, stabbing his heart with sharp claws like thorns.


The invisible impact smashed the black cat's paws and knocked him into the tree wall. But almost in the next second, the black cat spurred his thoughts and recovered his shattered arm in the blink of an eye.

Several strands of thought force made waves in the tree hole, and the wind caused by the collision caused the residual temperature of the fire to dissipate into sparks and disappear in the air.

The entire enclosed space is filled with crazy and cold killing intent, like a storm, shredding all human rationality.

Kill them, crush every inch of flesh and blood.

The magic sound penetrated into my mind and kept circling.

Several blue veins appeared on Luo's face, and his eyes were bright and dark.

"If, let me, find you, one, surely..."

Luo gritted his teeth fiercely, trying to drain the killing intent to the "it" behind the scenes, but the effect was very small, and he could only support it with a tenacious reason, and would not be completely controlled by the killing intent.


Luo suddenly stepped back, raised his hand to shake the bark sealed by the opening of Feishu, jumped outside, and landed directly on the moist ground.

A few seconds later, several dark shadows jumped out from the tree hole, namely Black Cat, Dongba, and Bi Siji.

The killing intent was like a sea wave, constantly scouring Luo, causing his body to tremble slightly.

He raised his head to look at Bi Siji and the others falling from the sky, and moved his thoughts, Dongba once again died instantly due to a heart problem.

First, he ruthlessly killed Dongba, and then opened the distance.

The black cat fell to the ground and turned into a black panther form, changed its normal state, and did not hesitate to save the thought power, which made the body swell several times and headed towards Luo.

Bi Si Ji followed closely behind, covered in killing intent and thought power.

The black cat was faster than Si Ji after she transformed, and came to Luo in a few breaths.

"Sure enough, I still don't want to die in your hands."

Seeing the black cat coming with murderous aura, knowing that it would end with death, Luo chose to get out of the way and disappear in place, while the black cat's claws passed by, and several strands of hair were swept away by the gust of wind.

Flashing past the black cat's paw, Luo appeared tens of meters away, holding a book in his hand.

The killing intent brought about by the bell is getting more and more profound, like a wild horse about to die.


Luo exhaled, suppressed the red eyes and shattered the book in his hand. At that moment, he destroyed the power of the hand of God.

At the same time, the black cat pounced from behind turned into a spot of light, dissipating between heaven and earth.

Dongba and Black Cat, the two catharsis points for killing intent, are gone at this moment, then...

The red luster in Luo's eyes became brighter, and Bi Si Ji rushed over.

"I know what you want to see, but dream about it."

Luo grinned and crushed the killing intent, allowing Bi Siji to smash his head with a punch.

Once, twice, three times...

The script keeps running, but the result is the same every time.

Dongba died first, then the black cat.

Bruna is cute, and Bi Siji kills Luo.

Whenever I go through the script, I can see that when the scene changes, there is a hint of urgency in it.

Luo understands this, and vaguely understands that "it" wants to kill Bisji and Bruna by himself with cruel methods, and the method used by "it" is not the ability of the control system to achieve the conditions, but just through The two-tailed snake's bell came to affect him.

This shows that the "it" is not a director and cannot control the overall situation. Otherwise, it can be done with tougher methods.

Although he has some important information, the pain at the time of death, the pain affected by the killing intent, is constantly tormenting Luo's nerves.

Compared with the pain at the moment of death, the impact of killing intent is the most difficult to deal with.

It's a situation where the atmosphere can't take a breath, like a saw blade grinding the bones, like holding your breath to suffocation, trying to open your mouth but you can't do it, like the heart burrows into countless bugs, you can't scratch it anyway. To the itching.

However, it doesn't matter how many times you come.

Luo is like a smelly and hard stone, withstands waves of torture, and is also a tangible baptism and tempering of the will.

That "it" has "destroy" as its main purpose. What it wants to destroy should not be the body, but the spirit, or it may have a certain need for the spirit.

However, every torture it initiated against Luo caused Luo to endure unimaginable pain, but Luo resisted it stubbornly, and on the contrary made his will bear more and more powerful.

If you fall down once, you will lose all the game.

If you don't fall once, then the opponent will have no chance again.

Perhaps there have been hundreds of repetitions, and Luo is slowly able to resist the effects of killing intent more easily, thanks to the fact that every experience is so real and every memory detail will be complete Save it.

In reality, the sound of wind and rain outside did not know when it had stopped, the tree hole was dark, and only cold ashes remained at the fire.

In the darkness, the beetle-shaped round shell on the black cat has swelled to more than ten times its own size, and the gap in the back is split, and it is a gray vertical pupil.

The round shell on Dongba's body has expanded five times, twice as much as the round shell on Sigi's body, and the round shell on Bruna's body has expanded more than ten times.

Except that the round shell of Bi Siji only opened half of its eyes, the round shells of Dongba and Bruna were the same as the black cat, each showing a gray vertical pupil.

Among them, the round shell on Luo's back not only did not expand, but the apple-sized volume was shrinking at a speed visible to the naked eye, shrinking to the size of a soybean, and the round shell fell to the ground with a click.

With the bottom of the round shell facing up, a row of as many as a hundred thorny feet moved gently like a wave, from fast to slow, and then completely still.

The faint vertical marks on the back of the round shell slowly disappeared.

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