Food: How Did I Become a Chef When I Set Up a Stall?

Chapter 242: Black cat's name, outrageous invitation!

 Chapter 242 Black Cat’s Name, Outrageous Invitation!

 Another day has passed.

  On the fifth day after the stall was opened, before Jiang Feng came to the canteen, many department leaders began to arrange chicken grabbing tasks for their subordinates.

Many department leaders have given orders to their employees to bring back half a kiln chicken.

 Suddenly, the canteen was filled with people.

 Everyone came here early and lined up.

“No, it’s only what time, why are so many people coming to eat?”

“You can’t grab it, right? There are only a few chickens in the kiln, so you have to come and grab them!”

 “Can you eat that delicious kiln chicken without snatching it?”

“It’s really delicious. Our manager asked me to take one back to try it.”

“What a coincidence, I came all the way here just to bring the kiln chicken.”

 Good things are hard to grab.

By the way, bring the oven to the back of the stall so that you can bake some on site.

 Someone complimented you.

Does this mean you already have Internet thinking?

 Sure enough, excellent people are great at anything they do.

 In the last two days, I have to work overtime.

 “I can even make snacks.”

Hey guys, Boss Jiang still knows programming?

 Many people are talking about it.

 Guests would greet him from time to time.

Jiang Feng will often reply:

Jiang Feng replied with a smile.

 Someone said.

 “Sell more and everyone will be happy.”

Jiang Feng always has a good attitude and is calm and gentle.

 “Just do it with your heart.”

 People also admire him very much.

Sun Zhuangfei calmly laid down his hand on the side.

Jiang Feng was selling kiln chicken at the front desk in a leisurely manner.

“The approach is very similar, just like programming. If you know one kind of code, you can learn other codes very quickly.”

This is quite strange.

Even their boss ordered a piece of kiln chicken to taste when he came to the headquarters to work.

“Boss Jiang, how come you make everything so delicious? It’s really amazing.”

Jiang Feng was still unhurried and just told Sun Zhuangfei to buy more chickens tomorrow, two hundred.

There are a few Internet celebrities wandering on the roadside.

 “Try to let everyone eat.”

 “No problem, I will do more in the next two days.”

He couldn't learn what Jiang Feng was talking about, so he could just quietly do what he was doing.

“I think someone counted that you have cooked dozens of delicacies.”

Jiang Feng will increase the supply volume in the last two days based on the sales speed of food every time.

Soon, all the kiln chickens were sold out. Jiang Feng got in his car and came out of the park, ready to go home and see the cats and dogs.

 Occasionally, I go in and fry some eggs and rice.

 Be busy as long as you are busy, but just make everyone happy.

“It’s just an ordinary recipe, but the timing and dosage are better grasped.”

“Boss Jiang, please come up with a recipe, this chicken is so delicious.”

“Can you increase the amount? There are many employees in the company, and everyone wants to taste the taste of kiln chicken.”

 This situation has happened frequently.

 Business goes on like this.

Some people may ask:

 In Alibaba, some departments grabbed Jiang Feng’s kiln chicken, and their employees were praised, while some departments arrived late, had nothing left, and could only sigh silently.

 Hearing his words, the employees of the big factory who were waiting in line were slightly surprised.

This matter is quite popular within Alibaba, and even senior executives have heard about it.

 “It’s Boss Jiang’s car!”

 “It’s indeed him, he’s right over here!”

“Boss Jiang, why do you want to open a stall within Alibaba? Do you want to sign a contract with Alibaba?”

“Have you considered developing in the direction of bringing goods, such as becoming the new first brother of Taobao?”

Several people saw him coming out of the park and immediately started live streaming and asked.

 These small anchors are still a bit magical.

There is no live broadcast content, so I can only keep looking for hot spots.

 And these questions are outrageous.

Jiang Feng didn’t even think about it.

 In fact, there are reports on the Internet that he is going to sign a contract with Alibaba, or that he is being spotted by Da Bao.

Of course, it’s all nonsense. Jiang Feng is a real person and occasionally shares some cooking videos on the Internet, that's all.

Jiang Feng didn’t respond to them, got in the car and left directly.

 After returning home, Jiang Feng immediately went to see his cats and dogs.

Xiao Hei greeted him at the door as usual.

Jiang Feng touched Xiao Hei's head and began to look for where the black cat had gone.

 This is a top-notch black Bombay cat bought for 8,000 yuan.

 Still need to take good care of it.

Jiang Feng named the black cat "Sheriff".

 Because of Sheriff Black Cat.



Jiang Feng shouted a few words.

 The little guy didn't make any sound either.

Jiang Feng patrolled for a long time and found nothing.

 He was wondering where the little black cat had gone, when he turned around and saw Xiao Hei indicating the location of the little black cat to him.

Jiang Feng discovered that the little black cat was hiding in a groove of the TV cabinet, lying on its side, staring at Jiang Feng.

 There was great doubt in the little guy's eyes.    It seems to be thinking:

 “Who is the master calling?”

"calls me?"

 “Am I not right here?”

Jiang Feng laughed angrily.

This little guy lies in the shadow, completely blending in with the shadow.

 You can't find it unless you look carefully.

 It’s really black.

Jiang Feng walked over and picked up the little guy.

 “Let’s go and eat.”

 “I have to feed you.”

Jiang Feng was busy feeding the two little guys, and then he had to go to Xiao Hei.

The days are still busy, but also quite interesting.

 At this moment, inside Alibaba Company.

 There have been discussions among senior officials to keep Jiang Feng or invite him over.

It turns out that because Jiang Feng was cooking here in the past two days, the Internet was full of news about Alibaba, and Alibaba's stock price rose a bit.

The world is so magical.

  Today is the age of traffic, or the age of information.

 As long as someone sees you and has an impression of you, you can reap a lot of profits.

 No matter what the outrageous reason is.

 Even if it is news that a popular chef has opened a stall in Ali Industrial Park.

   can make Ali appear in people's sight again.

 Handout has been on the decline for a long time, but it finally gained another wave of attention.

Jiang Feng did not expect such a result.

However, when he came up today with the kiln chicken and oven, and the manager in charge of catering talked to him, Jiang Feng still felt it was strange.

 “Ali wants to hire me at a high price?”

Jiang Feng couldn’t laugh or cry, “What are you hiring me for?”

 “Canteen spokesperson.” The manager responded seriously.

Hearing this, Jiang Feng couldn't hold himself any longer.

What the hell?

 Canteen spokesperson?

 Listen, is this human language?

Who speaks for the canteen?

Seeing that Jiang Feng’s expression was not right, the manager hurriedly said:

“It means that since you represent Alibaba’s catering culture, we will highly recommend you, and we will also ask you to endorse food-related things at the Dabao headquarters.”

 “The basic salary is one million, and including the share, it can be several million a year!”

Jiang Feng waved his hand:

“Farewell, I will set up a stall here and leave as soon as I’m done.”

 “Still act in accordance with the contract.”

Hearing this, the manager still wanted to persuade, but Jiang Feng's refusal was obvious, so he said no more.

Jiang Feng still felt it was outrageous.

 Come here to cook, and actually got an offer from a big factory.

Nowadays, many people who want to enter a big factory are unable to do so.

Of course, he was able to get the invitation because he has a lot of traffic, which is profitable for Internet companies.

 “Canteen spokesperson.”

 “That’s outrageous.”

Jiang Feng sighed with emotion.

Then, he continued to work peacefully as his stall owner.

 In the past few days, daily tasks can be easily completed, and you will get a Zhejiang cuisine recipe every day.

 His accumulation is getting deeper and deeper.

 In Hangzhou, it is natural to open a Zhejiang cuisine restaurant.

 The stall began to attract business, and diners had already lined up.

The kiln chickens were sold one by one.

 There is no time to rest in between.

 These days, delicious food is worth queuing for.

Jiang Feng’s business is the envy of the nearby stores.

The two of them were busy, and soon all the chickens were bought.

 The last middle-aged man chatted with Jiang Feng.

“Boss, your stall has the feel of a century-old store.”

 The middle-aged man spoke.

Jiang Fengxiao asked:

 “How do you say this?”

 The middle-aged man said again:

“In many cities, there are century-old stores like that.”

“The people around me know it and queue up every day.”

“Some old stores have limited supply. They open the store on time every day, customers line up to buy, and they close the store when they are sold out.”

 “It’s very similar to your stall’s business.”

 Hearing the middle-aged man's words, Jiang Feng also had such a shop in his mind.

 In the deep alley, there is a quaint old store, perhaps passed down from generations, and the flavor of the old store has always been deeply rooted in people's hearts.

 Ingredients are prepared every day, sold at a fixed time, and closed when sold out, so there is never a shortage of customers.

 Such a century-old store usually has a special secret recipe.

His stall is indeed similar to this old shop.

“It’s a bit like it. It’s good to open a store like this.”

Jiang Feng replied politely.

"You are a powerful person. I have learned about you. You are not an ordinary person."

“There are very few people with ideas like you.”

 “Not only can you do one thing well, but you can also do it very well.”

“People like you can shine wherever you go.”

 The middle-aged man praised him with a smile again.


Jiang Feng saw that the other party was coming from the bottom of his heart, so he thanked him.

Jiang Feng didn’t think it was anything.

 He knows that because he has a system, he can do things much more smoothly.

However, it feels good to meet such guests.

 (End of this chapter)

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