Five Immortals Gate

Chapter 14: Become an Initiate

The third military commander said this, with a relieved smile on his pale complexion. He looked at Li Yan and said, "Are you willing to formally become my disciple?"

Li Yan had already made a decision in his heart, so he stopped thinking about it and said "yes"

"Okay! I have always been a weak-tempered teacher and don't like those complicated etiquettes. You can kowtow to my teacher three times and you will be admitted." After saying that, he adjusted his posture and sat upright behind the table with a serious face. There were three small cauldrons on the table. The fragrance of the pillars curled up in front of him, giving off the air of a master.

Li Yan stood up, straightened his coarse clothes, knelt down in front of the incense table, and kowtowed three times to Master Ji behind the table.

The third runner-up master held his beard in his hand, his pale face flushed slightly, and his smile became even brighter: "Haha, okay, get up."

After Li Yan stood up, a look of joy appeared on his face. After standing up, he bowed again, then knelt down at the table again and listened to the teacher's teachings.

The third master said, "Now that you are a disciple of the Muying Sect, I will teach you how to get started in this sect."

Li Yan was stunned when he heard this. Military Master Ji saw his appearance and asked, "Do you have any questions?"

Li Yan was stunned for a moment and then said, "No, please continue teaching me, teacher."

When Master Ji heard what he said, he stopped asking questions and continued, "All disciples of our sect need to practice martial arts and herbal medicine. However, martial arts is the foundation for us and other people in the world to settle down and make a living, and there are many more precious herbs, medicinal flowers." They all grow in rare places that are not accessible to ordinary people. Therefore, new disciples usually have to practice martial arts to a certain extent in the first few years before they can practice herbal medicine. The martial arts is divided into internal skills and mental skills. And the method of martial arts, internal strength and mental method are the mother of Yang Gong. No matter how familiar you are with the martial arts method, if there is no assistance from internal strength, you will not be able to exert its true power. At most, it will be just a fight between ordinary people. But if internal strength It is powerful. Even with ordinary boxing and martial arts, it can break mountains and rocks, pluck leaves and hurt people. It is very powerful. Therefore, internal strength and mental skills are the foundation for each sect to settle down and survive, and they are all regarded as treasures by the sects."

Master Ji slowly told Li Yan one by one. This lecture lasted several cups of tea, starting from the classification of internal skills to various martial arts, divisions of martial arts realms, acupuncture points, meridians and so on. He also took out a small wooden figure with exquisite carvings. Its body was naked, with red and green lines crisscrossing it, and many dense dots. There were annotations in small regular script next to the dots and lines. This wooden figure actually drew He also explained each of the various meridians and acupoints in the human body to Li Yan in detail.

"The above


Saying is the basis of cultivation. You should remember it in detail and make sure you don't make any mistakes. Now let’s talk about the inner skills of our sect. I told you before that internal strength is the mother of Yang Gong, and the cultivation of internal skills of our sect is divided into ten levels. It’s called ‘Mu Yin Gong’. Its power is astonishing. It is achieved through absorption. The qi of grass and trees refined by this secret method strengthens the physical body, opens up the meridians throughout the body, and makes the body full of qi. The internal energy moves quickly throughout the body, and the strong internal energy is accumulated in the Dantian. When fighting with others, it can be exerted His super combat power is unparalleled by other secular sects. He has only reached the peak of the third level as a teacher so far. "

After hearing this, Li Yan was shocked in his heart, with a look of disbelief on his face. With the master's current martial arts, he is already an enemy of ten thousand people. This "Mu Yin Kung" practice has only reached the third level. If he can practice it to Isn't the tenth level the power of land gods?

Master Ji glanced at Li Yan and continued slowly, "But before practicing this skill, you must first practice the 'breath guidance technique' of our sect. This technique is to guide the essence of heaven and earth, and then stimulate the energy of the Dantian. Only after the qi of the Dantian is successfully stimulated can the 'Mu Yin Gong' be formally practiced."

Having said this, Master Ji smiled slightly and flicked his black robe and sleeves with both hands at the same time. His fair and slender hands appeared on the table. In his left hand, he held a book that looked like gold but not gold, like jade but not jade. Then His right hand took out a piece of paper from the book that was slightly larger than the page. There were a lot of densely written words on the paper. It was obvious that the paper was not a page in the book. Judging from the ink marks, it looked like it had just been written.

Following the movements of Master Ji, Li Yan noticed that the book in the teacher's left hand had a strange material. He had read a lot of books since he was a child, but he had never seen this kind of material before, and this book had three-thirds of the material. The color of one place is obviously different from the color of the other two-thirds, but it seems like two books have been glued together.

Li Yan also remembered at this time that from the day he met the teacher yesterday until the teacher took out the paper, it seemed that the teacher only used his right hand. Whether he was trying the needle yesterday or doing other things, he had never used his left hand. He must have been holding this book. The book is in the sleeve of the robe.

This couldn't help but make him curious about this book. What kind of books can keep a person away for a moment, but he knew that these things were not something he could ask now. After all, he had just started, and maybe after getting familiar with the teacher in the future, he might be able to satisfy his needs. curiosity.

As if he didn't see the curiosity in Li Yan's eyes, Master Ji handed the paper full of words to Li Yan and said, "This is our sect's 'breath guidance technique'. I will teach it to you now. You can study it carefully later. If you don't understand something, I will answer your questions. This breath is divided into innate and acquired. When a baby is in the mother's womb, it is innate breath, and it can breathe without mouth and nose. After the person is born, it uses mouth and nose to breathe, which is acquired breath, but it also loses the innate breath." This explanation took another quarter of an hour. After finishing the explanation, Master Ji stopped talking and looked at Li Yan who was thinking with his head down. Occasionally, he picked up the little wooden man and the "breath guidance book" to study it carefully. Then he put his hands together, hid them in his sleeves, placed them on his abdomen, and closed his eyes to meditate. Li Yan spent half a day to study this, and finally made sure that he had memorized the method of practicing and some key meridian routes, and then he was relieved. He was originally afraid that he had never touched the inner strength before, and if it was too profound and there were many problems, he would be embarrassed in front of the teacher. Now he felt that he understood it correctly, and he was relieved. He thought about it and thought, "Maybe it's just the entry method."

Looking up at the master, he said a little awkwardly, "Teacher, I feel that I can initially understand this entry method."

Master Ji opened his eyes and smiled at Li Yan, then slowly asked a few key points. Seeing that he answered fluently, his face was very satisfied, "Then from today, you start practicing this method. I estimate that in three to five days at least, and ten days and half a month at most, you will be able to stimulate The Qi of Dantian has been released. This paper of the mental method has been recorded. Please let me destroy it. It is not that I am worried about you. This is the common practice of all the major sects in the martial arts world. In addition to the original books of the skills, everything else is passed on orally. Occasionally, there are pieces of paper, which must be destroyed immediately afterwards to prevent these papers from being accidentally lost or stolen by bad people. Even the original books of the mental method can only be kept by the head of the sect. "

Li Yan didn't feel anything wrong when he heard this. Thinking from his perspective, he also understood that things like this that the sect relies on to survive could not appear on paper casually. In that case, the major sects would have no secrets.

He handed the page of "Qi Guiding Technique" back to the teacher respectfully. Master Ji took it with a smile and put it in his sleeves. As for how to deal with it, Li Yan would not ask more about these things. Then, Master Ji pointed at the wooden man with the meridians painted on it and said, "Take this. It takes a long time to memorize it." Li Yan took the wooden man on the table as ordered, but he guessed that the wooden man was just carved more delicately. Every martial arts sect should have such introductory things. Otherwise, it would be difficult to explain these invisible and intangible meridians and acupuncture points with words. Then he said goodbye to Master Ji and left the stone house. After watching him leave, Ji Junshi narrowed his eyes and looked at the gate. After a while, he sighed and said to himself, "His aptitude is much worse than the last one. I don't know how long it will take him to reach the peak of the first level. My time is getting shorter and shorter. It is getting more and more difficult to suppress this poison. Sigh!" After that, he waved his right sleeve at the gate a few feet away, and the gate closed silently. If Marshal Hong saw this move, he would be shocked. Even the top masters of the current martial arts world cannot do it so easily from a few feet away. If you have to do this, you must be at least a master of the realm, and the distance must be shortened by about half. After the qi sinks into the dantian, the internal force will surge out to do it. But in that case, the gate is probably broken into pieces.

After doing all this, Master Ji stretched out his left hand from his sleeves, and the book that looked like gold but not gold, like jade but not jade and the page of "Breath Guidance Technique" appeared on the table. He skillfully turned the book to the one-third point with a colored dividing line and placed it flat on the table. He placed both hands on the back half of the opened book and silently practiced his profound skills on it. After a while, the book did not react at all; then he changed the direction of the book several times, horizontally and vertically, inputted internal force into it or knocked it, but the book remained the same; finally, he made another strange move, picked up the book, and placed the back two-thirds of the book on his forehead, just like a scholar who would put the book on his forehead when he closed his eyes and thought when he encountered a difficult problem. As if he was thinking, he just lay there motionless. After a long time, a sigh was heard in the room, "It still doesn't work. I've tried various methods in the past few years, but I still can't open it. How many levels do I need to practice to have this opportunity? If this book contains a method to cure the fire poison in my body, it's just alas." After sighing, he picked up the piece of paper with 'Breath Guidance Technique' in his right hand, and without any movement, the paper suddenly caught fire and turned into ashes in an instant. "Internal Qi turning into matter" is a myth that has only been heard in the rumors in the martial arts world. Even the top masters in the martial arts world today can only use internal force to turn objects into pieces or powder, but no one can create fire out of nothing.

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