First Secret Agent in History

Chapter 138 Complete defeat! Yan Pianying vomited blood!

The largest city in Borderland, Tantai City.

In terms of strategic location, it is not as good as Split Wind City, because it is already in the south of Borderlands, only two to three hundred miles away from the Southern Zhou Empire.

Although its location is relatively high, its terrain is wider and more stable than that of Split Wind City, making it less easy to defend and difficult to attack.

But it is definitely the first frontier to attack the Southern Zhou Empire and guard the main channel from the Borderlands to the Southern Zhou Empire.

Once this city was captured by the Daying Empire, for Zhou Li and the Southern Zhou Empire's army, it would be equivalent to having their escape route cut off and being completely blocked in a terra incognita.

After all, these were 200,000 people, not just a few thousand. It was impossible for them to take remote roads and cross mountains and ridges to return to the Southern Zhou Empire.

Once Tantai City is occupied by the Daying Empire, it means that the two hundred thousand troops led by Zhou Li and Ao Xin will not be able to return home.

Therefore, Ao Xin and Zhou Li did not dare to waste any time after escaping from Split Wind City.

Almost a day later, the two men led thousands of cavalry to catch up with Zhang Zhituo's 200,000 troops.

Then without stopping, the two men led the 200,000 troops and marched crazily back to the division.

It becomes a race against time again.

Even racing against death.

I hope Tantai City can hold on for seven days, ten days at most, and their army will arrive.

There should be no problem. After all, there are nearly 40,000 defenders in the city, 30,000 of whom are the main force of the Southern Zhou Empire and are absolutely elite. Facing the 100,000-strong army of the Great Victory Empire, with a strong city like Tantai City in hand, it is said that they can win, and it is no problem to hold on for half a month.


October twenty-fifth.

After ten days of frantic marching, the 100,000-strong army of the Great Victory Empire, led by General Feng Xiaotian, finally arrived at the city.

At this time, the war in Split Wind City had only ended less than two days ago.

After Zhou Li and Ao Xin escaped from Split Wind City, they led an army of more than 200,000 people back south. They were still hundreds of miles away from Tantai City.

Feng Xiaotian, the general of the Great Victory Empire, looked up and saw Tantai City in front of him.

The Tantai family has been running this city for more than two hundred years.

As the largest city in Borderlands, this city had a population of more than 200,000 at its peak.

The entire city wall has a circumference of more than forty miles, with the shortest point being nine meters and the highest point being over thirteen meters.

The thickest part of the city wall is more than five meters, and the thinnest part is more than three meters.

Although Tantai City is not as dangerous and narrow as Split Wind City, it is definitely a strong and large city.

Generally speaking, if you want to attack such a big city, unless you have four or five times the strength of the defenders, don't even try, otherwise you will definitely get a bloody blow.

Now there are 30,000 Southern Zhou Empire troops and 10,000 Tantai family troops in Tantai City.

Therefore, the Great Victory Empire can only attack a city if it has an army of 200,000 and complete siege equipment.

However, Feng Xiaotian had nothing but an army of one hundred thousand.

And in order to rush for time, his army was really light and simple. Not to mention the siege equipment, even the bows and arrows were not brought very much, and even the dry food was only carried for twenty days.

Normally no one would take on such a crazy battle, but Feng Xiaotian was an exception.

This man is also a century-old wealthy aristocrat of the Great Victory Empire, the Imperial Lan Tinghou.

This title sounds very elegant, and Feng Xiaotian is also thin and even looks a little gentle.

But the entire Daying Empire knew that Marquis Lanting was an extremely adventurous general with a strong spirit of seeking death.

What he likes most and is best at is running thousands of miles.

Therefore, although he is also an imperial marquis, he can only be a forward general, and his status is lower than Hu Yanzhuo. Because this person likes sneak attacks and surprise attacks the most. He doesn't have the energy to fight in a normal battle, and he doesn't like to fight in a stable battle even more.

Therefore, Prince Yingqu did not dare to use General Feng Xiaotian unless he had no choice.

Even though Feng Xiaotian's status in the southern army was not as good as that of Hu Yanzhuo, who was just a forward general, his ancestors had a closer relationship with the royal family and his family background was very prominent. On the contrary, Marquis Hu Yanzhuo was born from a foreign race and was not as upright as Feng Xiaotian.

Feng Xiaotian was not born to be a commander, he could only be a general. Because this man fights too wildly and fiercely.

He usually wins the battles, but the casualties are also staggering, and he uses all possible means.

The royal family of the Great Victory Empire liked to use him, but they were also afraid of using him.

But after all, the emperor still liked Lan Tinghou because he didn't care about feathers and was extremely loyal to the royal family.

After learning about Yun Zhonghe's upgraded Trojan plan, Hu Yanzhuo was very unhappy with Yun Zhonghe because he felt it was too risky and even put the fourth prince Ying Qu in danger.

But Yun Zhonghe's crazy plan was very much in line with Lan Tinghou Feng Xiaotian's taste.

He likes this kind of extremely risky and exciting plan.

Originally, according to the plan, he should lead an army of 100,000 to arrive at Tantai City within twelve days. This should be already very fast.

But it only took Feng Xiaotian only nine and a half days to arrive at Tantai City.

“Set up camp, cut down trees, and make siege ladders.”

After giving the order, Feng Xiaotian stood in front of the map in a daze.

In front of him is the huge topographic map of Tantai City.

"Bah, bah, bah, bah..."

He was staring at the terrain map, thinking, and spitting out the scum.

This person has a hobby of chewing sweet sticks.

The so-called sweet stalk includes sugar cane, but it is not just sugar cane, but also corn stalk and sorghum stalk.

His hobby is so bad that he chews it all the time.

He has to chew more than a hundred pieces a day, his teeth are really like saws, and his whole body is really like a machine that spits out slag.

But this is a rapid march, so we must pack lightly and simply. We cannot bring anything that we can do without. Of course, sugar cane is a non-essential item.

As the commander of the army, Lan Ting Hou Feng Xiaotian could not make an exception for himself.

What to do? Without the sweet pole to chew on, he would have lost half his life.

It doesn't matter.

Sorghum stalks and corn stalks can be used. If these are not available, reed stalks can also be used.

It's almost November now, and the corn stalks and sorghum stalks in the fields are gone, and they have all been harvested to feed the pigs.

So General Feng Xiaotian was really chewing on the reed stalks, which had no sweet taste at all. But it doesn't matter, General Feng Xiaotian is still sucking the juice with gusto.

He is actually very handsome, but he chews sweet rods every day, so his right masseter muscle is very developed and his right face is much larger than the left.

This completely ruined his handsomeness and made his face look weird and scary. This also gave him a nickname, Feng Da Lian.

"General, general..." Suddenly a general rushed in, holding a bundle of corn stalks excitedly.

"General, what do you think I brought? When I led the scouts to inspect, I found a cornfield on the mountain. Judging from the traces, it must have been destroyed by wild boars, so there was no harvest, so there was not even a corn stalk. He was chopped down, and I brought all this to you."

There are more than a hundred corn stalks in this bundle.

Feng Xiaotian hurried forward, picked up a corn stalk, took a bite, and sucked.


So beautiful and sweet!

This is mountain corn, and it is grown on red soil. The mountain manure has been burned within three years.

This is Feng Xiaotian. When any corn stalk comes into his mouth, he immediately knows where it was grown, and even the color of the soil.

Although he didn't show it, the more than 100 cornstalks really saved his life. Even though he enjoyed sucking the reed stalk, it was too bitter.

In just two minutes, he finished chewing a corn stalk more than one meter long and exhaled with satisfaction.

Then, he immediately changed his face.

"I asked you to go on inspection, not to cut corn stalks. You are not doing your job properly and will delay the military situation. Come on, pull him down and give him thirty lashes." Feng Xiaotian shouted coldly.

The general did not cry out for injustice and was willingly pulled down and given thirty lashes.

In fact, he did not delay anything, nor did he delay the military situation, nor did he waste time.

But he couldn't bear it when he saw this cornfield. He had followed Feng Xiaotian for more than twenty years, and he really couldn't bear to see his general chewing reed stalks.

Following Feng Xiaotian's order, a hundred thousand troops quickly set up camp on the spot, felled the woods, and built siege ladders and battering rams.

The camp of General Feng Xiaotian was almost brightly lit.

This is very perverted. I will definitely not be able to sleep before every battle, so I will simply stop sleeping and stay up all night chewing sweet sticks.

And when the battle comes, he won't be in low spirits, but will be very excited.

This person naturally doesn't like to sleep, so he is very thin, with deep-set eyes, always staring at dark circles, and his eyes are red.

In this way, he moved a small maza, sat in front of the map, and gnawed on the corn stalks one after another.

The corn stalks that could last for a day were eaten in just three hours. There was no other way, so I had to chew on the reed stalks again.

A night passed like this, and the corn stalks and reed stalks dregs beside Feng Xiaotian's pony post were piled up to a height of more than half a foot.

He had seen the topographic map of Tantai City in front of him countless times, and he was already familiar with it.

Tantai City has a special feature.

There was a river passing through the city, so Tantai Mieming built a small pool in his palace, and also had a waterwheel device to introduce running water into his mansion.

This is also a major feature of Tantai City. What no one has is what I have.

But in this case, a hole must be opened under the north and south walls to let the river flow through. Of course, although this opening is two meters wide, it is only a little over a foot high, which is lower than a dog hole. It is impossible to use it to attack the city.

And when the army of the Great Victory Empire was detected, Tantai City immediately changed the course of the river, and then completely closed the water channel openings of the north and south city walls. The thick iron gates were thicker than the city gates.

"General, it's daybreak!" the voice of the marching director sounded outside.

General Feng Xiaotian raised his head and glanced outside. Sure enough, it was dawn.

It's so fast. I just sat there for such a short time and it was already dawn.

He stood up and walked outside. When I opened the door of the tent, I was immediately stimulated by the light outside and couldn't keep my eyes open. This is a typical feature of staying up late.

At this time, Feng Xiaotian definitely looked like a ghost, his face was pale, his eye sockets were sunken, and his eyes were red.

The joints throughout his body twisted, and he used his hands to crack his head and twist his neck.

"Crack, click, click..."

The people next to him were terrified, because looking at the extent, they were really worried that General Feng Xiaotian's neck would be broken by him, and he was really about to turn his face behind his back.

"Has the army been assembled?" Feng Xiaotian asked.

"General Qi, the assembly has been completed." the marching chief said.

Feng Xiaotian held a spear and came directly to the army formation.

The terrain here is much more open, and an army of 100,000 can be spread out.

"It stands to reason that we have seven or eight days, because it will take seven or eight days for the Southern Zhou Empire's army to arrive." Feng Xiaotian said: "But in fact, we only have less than one day. If we cannot capture it today, we will It can never be captured again."

The marching director said: "Yes, Lord Marquis."

Feng Xiaotian said to his lieutenant: "I will give you half an hour. You have to complete everything and bury Lord Yun Zhonghe's secret weapon. If you can't do it, I will chop off your head."

"Yes, General." The deputy general said, "If I can't do it, I will kill myself under the city wall."

"That's okay!" Feng Xiaotian said: "Bang the drum!"

"Dong dong dong dong dong..."

The shocking sound of war drums sounded.

Feng Xiaotian, the general of the Great Victory Empire, shouted: "Attack the city!"

Then, waving his spear, he led tens of thousands of troops, looked at dozens of siege ladders, and rushed forward.

The defenders of Tantai City were completely stunned.

Depend on!

Is this general who won the empire crazy?

As a general, you personally take part in the first wave of siege?

How can there be such a fight?

Generally speaking, a siege is a war of attrition. Whoever is exhausted until the end will naturally lose.

Therefore, until the end of the siege battle, it is all about fighting to see who can grit their teeth and persevere until the end. The further you get to the back, the more important morale becomes.

Playing as the main general at the most critical moment can boost morale. But the siege has just started now, and the morale is completely high. There is no need to let the main general take the field.

And you are on the field now. When the siege army is exhausted and morale is low, what will you do to motivate the army?

So as soon as the siege started, Feng Xiaotian, as the commander-in-chief, went into battle himself. How unwise does it seem?

Seeing this scene, Li Wenxiu, the defender of Tantai City, smiled lightly and said: "Chief Tantai, His Highness was still worried that we would lose Tantai City. Now it seems that we are overly worried. Based on Feng Xiaotian's performance, It’s hard to lose our Tantai City.”

This Tantai Changshi is Tantai Mieming's younger brother, Tantai Miexing.

After the eldest prince Zhou Li received Tantai Mieming's submission, he was still uneasy. When he went north to attack Split Wind City, he not only brought Tantai Mieming with him, but also brought the main army of the Tantai family with him.

So at this time, the entire Tantai family only had 10,000 troops left to guard Tantai City. But there are still 30,000 elite members of the Southern Zhou Empire in the city, and they are definitely not just ordinary people.

Li Wenxiu felt that Prince Zhou Li and Marshal Ao Xin really underestimated Li Wenxiu.

With an army of 40,000 and a fortified city in hand, it is impossible to defeat the empire's army of 100,000, and it is even difficult to determine the outcome.

Now that Feng Xiaotian has behaved so unwisely, this battle has become even less suspenseful. As long as they can withstand Feng Xiaotian's first wave of attacks, this battle will be over.





General Feng Xiaotian took the lead and showed what horror was to the defenders of Tantai City.

You must know that in this battle, the Tantai City defenders had enough supplies, whether it was bows and arrows, rolling wood, rolling oil, or gold juice, there were countless of them.

The siege begins.

Countless arrows rained down from the city wall, almost pouring down, causing huge casualties to the Great Victory Empire army led by Feng Xiaotian.

Victory: Every step forward by the Imperial Army comes at a huge cost.

After paying a huge price, they rushed under the city wall with difficulty. There were countless rolling logs and countless boiling oil on the city wall, surging down like a tidal wave.

Turn this city wall into a death zone.

If we look at a normal siege battle, this level of difficulty is hellish.

Although there are only 40,000 defenders in Tantai City, these 30,000, the main force of the Southern Zhou Empire, are too elite. Although guard Li Wenxiu has no clever plans, he is almost cautious and conservative in fighting, and almost never makes mistakes. In addition, the defenders had countless supplies, so this battle was almost hopeless.

But it was such a hell-level siege battle. Only half an hour after the battle started, Feng Xiaotian actually led his army and actually rushed to the top of the city.

This really shocked the defenders of Tantai City into cold sweats, especially the defender generals Li Wenxiu and Tantai Miexing.

This is absolutely crazy.

This Feng Xiaotian should definitely not be called Feng Big Face, but Xiaotian Dog.

With such a high city wall and such a crazy attack, how did you get up the wall?

Only half an hour after the war started, you rushed up the city wall?

Although there were only a few hundred people rushing up, they were still frightening enough.

Especially Feng Xiaotian, his spear is really like a wind-breaking stick, it's amazing.

Absolutely sweep a large area, pick a string and a row.

When this person fights, he really looks like a mad dog, with a completely life-threatening style of fighting.

And the elite troops he leads are exactly like his commander, with an absolute mad dog style of play. The more blood you see, the crazier you get. After being injured, because of the adrenaline, it seems that he can't feel the pain, and he will only become more crazy.

The prospects look very good. Only half an hour after the battle started, they have already rushed to the city wall?

But actually this is normal.

According to Feng Xiaotian, if you haven't climbed onto the city wall an hour before the battle begins, there will be no chance for you next.

Because as soon as the war started, he not only went out personally, but also sent all the most elite soldiers. If we attack the city again next time, the intensity will not be as strong as this first time.

Because this is not a real siege.

The real siege battle is a marathon, and you have to grit your teeth and persevere until the end.

But Feng Xiaotian's siege method is completely sprinting for 100 meters, and his strength will be exhausted soon.

"Up, up, up..."

Regardless of whether it was a 100-meter sprint, regardless of whether the military strength would be exhausted soon, this scene did bring great excitement to the two armies.

The morale of the imperial army was high after the great victory. They roared and attacked the city frantically, climbing up the siege ladder like ants.

As for the defenders, they were coming like a tidal wave, intending to completely surround Mad Dog General Feng Xiaotian and then completely annihilate him.

After guard Li Wenxiu was shocked, he was pleasantly surprised to find that this was an opportunity for a quick victory.

As long as Feng Xiaotian is killed, the nearly 100,000-strong army of the Great Victory Empire will be leaderless, and Tantai City will be victorious in this battle.

Moreover, Feng Xiaotian was definitely among the top five in terms of status and power among the Great Victory Empire's southern army, and was even ranked third in terms of military power.

As long as Li Wenxiu can kill Feng Xiaotian, it will be a huge achievement, and it will be enough to make him a knight.

Li Wenxiu was immediately moved.

"Take him up, take him up, and kill Feng Xiaotian."

"Kill Feng Xiaotian."

This is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The enemy general didn't stay in his lair, but crossed the river?

Damn it, the soldiers are crossing the river to be used as chariots. What do you want the general to be used for when he is crossing the river?

Under Li Wenxiu's order, the defenders on the city wall rushed towards Feng Xiaotian crazily and surrounded him.

And at this time!

Feng Xiaotian's lieutenant shouted: "The time has come, charge, charge, charge!"

Then, thousands of soldiers, each holding a box, charged madly.

Some of these people had empty chests, but a thousand chests contained gunpowder.

Tens of thousands of kilograms of gunpowder.

Yun Zhonghe dedicated the gunpowder formula to the Daying Empire.

The toilets in Split Wind City have been scraped, but there are still some in the Great Victory Empire.

After more than ten days, the Great Victory Empire's Zhengnan Governor's Mansion tried its best to finally produce tens of thousands of kilograms of gunpowder.

I really gave everything I had.

This is the secret weapon.

If you attack other big cities, these tens of thousands of kilograms of gunpowder will be useless, because you need to dig a huge cave under the city wall, bury the gunpowder in it, and then detonate it.

Otherwise, it is completely useless to detonate directly under the city wall, and it will not be able to blow open the city wall at all.

There is a certain success rate when used to blow up city gates. But during wars, there are usually countless boulders blocking the city gates, so black gunpowder is ineffective when used to blow up the city gates.

But Tantai City is different. There is a river passing through the city, so there must be caves under the city wall. Although the cave now has a thick iron door, there is still plenty of space.

As long as the gunpowder is stuffed into the cave under the city wall and then detonated, it will be enough to blast a gap in the city wall. A few thousand kilograms is enough.

At this time, the chief general of the Great Victory Empire, Feng Xiaotian, went into battle in person, attracting all the attention of the Tantai City defenders. This gave the deputy general the opportunity to lead thousands of people and transport tens of thousands of kilograms of gunpowder to the river cave under the city wall. among.

Hurry up!

The lieutenant general was very anxious, because if he delayed for a little longer, General Feng Xiaotian's life would be in danger.

But even if Feng Xiaotian attracted the attention of the defenders, the other defenders still attacked one after another when they saw the Da Sheng Empire soldiers holding the box.

"Swish, swish, swish..."

Arrows rained down wildly.

The soldiers of the Great Victory Empire fell to the ground and died one by one.

Therefore, we must prepare a margin and prepare tens of thousands of kilograms of gunpowder. Even if one-fifth of the gunpowder is transported to the cave under the Tantai city wall, it will be considered a victory.

At the cost of countless lives and blood.

Box after box of gunpowder was transported to its destination.

Under the Tantai city wall, there is a huge hole dug for the river. It is two meters long, more than a foot high, more than three meters deep, and has about two cubic meters of space.

Dozens of boxes were stuffed into it.

One hundred boxes, two hundred boxes.

In order to facilitate running, each box is small, containing only a few dozen kilograms of gunpowder.

Finally, the entire cave was filled with thousands of kilograms of gunpowder.

"Quick, seal the soil, seal the soil!"

Hundreds of soldiers piled up the soil they carried and completely sealed the entire cave entrance, so that the explosion effect would be better.

Everything is ready.

Feng Xiaotian told the deputy general before that he would only give them half an hour, but in just two-quarters of an hour, they completed all this.

Fire, fire, fire!

The deputy general lit the fire himself and lit dozens of fuses together. As long as one successfully detonated, there would be no problem.

It's just that these leads are very long.

Let the brothers retreat successfully.

"Go, go, go!"

"Withdraw, withdraw, withdraw!"

The deputy general gave an order loudly, and then the Great Victory Empire troops under the city wall retreated one after another.

The countdown to the explosion begins.


At this time, the battle on the city head entered the bloodiest and most terrifying stage.

The maximum number of Daying Empire troops who rushed to the city was two thousand.

But now, there are only a few hundred people left.

General Feng Xiaotian was covered in blood, and he looked more like a mad dog when he was killed.

The hundreds of people around him were surrounded by thousands of Southern Zhou Empire troops.

Li Wenxiu's blood boiled with excitement.

Feng Xiaotian was about to die. As long as all the hundreds of people around him were killed, he would be dead.

This was a great victory for the Marquis of the Empire, and he was a century-old nobleman. Killing him was a great achievement, which was enough for Li Wenxiu to be knighted.

Father, grandfather.

Our Li family has been fighting for the country for decades, and we are finally going to be knighted.

Grandfather, your soul can rest in peace in heaven. I will become the pride of the Li family.

"If you kill Feng Xiaotian, you will be rewarded with ten thousand taels of silver and promoted to the third level."

"Kill Feng Xiaotian."

"Kill Feng Xiaotian!"

Thousands of Southern Zhou Empire troops were strangled like crazy, and there were fewer and fewer people around General Feng Xiaotian.

Li Wenxiu, the guard of Tantai City, was getting more and more excited and ecstatic.

Gotta win.

Gotta win.

Feng Xiaotian is about to die.

Ha ha ha ha!

And right now!

Feng Xiaotian's lieutenant closed his eyes and began to count down silently in his mind.

Five, four, three, two, one, zero!

The countdown is over, why hasn’t it exploded yet?

Could something be wrong? Or maybe the secret weapon provided by Master Yun Zhonghe is ineffective?


In that case, General Feng Xiaotian would be in danger, and our army of 100,000 would be in danger.

He was obviously overthinking.

Because he was excited, he counted down too fast.

A few more seconds passed.

There was a brief silence between heaven and earth.


"Boom boom boom boom..."

There was a shocking loud noise.

The earth shook.

The color of heaven and earth changes.

Like thunder on dry land.

Like an earth dragon turning over, that section of the city wall suddenly arched, and then countless boulders flew into the sky.

The defenders on the city wall were also blown into the sky. The defenders within a hundred meters were also knocked to the ground.

This scene is truly terrifying and stunning.

Everyone's expression changed with horror.

Thousands of kilograms of black powder exploded, creating a gap of nearly ten meters in this section of the city wall.

How many kilograms did it take to blast out a gap of less than ten meters?


But this gap is enough.

After the big explosion, both sides attacking and defending the city seemed completely stunned by this scene.

After a while! The army of the Great Victory Empire was completely boiling.

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

"Long live my emperor, long live, long live!"

Tens of thousands of troops roared wildly, and then charged like a tide.

The Tantai City defenders were completely shocked by this scene.

General Feng Xiaotian also stayed for a while on the top of the city. When the explosion happened just now, even though he was far away, he felt a strong vibration, as if his whole body was about to jump.

Then, the entire city fell into silence.

Everyone seemed to be frightened.

General Feng Xiaotian spat out a mouthful of blood and said calmly: "Fuck you, Yun Zhonghe, you are so awesome, I, Feng Xiaotian, am convinced."

Then, the general became even more passionate and fought even more crazily.

At the same time, under the city wall, countless Victory Empire troops poured into the blasted gap like a tide.

The imperial army enters the city with great victory!

An hour later!

Tantai City fell!

The largest city in the Borderlands, the frontier city in the attack on the Southern Zhou Empire, completely fell into the hands of the Great Victory Empire.

From the siege to the fall, it only took half a day.

At this time, Yan Pian Pian's envoy was still running towards Tantai City, wanting to tell Li Wenxiu to be careful of the river hole under the city wall, and be extremely careful.

However, by the time Yan Pianping's first wave of envoys arrived, Tantai City had already fallen.

The remnants of the Tantai family and the remnants of the Southern Zhou Empire led by Li Wenxiu were fleeing in all directions!

This battle is over!

Great victory, great victory for the empire!

The two major cities in the entire Borderlands fell into the hands of the Great Victory Empire.

The 200,000-strong army led by the eldest prince Zhou Li and Marshal Ao Xin was completely sealed in the Borderless Land.


"Report, report, report!"

"Your Highness, something bad has happened. Tantai City has fallen."

"Report, report, report!"

"Lord Yan Pianqing, something bad happened. Tantai City fell."

Yan Pianying, who had been traveling for several days and nights, heard the shocking news.

Finally, I couldn't hold it in any longer, and a mouthful of blood spurted out!


Note: The second update is here. Today’s update is nearly 16,000. Tantai City was solved in one chapter.

Brothers, do you have a monthly pass for me? I beg for the support of all my benefactors, and I kowtow to you all!

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