First Prince of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 9: Contemporary Xiao He

  Chapter 9 Contemporary Xiao He

Old Zhu cheerfully carried Xiao Zhu through the crowd, turned around and said loudly when he reached the top of the main hall, "We are happy today! Today is our son's full moon, and our old Zhu also has a baby! Today I brought it to everyone to see you!" Once we see you, we don’t need to say much about the rest!”

Said that there was an elegant middle-aged man next to him handing over a large bowl of wine, and Lao Zhu drank it in one gulp without hesitation. The soldiers below had been fighting for many months, so they couldn't bear it long ago, and shouted a few words of congratulations If so, drink with the person next to you.

  Old Zhu carried his son and walked down the high platform holding a bowl of wine, probably because he was afraid of fuming his son, but he just took a sip pretendingly and drank with all the soldiers.

  Xiao Zhu is also a little confused, there are too many people and he doesn't specialize in studying Ming history.

Among the founding dukes of the Ming Dynasty, there were 25 dukes headed by Xu Da and Chang Yuchun; among the famous marquises, there were 79 marquises headed by Tang Shengzong and Lu Zhongheng; among the earls, there were 12 famous ministers headed by Wang Guangyang and Liu Bowen; There are 11 heroes including Wang Qing and Wang Fengxian; 23 famous officials of the Ming Dynasty, including Wang Kai and Sun Yan, are among the barons.

   These people, Xiao Zhu, only remember some big bosses with outstanding achievements, or big bosses who died miserably.

  Xiao Zhu was really dazzled when looking at people. Leaning in Lao Zhu's arms, he closed his eyes and began to think. What he does now is useless. What is more important for him now is to take good care of his body.

   As long as he lives well, it will be the greatest help to Comrade Zhu. If the eldest son is alive, he can at least add ten points of solidarity. After all, he is working hard with Lao Zhu now. Isn’t it pointing that future generations can rely on Lao Zhu’s descendants to share the glory and wealth?

  The current situation is getting better and better. Sitting on Hezhou Chuzhou Hushi Jiqing, everyone is full of confidence.

   When Xiao Zhu opened his eyes again, it would be two hours later. Lying in the nurse's arms in a room, he could still vaguely hear the voices of Zhu Yuanzhang and others. This is a matter of discussion, so don't miss it!

  Xiao Zhu began to cry loudly after taking a few sips of milk, no matter how much the nurse coaxed him, he didn't stop.

Lao Zhu also heard his son's cry, and thought he must have woken up, but seeing that it hadn't stopped after so long, he yelled, "What do you think of the child! If it breaks your throat, look at us. Don't peel your skin off! Hurry up and bring the child to us!

  A maidservant around her turned pale and fell limply to the ground and fainted from fright. The nanny was also so frightened that tears flowed out.

   With trembling steps, he hugged the little ancestor and went to Zhu Yuanzhang's side. Little Zhu didn't expect the nanny and the others to be so scared, but he was howling, so he had to go anyway.

  Xiao Zhu stretched out his hand when he saw Lao Zhu, and Zhu Yuanzhang, who was still angry at first, was happy: "Hey, good son, I miss your father so much!"

  The nanny waved her back, then turned around and returned to the main seat with her son in her arms.

  Xiao Zhu was placed on Zhu Yuanzhang's lap, and he also looked down and there were several figures sitting there, but he only knew Xu Da.

  Lao Zhu touched his son, opened his mouth and continued: "When do you think the world will be peaceful, Baishi?"

  Little Zhu Le, what kind of word is this, I can still taste it!

   A middle-aged scholar in his forties at the bottom replied, "Returning to my lord, why did Han Gaozu Liu Bangneng rise up as a mere pavilion chief during the war at the end of Qin Dynasty?"

   It is because he is open-minded and magnanimous in nature, knows people well, and does not kill people indiscriminately. In five years, he has achieved the foundation of the emperor. Now the Yuan Dynasty is in chaos, and the country is torn apart. If we follow the example of Han Gaozu, the world can be easily pacified! "

   Zhu Yuanzhang nodded with a smile, knowing that Li Shanchang was advising him not to kill at will.

  Xiao Zhu also reacted after hearing this conversation, and looked at that person with a complicated look, Li Shanchang! Known as the head of the founding civil servants! It's Comrade Zhu's mastermind!

  Historical Records Li Shanchang was fond of reading and resourceful when he was young, and later he took refuge in Zhu Yuanzhang.

  In the early years of Hongwu, he served as the Prime Minister of Zuo, and later he was granted the title of Duke Xuan.

In the third year of Hongwu (1370), he was awarded the title of "Founding Auxiliary Movement and Pushing Chengshou Wenchen". He was promoted to Tejin, Guanglu Doctor, Zuo Zhuguo, Taishi, and Zhongshu Zuo Prime Minister. Shi, hereditary from descendants, can be described as an extremely human minister.

After Zhu Yuanzhang ascended the throne, he once said: "I started from the grass, carried a three-foot sword, and led thousands of people to fight in the cracks of the heroes. At this time, Li Shanchang came to visit the military gate, and made a concerted effort to cross the river together and settle down. Nanjing.

  During the past one or two years, hundreds of thousands of soldiers were trained, they marched eastward and westward, and stayed in the country for a long time, transshipped grain storage, and supplied equipment. There was never a shortage. He also governed the rear, and made harmony between the army and the people, so that the upper and lower can be in peace.

  This is God entrusting this person to me. I am the only one who knows his merits, others may not know all of them. In the past, Xiao He had the merit of giving back, and after a thousand years, everyone praised it. Compared with being good at it, Xiao He may not have surpassed it. "

  If this guy dies steadily, it is inevitable that he will be crowned king based on his merits. As a result, this outstanding man, who is only better than Xiao He, was involved in the Hu Weiyong case in his later years.

  Li Shanchang was executed at the age of 76, together with more than 70 other people including his wife, daughters, brothers and nephews.


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  (end of this chapter)

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