First Law

Invincible Chapter 268

The lights in Gold Town stayed on all night, and the creatures inside didn't sleep a whole night.

Lying on the bed, looking at the star-like lights above their heads, it was like falling into a dreamland. Many people were completely excited and couldn't fall asleep. There was no way, there had never been a city-state that was lit all night in the wasteland.

Walking on the street like children one by one, chatting with each other about each other's excitement.

Little did they know that at this moment, on the Aegean Continent, many power masters couldn't sleep like them. The news that Shining Gold Town was bright all night was passed to everyone's hands immediately.

Barton took a puff of cigarette silently, lowered his head and took another look at the information he had just received:

"Golden Town is lit up all night, and the phenomenon is abnormal!"

At the same time, it is accompanied by a picture of the wasteland lit up all night. Under the dark night sky, the entire city-state shines like stars.

Although Barton is not a master of city-state construction, as the leader of the Seven Kingdoms, he still has a little understanding of basic magic knowledge. As far as the picture shows, at least 5,000 magic lamps can have this effect. All night, according to A desk lamp consumes one magic stone, at least five thousand.

The current unit price of magic stones is 20 pence, which means that Karen spent 100,000 pence in vain overnight.

No fool would do this, let alone the shrewd Karen.

Barton rubbed his forehead, his temples hurt badly, he dealt with the orc war every day, but now such a strange change appeared.

The only thing that can achieve this situation is magic power. If the speculation is correct, then the town of Shining Gold already has a stable source of magic power on hand.

The source of magic power can completely replace the Sorcerer's Stone, and more importantly, it can support the operation of high-power magic machines with abundant magic power. This is a signal of a new era.

He can have the current position, so he can naturally appreciate the benefits of magic, and he will be completely sublimated from civil to military. He also suggested magic to the kingdom, but he was frightened by the huge investment.

I took another look at the information about Gold Glitter Town in the past year. Employees resigned, mainstream industries were sold off, port accidents continued, and the production of slaves in the Black Sea dropped sharply. Everything showed that this territory was going downhill. The looting of the wasteland completely took the wealthiest industry in the wasteland into its hands.

At that time, even Barton himself thought it was ridiculous, how could Karen cut off his own arm, now it seems that he spent all his funds on magic.

Now, there is no need to investigate at all. It is already certain that the town of Gold Flash has started to become magical. With the popularization of magic, it will be replaced by a crazy speed of development.

"This Karen is really surprising."

Even he himself feels helpless, but there is no way, he must find a way to communicate with the wasteland, at least he can no longer ignore it.

"Hurry up, gather all the monarchs, I have an urgent announcement."

The kingdom of the human race has started intensive negotiations,

As for the Beast Race Temple of War, the two high priests and the thirteen war priests were all assembled in place. Campas was alone in the center, and behind him was the image of the wasteland lit up all night.

"Golden Town has really started to become magical?"

"Impossible. Many alchemists believe that the investment in the magic furnace is at least 80 million pennies for the foundation of magic power. How can a small town of Glittering Gold have such a huge amount of funds?"

"Yeah, God of War Priest, magic can't be bought with money, it requires technology, where does he get such advanced technology?"

"Yeah, this can't be fake news."

Looking at the suspicious faces, Campus sneered in his heart. When is this time? He still doubts this and that. He summoned these people to discuss countermeasures. Even he himself felt that he had indulged Karen. .

It's all his fault. He has been fascinated by the underground ruins of the wasteland these days, so he gave the Golden Town the opportunity to secretly develop the magic furnace.

With a steady stream of magic power, the town of Shining Gold will be different every day, and he even faintly feels that Karen has even become the biggest threat to the orcs.

He coughed softly, and said calmly: "Everyone, there was no specific report on Gold Glitter Town. Last night was just a signal. Now a lot of information can tell us that Glitter Gold Town has achieved magic power. Although magic power is not a weapon, it is a weapon. Huge psychological deterrence, just imagine, if there are fifty magic crystal cannons in Jinjin Town, and they can be fired without limit with the support of sufficient magic power, just ask, which force in the Aegean continent can resist such power."

"Perhaps you all felt suddenly, you didn't expect that the magic power of Jinshijin Town was so fast, and you even doubted his technology and funds. But the fact that is shown to us now is that Jinshijin Town already possesses this kind of power, as far as the human race is concerned. According to the latest information, in the central area of ​​Desa City, which is where the entire magic melting pot is currently located, Karen took Desa City from us not to use it for business, but to develop magic in secret."

"Furthermore, according to my estimates, the town of Shining Gold will undergo a huge transformation in just three or four months, and the war in the entire Aegean Continent will undergo significant changes due to the situation. It is very likely that it will become the largest power in the Aegean Continent within a few years. It can even unify the continent.”

"Everyone!" Campas sighed heavily: "Think about it, if we can still doubt this and that, I don't care how many doubts you have, but now we have to face this fangs. Toothed tiger."

The same speech appeared in the ivory tower of the human race. This tower, which looks like an elephant tooth, is the best meeting place for the entire human race. This time, apart from the monarch of the Seven Kingdoms, Patton, the number one powerhouse of the human race was also present at the same time. , Merlin.

At this moment, Merlin's face was very ugly, and he was completely out of the kindness of the past when facing these high-ranking monarchs.

"I don't know what you are busy with every day, and you don't even know about the magic of the wasteland. I have told you many times, you must calm down and improve your alchemy level, cultivate more magic stones, and essentially make yourself stronger , but now let me see what, do you want me to see the troops of the wasteland unify here?"

"Remains, what I want to emphasize now is that we can no longer underestimate the ability of the wasteland, let alone the strength of Karen Black Ze. We humans should hug each other tightly. The Golden Town has opened the door of magic power and entered the world. The fields that only advanced civilizations can set foot in, you can too."

"If Flash Town can have it, we must too."

Merlin trained for three hours, and the whole meeting was conducted under his auspices. In the end, they came to the conclusion that they must either destroy the magic melting pot in Glittering Town, or they would also enjoy the same magic power.

And from now on, he, Barton, and Mario will form a special team to communicate with the town of Gold immediately.

Immediately after the meeting ended, the human race coalition forces drew one-third of their troops from the frontline battlefield to enter Blue Mountain City, and announced that all humans would withdraw from the wasteland that day.

As if there was a tacit understanding, the orcs also began to actively think about returning to the rear. The God of War Legion, which had never acted, was stationed directly on the southern border of the wasteland, and dispatched the fastest wolf hunting army back to the orcs.

The Sea Clan quietly withdrew from the wasteland border, and sent envoys to discuss with Philips in Golden Harbor, hoping to meet Karen as soon as possible.

On the ice field, the warlock leader who hadn't shown his face entered the town of Glittering Gold single-handedly, and personally sent a greeting card.

At 12:00 noon the next day, the Terran delegation arrived in Shining Gold Town. At 13:00 noon, the special ambassador of the Victory Temple entered Shining Gold Town. At the same time, Hongfaer and Heymore, who were stationed in the Black Sea, accepted the visit of Campus and arrived in Shining Gold. gold town.

At 16 o'clock in the afternoon, the three sea clans of the Aegean Sea were allowed to cross the long border and came to the Gold Shining Town. In the evening, envoys from the seven kingdoms of the human race settled in the Gold Shining Town one after another.

On that night, all the hotel rooms in Gold Shining Town were sold out, and their top teams were on guard.

Ordinary people can't understand why the whole continent has been changed just by turning on the lights for one night. This scene of the top of the continent gathering in the town of Glittering Gold was still at the wedding of Black Moore a year ago.

It is orderly and well-defined, and no one dares to cause trouble.

"Can the sky change?"

"That's weird, isn't that the human commander Patton just now?"

"Who said it wasn't? I saw the scarlet monarch just now. He was very arrogant at the Blackmore wedding last time. Why is he so honest this time?"

"You don't know yet, just now Maria was collectively approved by the human race as the Queen of Pearl, and Pearl Harbor was officially given to her as a territory."

"Hongfaer and Louis are all back, and the orcs dispatched more than a dozen war priests at once. This lineup is really terrifying."

"Shh, keep your voice down, do you see those bearded ones? Those are the top ten most vicious pirates in the Aegean Sea. They come to Gold Shining anyway."

"It's a big deal, it's definitely a big deal."


First law

First law

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