First Evolution

Vol 14 Chapter 43: Cupid's Kiss

Chapter 71 Routines

Obviously, with a strong general and such strict vigilance, if the shadow clone of the vulture sneaks in, it will take a lot of risk, not to mention they go together!

At this time, the vulture suddenly lit up and said:

"Then Wang Yi's resentment reminds me that the Sun Zhang he wants to kill is nearby!"

Fang Linyan sighed and said:

"This is the most daunting part. We are going to the building ship to save people, and we are going to kill people on the building ship, and there are three building ships in front of us. We don't know where the target is. The difficulty of this task is not Usually big!"

The vulture said excitedly:

"No, Wang Yi's resentment is very clear. Sun Zhang is not on the boat in the river."


Hearing this news, everyone looked at each other and breathed a sigh of relief in unison. This was finally one of the few good news.

Fang Linyan waved his hand and said:

"Then what are you waiting for? Lead the way!"

The vulture nodded, and then identified the direction and walked towards a place. He stopped and went along the way, and he seemed to be chattering, and he was still muttering something in his mouth.

But everyone already knew at this time that he had summoned Wang Yi's resentment to communicate with him.

However, Wang Yi's resentment belongs to the ghost state, unless he accepts the relevant quest*, otherwise the rest of the people can't see it.

Soon, under the leadership of the vulture, a forest appeared in front of him, and it was only after getting close to the forest that the fire was faintly beating inside.

At this time, the vulture successfully dispatched the shadow clone, and began to slowly approach the group of people inside, and soon found that there were five black armored soldiers inside, and it should be the Jiangdong soldiers brought by Lu Su.

It was late at night, and the chill was already a bit steep, and the water network in Jingzhou was dense. The locals grew up in this humid environment since childhood, and it was somewhat rheumatic, so the joints on the body must be sore when forced by the cold. .

In this case, if they can surround themselves and roast the fire, then they will definitely feel more comfortable.

However, in order to avoid the leakage of firelight, the gang specially chose a lee of a rock. He also cut down some tree branches and the like to block the surroundings.

However, although these measures did prevent the fire from leaking out, they also made it easier for Fang Linyan and others to approach.

Soon, the results of Vulture's investigation of this group of people were sent back, and it was found that except for Sun Zhang, the rest of the four were ordinary soldiers.

It made them breathe a sigh of relief,

If Fang Linyan and others, who had just entered this world, faced such a situation, it was estimated that there would still be some mice pulling tortoises, and they would not be able to speak.

However, after realizing that most of the enemies in this world have the characteristics of "attacking high blood and low blood", Fang Linyan and the others have simply discussed it, and have already arranged a series of mature countermeasures. .

However, the personal information of Sun Zhang shared by the vultures is somewhat intriguing. It is said that this information was also taken out by Wang Yi's ghost.

Sun Zhang's personal attributes are somewhat similar to the red hooded archer he met when he first entered the world. He has a high agility value and can use bows and arrows proficiently, but in his personal introduction, he defines his class as "Jiangdong Assassin". . .

! The specific description of this special unit is:

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, the wind of assassination was very popular among the nobility in Jiangdong!

Among the four ancient assassins, Zhuanzhu and Li were all from the Wu State in the Spring and Autumn Period. They usually raised dead soldiers and assassinated their enemies when necessary. It has become a common method for the Jiangdong nobility.

After Sun Jian's death, in order to support the family business, Sun Ce directly launched a killing spree, killing all the clansmen and gentry who disobeyed him! This stabilized the current situation.

However, this also made Sun Ce a thorn in the eyes of the Jiangdong gentry, and the Jiangdong gentry once again used the means of assassination and successfully killed Sun Ce! He also put the blame on Yuan Shu.

After Sun Quan came to power, Zhou Yu, Lu Su, and others offered him the secret techniques cultivated by the dead that were passed down in the family, and Sun Quan invested a lot of manpower and material resources in it. A group of people has been trained, and these people are called "Jiangdong Assassins".

Jiangdong Assassins, Bai Gubing and Wudang Feijun belong to the same special arms, because Jiangdong Assassins act secretly and secretly, and they use everything they do. In addition, Sun Quan is concerned about his own reputation, so his reputation is not obvious and not known to the world.

Ma Zhong, a seemingly obscure general of the Wu State, was one of the leaders of the Jiangdong Assassins.

During the historical period of the Three Kingdoms, some of the generals who died suddenly were almost all made by Jiangdong assassins, but they acted in secret, and the victims were not found to be murdered after they died.

Zhang Liao, the general of the Wei State, was shot by Ding Feng, but it was not fatal. He returned to Xudu to cultivate himself! According to historical records, the arrows burst and died suddenly.

In fact, the logic in this is inconsistent. Zhang Liao is strong and can travel hundreds of miles to return to Xudu after being hit by the arrow. If it is critical, he will not be able to return to Xuchang at all, okay?

His death was poisoned by Jiangdong Assassins, and then after the accumulated doses were poisoned, he died.

According to historical records, the "sudden death of a stroke" by Cao Wei's official Sima Zhao was also a trap arranged by Jiangdong assassins.

The real cause of Sima Zhao's death was that he was set up by the Jiangdong Assassins. It's just too embarrassing to say this way of dying. The people of the Sima family were "a taboo for the Venerable", and they said that it was a sudden death from a stroke.


After learning about these materials, Fang Linyan and others made some arrangements and then launched an attack directly.

There is nothing to say about this battle. The four ordinary soldiers around Sun Zhang were directly killed by chopping melons and vegetables. As an assassin, Sun Zhang must have two brushes in terms of running and speed. .

However, he had been targeted as a key target for a long time. As soon as he met, he was marked by a vulture, and Fang Linyan poured a drink on him.

In this case, Sun Zhang tried his best to run away, but what he had to face was the vulture mark, plus the double tracking of Rubus' visual scent, and finally this guy couldn't escape from the woods, so he was directly attacked. He fell to the ground, **** with five flowers, and was caught.

At this time, when he saw that Sun Zhang was bound, Wang Yi's unjust soul also appeared in front of everyone. He transformed into a human-shaped black fog, and shouted with a distorted face: .

! "Dog thief! You have today too?"

At first, Sun Zhang saw that Fang Linyan and the others were dressed as Cao Jun, and he was desperate. He could only wait for death without saying a word, but he didn't expect Wang Yi's ghost to appear at this time, and he opened his eyes and said angrily. :

"You... Are you Wang Yi? You're all behind the scenes?"

Wang Yi let out a sharp laugh, which sounded extremely ferocious:

"Trick? That's right, I'm a ghost now, of course I want to play tricks! When you lied to me to kill my whole family, did you ever think of today?"

But at this time, Sun Zhang not only did not have the slightest guilt of the murderer, but instead roared with confidence:

"Grandpa lied to you! He killed your whole family!"

The two had already started to quarrel fiercely. Fang Linyan waited and listened for a while, and soon understood the general truth of the matter.

It turned out that the relationship between Wang Yi and Sun Zhang was not just a matter of hatred for wealth.

The two were never acquaintances at first, but after they met by chance, they only felt congenial and called them brothers.

Sun Zhang's father was a businessman. After the death of his wife, he never married. After he broke his leg when he went out, he entrusted the job to his son.

In this job, it is common for a trader to go out for ten days and a half months with a burden, and he also has to eat out and sleep in the open air.

After Sun Zhang's father was free, in order to pass the time*, it was nothing more than gambling and drinking.

As a result, when he was pushing Pai Gow, the old man Tian who won the same village got red eyes and wanted to turn over the book, so Lao Tian directly pressed his daughter.

Obviously, Sun Huolang didn't give Old Man Tian a chance to turn over the book, and directly won Old Man Tian's daughter back.

However, Sun Huolang invited Lao Tiantou to drink a big drink, and put all the money he won today on the table.

When Lao Tiantou was in shock, Sun Huolang said with a smile that he had heard that the second daughter of the Tian family was very virtuous and knowledgeable, so he wanted to take this opportunity to ask the Tian family Erni for marriage for his son.

If Lao Tiantou agreed to this money would be a dowry. Sun Huolang can also invite Master Sun from the county's own family to be a matchmaker.

Of course, the subtext of this sentence is that if you don't know how to promote, then the money is to pay Master Sun to put you in jail in the county.

Under such circumstances, Lao Tiantou was already half-drunk, but Sun Huolang acted both hard and soft, so he immediately gave in.

Sun Huolang didn't know, but Tian Erni and Wang Yi were already in love with each other, and they were privately set for life! But at this time, what is important is the words of the matchmaker ordered by the parents, and Tian Erni can only be wronged to marry into the Sun family.

In the end, with the help of Tian Erni, Wang Yi took advantage of Sun Zhang's absence, and the two not only had an affair, but also swallowed up a lot of the Sun family's property! But in a private meeting, he was bumped into by Sun Huolang, and he was mad at this pair of dogs and men!

In a panic, the two swept away the gold and silver of the Sun family and ran away. Fortunately, the property such as land and houses could not be taken away, so they were left to Wang Yi.

Wang Yi took the floating wealth of the Sun family and used it as the capital, and actually saved a large family fortune in Jingzhou by cheating. . .


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