Final Redemption

Vol 2 Chapter 28: Destiny is invincible!

Zhang Jiao ascended the altar.

For a while, the whole battlefield changed color!

He was holding a nine-stick staff, standing in the middle of the altar, saying something in his mouth, and then dancing the nine-stick staff in the hands of seven stars, which is a dance of witchcraft passed down from ancient times. It is said that the ancient ancestors communicated with all things in heaven and earth. one! Zhang Jiao's dance is quite different from that of ordinary witches. Tengnuo is based on the gossip of the nine palaces on the altar.

The method of Fuyu originated in the late Eastern Han Dynasty. The Taiping Tianshu in Zhang Jiao's hands was one of the origins of Futu in Middle-earth. At that time, the two most famous were Zhang Xiu of Wudou Meter Road (Tianshidao), Zhangjiao of Taiping Road, and Taiping after the failure of the Yellow Scarf Uprising The Tao was overthrown, and the Fuyu method transmitted by Zhang Jiao was also incorporated into the Wudou meter Tao. Historical changes have gradually evolved the Maoshan Shangqing School, Gezao Mountain Lingbao School, and Longhu Mountain Tianshi Taoism.

Xun finally reunited in the Yuan Dynasty and was called Zhengyi faction.

—— "Medium, Huang, Tai, B!"

Zhang Zhangjiao angrily slammed and inserted the nine sticks in his hand into the middle of the altar. The ground made of solid marble was actually penetrated by a bamboo stick in this way, and cracks appeared in the altar! The Jiugong Bagua array on the altar was shattered, and shocking cracks spread across the center of the altar, which was more than ten feet wide, but saw the spread of the horns, a rush of chanting in his mouth, his hands held up, and a glimmer of light flashed between his palms!

The violent wind rose at a glance, and Feisha walked away.

Suddenly, a dull thunder suddenly came from the sky that was originally extremely clear. The sky was originally cloudless, but in a short quarter of an hour, it was not known when it was covered with black clouds. There were thunders and lightnings in the dark clouds, and thunder and lightning thundered across the sky, the sound of thunder was deafening, but there was no drop of rain, but it was dull and difficult to breathe!

The might of heaven and earth suddenly became silent on the battlefield. Numerous yellow scarves taught to the altar, and He knelt down on the ground.

He even ignored the Han sergeants behind him.

They were all on the ground, crying aloud, heartbroken, and shouting: "Great virtuous teacher! ..."

Uh ...............

"The sky is changing!"

浮 Zhao Futu looked up at Zhang Jiao in the distance. At this time, the clouds on the battlefield changed color, and the lightning flashed. The dark clouds were like the end of the world. His expression was full of shock, and then he whispered as if to himself: "Are you going to die all together?"

The immortal once gave three volumes of "Tianping Tianshu" to Zhangjiao. These three volumes are Fengshu, Yushu, and Thundershu. Ordinary disciples only pass sixteen rain books, cure the disease and save people, and they personally pass on nine disciples to the wind. , Xi Huyun called the art of fog, but only a book of thunder, Zhang Jiao has not passed down so far. He once said that the thunder book has heaven and peace, and once it is used, it will be condemned by heaven!

——Boom! !! !!

A burst of lightning flashed across the sky and fell directly into the Han Army camp. The elite armored man who was kept outside the camp was iron, and all of a sudden he died under thunder and lightning. This is just the beginning. One, two, three, and countless thunder and lightning have fallen into the Han army. In the face of such a mighty manpower, they are like ants, and the Han military who just returned morale immediately did it. Bird-like, crying dad yelled at his mother and fled around.

Countless people knelt on the ground, trembling in front of the might of this world!

"Thunderstorm !!!"

The covenants in the Han army camp were pale and horrified, and they never thought that the angle would be so abnormal that they could summon thunderstorms out of thin air! At this time, where did they take care of other people's lives? When they collapsed, they exhausted all their efforts and fled outside the dark clouds, but the thunderstorm seemed to have eyes, and a considerable part of them covered them. In scope!

"Black art! Black art!"

General Ye Jin shouted in horror. This magnificent general in the past now fell like a bereavement dog under the horse. The morale of the Han Army had completely collapsed, leaving only a few people who had not changed their color in front of the might of this world. I saw one of the Han Army killed and yelled, "Kill the demon with me!"

However, Cao Cao led a few men to be killed and went straight to the altar in Zhangjiao.

I do n’t know why, the crazy and thunderstorm never dropped beside Cao Cao. The thunder and lightning that had originally struck the top of his head had deviated from the direction in an instant, and was split away from the ground!

When Cao Cao moved, several people were killed in the middle and wings. I saw Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei followed closely, followed by Sun Jian and Yuan Shao. The others didn't notice anything unusual, but Zhang Jiao's gaze turned to these few people who rushed towards him, and his eyes showed a stunned expression, and Changtian laughed: "Ha ha ha ha ha!"

"That's it! ... That's it! ..."

A book of heavenly books appeared in Zhang Zhangjiao's hand. The light of the heavenly book flashed. He threw the book of heaven towards the sky and shouted, "Medium, Yellow, Tai, B!"

The area covered by the thunderstorm immediately concentrated on Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Jian, but these three people seemed like a blessing from heaven, and any lightning that struck them was directed elsewhere by an invisible energy. In Zhang Jiao's eyes, an invisible white gas gathered together. At first, there were three white pythons, each protecting Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Jian. Then, under the attack of that crazy thunderstorm, the three white pythons were roaring to the sky , Entangled with each other, then they gradually merged into one, turned into a yellow dragon straight into the sky!

Countless lightning storms disappeared in a flash, dark black clouds scattered with the wind, the last moment was like the end of the world, but at this time it was already clear.


Zhang Zhangjiao spit out blood, and his eyes, ears, nose, and nose began to spill black blood. He fell down on his back in disgust, and laughed like a frenzied voice in his mouth: "Ha ha ha ha !!!"

"Destiny cannot be taken! ... Destiny can't be taken !!!!!!"

A roll of thunder book staying in the air suddenly exploded, then a blood-red lightning suddenly appeared, cut through the fragments of the thunder book when it burst, and split it directly on the fallen horn on the back.

Then, in the incredible eyes of Cao Cao, Liu Bei, and Sun Jian, Zhang Jiao's body suddenly disappeared without a trace!

Uh ...............

So at the same time.

Zhao Futu's ears sounded a reminder of the nightmare space, and then in a burst of space-like weightlessness, his body turned into a streamer and disappeared on the battlefield full of corpses.

When the mind recovered, his figure once again appeared in the vast starry sky, with a blue planet under his feet. A three-dimensional picture emerged in front of his eyes, first appeared near Wancheng, and then Bao Xin led 500. The soldiers attacked the camp, then fought against the leader of the Yellow Turban thief, then the captain of the Han Dynasty, and then gathered the Yellow Turban army to cross the Yellow River to Jizhou, and led the public to siege Dong Yan ~ ~ The virtuous teacher banquet, step into the study.

At this time, the picture suddenly turned into a blank darkness, and then after leaving, I met Ling and others, and then learned Fuyu. The picture was finally fixed when the angle failed, and the eyes, ears, nose and nose began to seep out. Sadness in the blood!

The picture finally freezes, and the following information appears in the air:

"Scene: Chaos in the Yellow Scarf."

"Difficulty: Medium Intensity (Level 3) Battlefield"

"Impaired pain: 70%"

"Extra enhancement of personal ability: 50%."

"Current scene exploration: 11.21%."

附带 "Side note: This scene is a killing scene. When the contractor is killed, the blood key will be randomly dropped, and the digital character information module is turned on at the same time. The contractor can check the personal attributes at any time through the nightmare mark."

"Complete the mainline mission: encounter."

"Complete Hidden Missions: Unknown!"

综合 "Comprehensive evaluation: A." (100% additional bonus on the premise of basic rewards!)

Uh ...............

"Statistics on spatial data! ..."

"The contractor number is 1013. Your comprehensive evaluation of this task is A, so the basic reward of this task will get 100% attribute bonus. The specific rewards are as follows: 6 free attribute points, 5000 survival points, F-level soul. Crystal * 1! "

提示 "Tip: Some of the items you carry cannot be brought into the Nightmare Space, the space will automatically convert it into a survival point!"

"Your current residual income is as follows: 6 Free Attributes, 42180 Survival Points, Level E Soul Crystal * 2, F Soul Crystal * 2, Soul Fragment (Large) * 4."


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