Final Redemption

Chapter 28: New blood!

Night is like blood.

I do n’t know when the moonlight in the sky actually brought a trace of blood red, and the **** moonlight reddened half of the sky, so that the whole night sky was red. This situation is quite rare. In Zhao Futu's memory, he has only seen it once in his life. On August 13, 2004, the sky in his hometown was blood red like this, and the gloomy and vaguely disturbing fear. !!

浮 Zhao Futu remembers very well. After that day, there was a thunder shower in his hometown. The thunder shower made a total of 136 thunder lightnings, and he also counted 136! There is a mountain in my hometown. The name is very popular. Because there are many wild boars in it, it is also called wild boar ridge. After the thunder shower, there was a big fire. The fire burned for several days and several days. Left!

Very weird.

Especially after the heavy rain, the mountains were so raging.

Many old people say that monsters have appeared on that mountain. More than ten years ago, some people saw a silver-white giant snake with a length of ten meters on the wild boar ridge. Maybe that snake was perfect.

Now God is thunder collecting monsters!

This incident once aroused Zhao Futu's curiosity as a teenager, and also deeply remembered what happened that day.

Uh ...............

"Born by nature!"

When Zhao Futu Huai rushed out of the corridor with the woman in his arms, his gaze was involuntarily attracted by the moonlight in the sky. He glanced down at the comatose woman in his arms, gazing at her slightly swollen abdomen, and slowly said: "It's a sign of a wicked birth!"

The **** moonlight greatly stimulated the ferociousness of the werewolf!

Suddenly, those werewolves who could barely resist under the siege of Vampire Warriors of the Death Legion immediately burst into amazing combat power! There are even some werewolf muscles that continue to swell, and then there are signs of a second werewolf transformation! They were screaming in the sky, and howling at the moon wolf. The slightly smaller body immediately bulged up like an inflatable, and soon appeared a few giant werewolves!

"Oh? Has her wound stopped bleeding?" Zhao Futu found a safe corner and let the woman in her arms down.

He was unbuttoning her clothes and was going to re-bandage the wound on her shoulder. The previous bandage was very rough and can only be said to be a simple fixation. But when he opened the wound on the woman's shoulder again, he found that her wound had completely stopped bleeding. Not only that, but the flesh wound on her shoulder showed signs of regeneration like muscle peristalsis!

"Has the werewolf virus entered the mature period?" Zhao Futu was relieved a lot.

As long as the werewolf virus in her body has reached maturity, then this injury is nothing. With the amazing resilience brought by the werewolf virus, her injury is estimated to be almost complete by tomorrow.

啊 "Ah ... oh ... pain ..."

The woman was completely comatose, her eyes were closed, but the eyeballs under her eyelids kept turning, and a sudden unconscious painful groan came out of her mouth, which immediately surprised Zhao Futu aside . Not only that, her entire body also began to tremble violently, and soon she was covered with fine sweat beads, and the position of her abdomen swelled in a way that was visible to the naked eye.

This situation is extremely weird!

The woman on the ground was completely unconscious, but the huge pain still made her instinctively struggling, and her abdomen seemed to have given birth to a new life, squirming and growing rapidly in it. But for a while, the woman's belly was like a pregnancy in October. Zhao Futu was able to clearly see the signs of a newborn baby squirming!

The woman's signs of struggling and trembling gradually weakened, but the signs of her child's squirming in her belly became more and more obvious.

Zhao Futu opened her eyes, and found that her eyes were white, her pupils had obvious signs of scatter, and there was a hollow pale in the middle. She was a little better, and started to ooze blood again, and the signs of breathing and heartbeat gradually slowed down, and the breath of life was gradually leaving her.

As if looking back, she suddenly opened her eyes, and there was a little more glory in her eyes.

The woman turned hard and glanced at Zhao Futu, revealing a beautiful smile, then raised her hand and stroked it tremblingly, trembling, trembling, and stroked her belly, there was a powerful life being born, In the case of a baby in the womb, Zhao Futu and others have been able to hear his strong heartbeat. As if the woman's fingers touched herself, the baby in her body stopped moving, as if enjoying her mother's comfort.

There is a touch of tenderness and fear in the eyes of a woman!

She shivered, shaking her hands, and said quietly, "My ... child ... my child! ..."

The eyes that had lost glory slowly closed, as if she had exhausted all her strength, or it might be that the effect of the return of light had passed, and she finally closed her eyes again, and her breathing and heartbeat became weaker and weaker, The last little vitality is still in her body, maintaining her most basic signs of life!

The baby in her belly was squirming, squirming, and a dark red bloodstream began to spill from her lower body.

浮 Zhao Futu has no idea how to describe everything in front of him now. He doesn't know what he can do now, so he can only look at it like this, watching a tenacious newborn life born little by little!

The night sky is like blood.

The blood under the woman also spread a large area, the baby's head has been exposed, and there is almost no difference from most of the babies, the only difference is that his eyes are open, one big, one small and two pupils , Lu Youyun's eyes, like a wolf ...

Uh ...............


A touching figure suddenly fell from the sky, and then Zhao Futu's ears rang Sonia's surprised voice: "You are not infected with a werewolf virus!"

Even with a trace of blood on her body, Sonia's expression was still so cold and proud. When she landed, she stood up and saw Zhao Futu, who was still human, with a look of surprise on her face! It is now a full moon night. Since Zhao Futu has not transformed into a werewolf, he is undoubtedly not infected with the werewolf virus!

Alas, since he was not infected with the werewolf virus, why did the wound recover so quickly?

Suonia's heart was full of doubts, but when she noticed the newborn baby on the ground, she was speechless in amazement.

Baby, no, it should be said that Lucian, the werewolf king.

He didn't cry and noisy, crawling on the ground with his tender hands, dragging blood from the ground, little by little crawling to the woman's ear, and gently licking her beautiful pale face with his tongue, his The eyes seemed to be young wolves who had lost their mother, watching the mother's face, and a low whimper sounded in her mouth. At the moment he was born, the power that sustained her last life in the woman's body had disappeared. By the time the newly born baby saw her face, she had become a cold body.

西 Lucian sobbed, just like an adult sobbing, not a baby's cry, Zhao Futu saw **** tears falling.

"Lucien ..."

"The ancestor of the second generation of werewolves! Has the first werewolf in the true sense been born?"

"From his bloodline, werewolves are no longer primitive beasts? Has the real werewolf, the same intelligent life as the vampire, been born?"

Uh ...............

浮 Zhao Futu felt the ups and downs of the Tao that had not been turbulent for a long time, and seemed to have an unexplainable emotion shaking.

He turned and glanced at Sonia, who had been shocked and unable to speak, and slowly leaned over to pick up the woman who had lost her life on the ground. Then he pointed at the sobbing, reluctant, wolf-like growl, saying, "Bring him to your father, he knows how to deal with him."

I finished talking.

浮 Zhao Futu walked up to the city wall and jumped down from the wall of the castle which was 56 meters high.


The dull sound of falling to the ground, Zhao Futu trembled when he landed, and there was a huge pain at his feet ~ ~, but it was not enough to threaten him behind the data.

回 He turned around and glanced at the **** castle under the **** moon, and saw the cold and arrogant figure of Sonia on the wall, and the baby in her arms. Sonia didn't catch up, but just watched Zhao Futu's bloody, thin figure gradually go away, until she completely disappeared into the dark wilderness, and no trace was seen.

"I am about to return." Zhao Futu looked up at the sky.

48 There is not much time for 48 hours. He glanced down at the icy female corpse in his arms and gently placed her on the ground. Then he pulled out the short sword around his waist and began to dig a pit to bury him.

However, when his fingers touched the woman's sunken abdomen, his face could not help but show a struggle expression.


He said ‘I ’m sorry’, and then cut her abdomen with a short sword. The inside was empty, and the woman ’s had disappeared.

Zhao Futu froze.

Long for a long time.

A long time ...

He sighed quietly, and then started digging, ready to bury the woman.

Uh ...............

Although, from this moment on, the newly born werewolves will be able to think like humans and have emotions like human beings under Lucian's blood, but also at this moment, in this woman ’s empty belly, also Unravel the inherently brutal nature of the original werewolf! This moment also determines the race of werewolves. Even if they have human minds, they are still just werewolves ...

Uh ...............

(Writing a bit slow today, this is the only more.)

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