Final priesthood

Chapter 312 The Blood Evil Mysterious Treasure of the Elephant God!

At the beginning of the picture, the elephant people who received the gift of the elephant god became as tall as a mountain and powerful.

They completely dominate the land beneath their feet, and even the most terrifying beasts must surrender to their power.

During this process, people with two heads and four arms began to appear among the Elephant People.

This type of Elephant is more powerful than ordinary Elephant. They attack each other, but no one can completely convince the crowd.

So these elephant men took away some of their tribesmen and piled huge stone piles on the plains as their respective gathering places.

This situation has been going on for a long time.

Until one day, an elephant man with three heads and six arms suddenly appeared in the tribe led by a leader of a two-headed and four-armed elephant man.

As soon as this six-armed elephant man was born, he grew up quickly and soon surpassed the average elephant man.

He easily defeated the leader of the current tribe and began to challenge the leaders of the remaining tribes one by one.

No four-armed elephant man is his opponent, even if several four-armed elephant men attack him at the same time, it will be of no avail.

In the picture, all the four-armed Elephants finally knelt down in front of this three-headed and six-armed Elephant Man, and the scattered Elephant People were unified.

The real Elephant Man King was finally born.

All the Elephant Men surrendered at the feet of this Elephant Man. They built an unprecedented high mountain. Even the Elephant Men, who were generally over five meters tall, were as small as ants in front of this mountain.

The Elephant King lives at the top of this mountain.

This is also the closest location to the elephant god.

When Lu Yuan saw this, he subconsciously thought of the figure he saw in the elephant god's dream.

The latter is indeed standing on the top of a high mountain.

"Where is this mountain now?"

Lu Yuan raised his head and looked forward.

He was still on the black plain, with black mist filling his eyes.

Although the specific situation in the distance cannot be clearly seen, it stands to reason that if such an extremely huge mountain really exists, no matter how thick the fog is, you should be able to see some outline.


The mountain is located in the deepest part of the secret realm, and the vastness of this secret realm is many times greater than Lu Yuan expected.

Lu Yuan withdrew his gaze.

Originally he thought this was the birth of the Elephant Man King.

But I didn't expect to continue searching nearby and found that there was a follow-up to the content of this series of stone paintings.

"This is."

Lu Yuan peeled away the dust on a black boulder and saw a second elephant man with three heads and six arms appearing on the stone painting!

This three-headed and six-armed Elephant Man is much smaller than the Elephant Man King.

The Elephant King stands on the top of the mountain, while the second six-armed Elephant Man stands at the foot of the mountain.

The two of them looked at each other from afar, and a fateful battle was about to begin.



Most of the stone that recorded the subsequent painting was broken into pieces, and the content on the painting was completely unclear.

Judging from the shape of the broken stone, it looks like it was broken by someone sitting on it.

Lu Yuan pursed his lips, not knowing what to say.

In fact, it is not uncommon for stones with pictures on them to be damaged.

After all, Shizui is a place where a group of elephant people, with an average height of five or six meters, like a hill, live daily.

It is extremely unrealistic to avoid bumping into each other.

Along the way, Lu Yuan came across too many damaged stone paintings, but none of them were like this time. They happened to be stuck in the most critical places.

"Other tribes should also have records. I hope I can find them."

Lu Yuan glanced at the integration progress of his [student] and [ancient language expert] career panels, and found that they were almost at 70%.

After this series of battles, the [Martial Arts Grandmaster (Extraordinary)] level has been raised to lv4.

From entering the secret realm to now, [Martial Arts Grandmaster (Extraordinary)] has been upgraded by two levels. Although it is easier to increase the level in the early stages of the profession, this improvement speed is fast enough.

Currently, Lu Yuan has accumulated 2 skill points and 2 attribute points.

The skill point Lu Yuan has been planned for a long time and is prepared for the first professional core skill of [Martial Arts Grandmaster (Extraordinary)].

2 attribute points.

Lu Yuan directly added it to the physique.

The physical constitution that was originally 28 points rose to 29, and he was only one step away from breaking the limit for the second time.


As his physique improved, the blood cells in Lu Yuan's chest suddenly collided and became denser.

The blood cells grow stronger, driving Qi and blood to flush the body faster.


Lu Yuan exhaled a breath of turbid air, feeling the vibration of his bones, flesh and five internal organs. He entered the posture of the Elephant God Ming King in a blink of an eye, and then rushed towards the next stone platform.


A silver-white figure flashed through the air like a shooting star, leaving behind a brilliant glowing tail flame.

Passing by it, an Elephant Man with a height of more than eight meters, two heads and four arms stood out abruptly.

After a short period of stagnation, there was a "bang" sound like a violently destroyed hill suddenly collapsing.

Yin Muqing's figure appeared behind the dead Elephant Man, and she casually placed the long alloy knife in her hand on the ground with an indifferent expression.

Yin Muqing walked up the stone block step by step, her posture calm and elegant like the Valkyrie in the legendary story.

She walked all the way to the top of the stone barrier, glanced at the flying bears below who were cleaning the battlefield, and then began to look up at the unknown distance obscured by the mist.

Her eyes flashed, and she stood quietly alone, not knowing what she was thinking.

Not long after, two figures came up from under the stone and came to her.

Yin Muqing retracted her gaze and looked at the two of them.

She first noticed Han Xun, whose face was gloomy, his eyes flashed slightly, and he said, "Didn't you find anyone?"

Han Xun said "Yes", then took a breath and said solemnly: "I'm applying to expand the search scope. I can do it alone. I hope you will approve it."

Yin Muqing frowned slightly, did not reply, and turned to look at the other person.


Another person quickly reported: "I found something on the stone pile here, please take a look."

Yin Muqing received the message from the other party.

They are pictures carved from stone tablets.

In fact, the exploration team has been collecting similar things from the beginning. These things are as important as the extraordinary substances that are specialties in the secret realm.

It is very helpful and extremely valuable for the major extraordinary organizations in the world today to study the culture of ancient evil gods.

Yin Muqing quickly scanned these stone paintings.

The content is simple and easy to understand.

The stone paintings tell——

An Elephant King with three heads and six arms, standing on the top of a high mountain, worshiped by countless Elephant Men, constantly kills Elephant Men with the same appearance and characteristics as him who appear in the tribe.

After this Elephant Man King killed the seventh Elephant Man who was born with three heads and six arms, his power reached an unprecedented peak.

However, at this time the eighth six-armed elephant man appeared.

Like the previous seven times, the Elephant Man King assigned a large number of two-headed and four-armed Elephant Men to surround and kill the opponent.

This Elephant Man was extremely brave. It not only defeated all the pursuers, but also climbed to the highest magic mountain where the Elephant Man King lived, and launched the final challenge to the Elephant Man King.

Two elephant men with three heads and six arms started a battle on the highest mountain.

The Elephant Man King stands tall and holds six weapons in his six arms: a knife, a sword, a club, an axe, a spear, and a hammer.

But the elephant man who challenged it was using his bare hands.

The latter was not afraid at all. Although it was disadvantaged in all aspects, it was actually more powerful than the Elephant Man King.

At the end of the battle, the challenger unscrewed the three heads of the Elephant King and became the new Elephant King on the High Demonic Mountain.

Not only that, its bravery was also commended by the elephant god

Yin Muqing's eyes flashed slightly after reading all the pictures.

The content of this stone painting does have a certain value, but it is meaningless to her.

Yin Muqing nodded, finishing the review.

Just as he was about to ask his subordinate Fei Xiong to retreat, at this moment.


A huge and invisible wave suddenly passed through the void.

Yin Muqing suddenly turned her head.

Immediately afterwards, he saw a scarlet light pillar rising into the sky at the end of the extremely distant black plain.

With the appearance of this scarlet light pillar, Yin Muqing seemed to sense that some ancient, majestic and evil existence was quickly awakening.

In a trance.

Some blurry images flashed before her eyes.

In the picture, there is an extremely towering dark magic mountain.

At the top of the magic mountain, a majestic figure with three heads and six arms stood quietly.

Behind the figure of the elephant man, a huge black ax with a rough shape was floating quietly.

The surface of the giant ax is inlaid with a mass of flowing scarlet, which looks like blood and an evil eye.


Yin Muqing quickly broke away from the illusion, looked around, and found that every flying bear had a look of confusion and trance on its face.

Apparently she wasn't the only one who saw the vision.

She recalled the scene she had just seen, and a light suddenly flashed in her mind.

She quickly called up the content of the previous stone paintings, and saw on the last stone painting——

The new Elephant King who defeated the tyrant was rewarded by the Elephant God.

A drop of blood fell from the sky, and the blood fell on the face of a giant axe.

The giant ax began to glow, and the new Elephant Man King grabbed the glowing giant ax. Under his feet were all the kneeling Elephants.

"This is."

Yin Muqing's expression was dazed. The content of the stone painting was combined with the images seen in the illusion, and a huge and inexplicable emotion quickly emerged from the bottom of her heart.


Blood of Ganesha? !

Although I don’t know what that bright red drop of blood-like substance is, one thing is certain.

nice one!

It was definitely an extremely precious evil treasure that could make even a Supernova member like her excited!

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