Li Weimin has already thought that if the microwave oven is successfully manufactured and exported overseas, it will be a huge achievement.

Coupled with the efforts of the old man behind him, maybe a year or two later, the rolling mill will have the final say.

This matter must be led by oneself, and the merits of leadership must be their own.

Now that he has made a decision, Li Weimin does not hesitate.

"Who else knows about this?" Li Weimin asked word for word.

"Now only the three of us know." Zhang Xiaoshan replied.

Li Weimin touched his chin and pondered for a while: "Who else needs to get involved?"

"Material engineer Wang Gong is in charge of materials, mechanical engineer Huang Gong is in charge of machinery, team leader Wang and I are in charge of installation and debugging. If any aspect is missing, the microwave oven cannot be manufactured smoothly." Zhang Xiaoshan replied affirmatively.

Team leader Wang also looked at Zhang Xiaoshan gratefully. He also understood that a worker in charge of installation could not be found anywhere, and Zhang Xiaoshan was giving himself credit.

Li Weimin was a little embarrassed, both Wang Gong and Huang Gong belonged to Lao Yang. You can go to other units to borrow people, one is a matter of time, and the other is a matter of confidentiality.

Looking for my husband? It's not suitable either. It's not convincing to say anything without real objects, but you must first communicate with the old man.

The room was quiet, only the sound of Li Weimin's pacing back and forth, the sound of stomping.

Li Weimin reached out and patted the desk hard.

"According to this plan, I will be in charge of arranging the logistics support, and you will be in charge of manufacturing. Now Xiao San, write down all the materials you need, and Lao Wang, you will accompany Xiao San..."

I don't know what Li Weimin said to his father-in-law, and I don't know how many power exchanges are behind it.

The rolling mill secretly established a new product research and development team, with Li Weimin as the team leader and Lao Yang as the deputy team leader...

At around two o'clock in the afternoon, Li Weimin brought Zhang Xiaoshan, Wang Shoushan, Huang Shan, Mr. Wang, the leader of the electrician team, and two other middle-aged people who were said to be from the **** Research Institute to the laboratory of the technical department.

Two guards with guns stood at the door.

"Everyone will be working here for the next few days. A lounge has been arranged next door. If you have any needs, you can ask the security guards outside the door. The factory at home is responsible for notification and condolences.

For this task, the logistics department, technical department, warehouse and other departments will be manned 24 hours a day. I won't talk about the principle of confidentiality. Do you have the confidence to complete the task? " Li Weimin said seriously.

"Yes." Zhang Xiaoshan and the others shouted loudly.

Zhang Xiaoshan was also very puzzled, how could there be such a big battle? But he thought about it for a long time and didn't figure it out. Aren't the leaders afraid that the product won't be manufactured? Or the design is seriously inconsistent with the real thing?

He didn't worry too much, he was confident in his drawings and designs, copying it? It's not easy.

Not to mention that Zhang Xiaoshan and the others started working, and Li Weimin returned to the office after leaving the technical department.

As soon as he entered the room, he laughed triumphantly.

After leaving the office in the morning, Li Weimin contacted his father-in-law as soon as possible. After briefly explaining the situation, the other party just asked him to wait without saying anything.

It wasn't until 11:30 noon that the urgent phone ringing woke up the restless Li Weimin.

"My father is me." Li Weimin said.

"How sure are you that you'll be able to produce what you describe?"

Li Weimin decided to take a gamble, and if he lost, his father-in-law was at best a ignorant person, and being criticized for self-criticism might affect his future, but the impact would definitely not be great. After all, there will not be much loss, that is, a little waste of materials and manpower.

If he wins, he doesn't know how much benefit he will have, but it will definitely not be small. Xiaojia is basically exporting raw material products now. If this microwave oven can be successful, what kind of achievement is this? The first export of industrial products...

"Ninety percent. I am very familiar with the main designers, and they follow me." Li Weimin doubled his estimate.

"According to the feedback from Grasshopper, the use and prospect of the microwave oven is basically affirmed."

"I'll arrange for them to start working in the afternoon." Li Weimin said affirmatively.

"You don't pay enough attention to it. You must speed up the progress. You arrange the manufacture of samples. I will do other things. This achievement cannot be swallowed by you alone. Make arrangements immediately."


For the next ten days, Li Weimin did not go home during the Chinese New Year. He kept arranging work in the factory, using the best materials and the best welders. He did everything he could do, and the rest was a painful wait...

At two o'clock in the morning, ring, ring, ring, the phone rang.

The listless Li Weimin picked up the and asked feebly, "Who? I'm Li Weimin."

"Factory Manager, it's a success! The microwave oven has been manufactured successfully! All the indicators have reached the design standards..."

Li Weimin hung up the phone regardless of the follow-up words over there, looking up to the sky and laughing...

After calming down, Li Weimin quickly ran towards the technical department.

Pushing open the door, Zhang Xiaoshan and others in the room all looked sloppy, but their spirits were surprisingly good.

"Factory Manager, the task has been successfully completed, please accept it." Zhang Xiaoshan, as the initiator and designer of the plan, is of course the first hero.

"Okay, okay." Li Weimin said excitedly looking at the two samples that had been made.

What followed was a series of product tests, all of which met the design targets.

"Thank you for your hard work and hard work. Now your task is to rest and leave the rest to me." Li Weimin is already planning the next step.


Zhang Xiaoshan didn't care about other things, he fell asleep on the bed.

These ten days were really difficult. Even though I had copied the blueprints and had images of the real objects in my mind, all kinds of problems still popped up.

Material problems, parts problems, reasonable layout problems, etc., fortunately, the two seconded engineers are of good level, and if they come for ten days, they may not be able to produce qualified products.

At noon, Zhang Xiaoshan, who was still catching up on sleep, was woken up by Li Weimin.

"Hurry up and clean it up, then follow me, don't say anything, don't ask anything."

After a while, a jeep left the rolling mill and drove into the distance...

As for where he went and what he did, Zhang Xiaoshan will tell you: he just went to give a report to a group of people. If you have other questions, keep them private.

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