Update time 2014-12-1418:41:57 Words: 4126

"Yan San, you have to promise me that the things I don't let you touch can't be touched, the things that don't let you chase can't be chased, and I can't run around when I collect them, and can't leave me three meters away. Hear you!"

"I heard it, how many times have you said it, one year older, you are even more verbose." Yan San drew his ears impatiently.

Ling Qingyu sighed, she couldn't do anything about it. Lu Yao blushed and avoided her these days, but Yang Zhao was injured because he was picking that huge bead. Gu Sui wanted to direct the work, so he came out. Ling Qingyu's bodyguard had to find Yan San. But I'm really worried. How far out now, this guy went after the eight-tailed bird, the little red pig, and the purple horned deer.

"Wow! What is that!" Yan San asked in a low voice. He also asked loudly in front of him, but when the voice was loud, all the animals ran away. Now he has learned how to behave.

Ling Qingyu looked back and saw that there was a tapir drinking water by the stream, with elephant-nose rhinoceros, oxtail and tiger feet, and its body was covered with brilliant markings. Turning back to collect medicinal materials, he said, "That's a tapir."

"Tapir? Is that the kind that eats iron and dreams?"

Ling Qingyu secretly said that it was not good, Yan San's tone was shaking with excitement, and he yelled, "Don't catch it!"

Before she made her voice, Yan San had already rushed towards the tapir, but he was fast, the tapir was faster, and ran into the forest with one leap, Yan San hurriedly chased after him. Just three meters away from Ling Qingyu, there were countless snakes rushing towards him from among the branches of the grass. What a Yan San, he turned around in the air, and came back to pick up Ling Qingyu, and flew towards the tapir. At this time, Ling Qingyu’s The sound just fell.

Although the tapir is huge, he sprints fast, rushing from left to right in the forest, and whenever Yan San’s hand is about to approach, he runs from the hole in the dry tree, in the small mountain, and among the big trees. , So fleeing and chasing, the forest makes birds fly.

Seeing that he couldn't stop it, Ling Qingyu didn't say anything, but asked Yan San to change his posture, climb on his back, and watched the trees on both sides flash by.

It wasn't until the dense forest was no longer in his half-sleepy eyes that Ling Qingyu woke up and patted Yan San's head suddenly and shouted: "Stop, stop, don't chase that tapir, there is an elephant here!"

Yan San didn't listen to her anymore. Although he felt a little strenuous at this time, the tapir couldn't run anymore and was staring at him panting. Throwing Ling Qingyu to the ground, Yan San threw the tapir down with a tiger leap, and before it was struggling, he drew out a sword and made a small cut in its neck, and then dripped blood on his hand, seeing that there was still nothing in his hand. Regardless of any reaction, his eyes darkened, and he patted the tapir who was so frightened that he was peeing, and let it go.

Looking back again, seeing Ling Qingyu still face the ground, with his limbs spread out, touching the ground closely, he groaned.

Ling Qingyu, who was stunned by the fall, got up and saw Yan San squatting in front of her. Seeing her standing up, she showed an expression that you are really okay. He rushed to the top of his head and didn't have time to think, so he kicked over.

Yan San's figure flashed, Ling Qingyu's feet fell free, and she couldn't stop, and her body fell forward. Yan San prodded her, hugged her waist, and brought her into close contact with the ground again. His body was blocked.

Ling Qingyu didn't bother to scold him any more, just staring at the small stone in front of him, oh, it's not a stone, it's a golden piece of gold!

Ling Qingyu looked around. It was on a mountain col. On one side was the virgin forest they rushed out, and on the other was a grassland. The grassland extended to the other mountain. The mountain was not high, but there was thick volcanic smoke. In the middle of the grassland was a lake. It's not big, but deep. There are bushes with small purple fruits on the side. In the grass, the bushes are full of gold blocks as big as a millstone and as small as pebbles. The golden light almost blinded Ling Qingyu's eyes. .

I won’t be surprised if there is anything on this island! Ling Qingyu thought this way, it's better to have some more iron ore and copper ore or something, and simply install a cannon on the Fengshen.

Seeing Yan San facing the gold on the ground is also a daunting look, without the bravery of chasing and killing tapirs just now, also, traversing the entire forest, no matter how high martial arts is, you will be tired and panic? ! Ling Qingyu said to him: "Why don't you rest here? I will look around. I have already left the forest. I guess there won't be so many snakes. By the way, you must not eat the kind of fruit over there! Listen! Is it there yet!"

Seeing Yan San waved weakly, Ling Qingyu walked towards the lake.

The lake is not big. Ling Qingyu walked in the golden pile for half an hour, and then walked to the other side of the lake. He had already passed the mountain col, but the scenery on this side was different. The lower depression was a spring. A smelt slowly left from the mountain, and then flowed into a big hole in the middle of the depression. The big hole was not bottomless, and it was frightening to look at it.

Ling Qingyu carefully climbed down the mountain col, still far from the molten lava, he felt a hot air wave, the spring water from time to time sprayed out a stream of heat, so that the entire depression was stained with a layer of mist.

Ling Qingyu was about to turn his head, but saw something shining in two spring pools. He looked around and found a safe place to settle down. He explored his hands and fished it out. He found a piece of white jade that felt warm when he started. , The outer skin of the jade had been polished, and the soft and smooth touch made Ling Qingyu almost unsteady.

In the dark, it seemed that someone was pointing, Ling Qingyu walked to another spring pool. The water in this pool was not hot water like the previous one, but cold frozen water. Ling Qingyu trembled as soon as his hands were in the water, but he was very concerned about the treasure. Persistent but she insisted on reaching into the water and fishing out the shiny thing. It was a bright red ice jade. The first time she touched it, she felt the chill seemed to penetrate into her heart, and then she felt cool all over again. Extremely.

Ling Qingyu looked at the back of his hand. The dark lines did not appear, which meant that these two treasures could be taken away. He was so happy that he put the jade into the back basket. If I can go back, I must be a rich woman. Ling Qingyu is in a good mood. Look at the sky , Hummed my smug smile and walked back with my smug smile.

"do not come!"

Ling Qingyu was looking for Yan San all around, and he heard Yan San's voice from the bushes ahead. This voice was different from Yan San's usual cynical, but deep and sexy, as if suppressing something.

Ling Qingyu looked at the bush full of small purple fruits, his face turned dark.

After thinking and thinking, there was a suppressed gasp in front of me, and a moan that couldn't bear to overflow from the corner of my mouth, and finally couldn't help but worry, smashed the bushes and walked over.

Behind the dense bushes like a wall, there is a piece of grass between the lake and the grass. On the grass, Yan San, who is very dry, is meditating. He is all wet. I don't know if it is water or sweat, but look at what's left beside it. The soaked clothes must have been soaked in the lake. At this time, his skin seemed to be hot and red, and the various scars on his body were even more hideous. One of his thin lips was bitten with bloodshot eyes. Dan Feng's eyes, which were always raised diagonally, looked wet with innocent mist. Holding her.

by! Don't be too tempting! Ling Qingyu has been eager for dissatisfaction since he was only halfway through with Lu Yao, now you are deliberate or deliberate must be deliberate!

Yan San's lips moved, and he suddenly grabbed the sword beside him and made a **** mouth on his thigh. The sting made him temporarily clear, and his body trembled violently. He threw the sword to Ling Qingyu, and said dumbly: "If I were If something goes wrong, you kill me."

"Didn't you tell you not to eat this fruit!" Ling Qingyu sighed.

If you don't eat it, I won't eat it! Damn, why are you not playing with me this time! Yan San had not much clearness left, so he thought of it bitterly that he had waited for a long time, was hungry, ate two bites of dry food, and drank water by the lake. Seeing this fruit was really cute, and thinking that woman often Fudge him, this fruit was deliberately forbidden to eat. After eating it, his mouth was full of fragrance, and the strength that disappeared also returned a lot. I didn't realize that I was able to eat it, so I picked all the large pieces of fruit and ate it. The consequence is that even if he jumped into the lake, he couldn't extinguish the high fire. Now he was burning with desire, and the bottom was rising and exploding.

Ling Qingyu glanced down the wound to the top of the wound. He looked at the guy whose hands were only close together. His head was numb. Such a big guy would be dead. I'll run away!

Before Ling Qingyu had time to run away, Yan San's sanity was almost gone, and he shouted: "No way, kill me!" Then he used the last willpower to rush towards the sword in Ling Qingyu's hand.

Ling Qingyu was all over, and seeing that he really leaped towards the sword with his chest, he waved his hand and lost the sword. Then the man was thrown to the ground by Yan Sangei.

"You are so old, you will kill me!" Ling Qingyu exclaimed, secretly regretting, why should I be kind! You die Yansan, why throw the sword to me, you are not happy to do it yourself!

"Tell you to run!" Yan San muttered, his head was blank because of the scent of the woman under him and the soft flesh, and after a few hissing, Ling Qingyu was peeled off, watching how it was exposed. With a tender body, Yan San swallowed his saliva and pressed his desire to ask, "How?"

"What do you do?" Ling Qingyu was surprised.

"How can I not kill you?" Yan San felt that there was a piece of whiteness in front of him, and the blood in his body was about to burst out. The body pressed against Ling Qingyu trembled violently, but he did not know how to vent.

"Don't you understand?" Ling Qingyu was even more surprised.

"Lao Tzu is practicing boy skills!" Yan San growled low, and couldn't help but lower his head and bit the bright red in the white.

"You have to relax me! This is my first time!" Ling Qingyu exclaimed.

Hearing Ling Qingyu's groaning cry, Yan San's blank mind suddenly came up with a scene that he accidentally saw while doing a task. It looked like it was below? Yan San parted Ling Qingyu's legs, and the huge guy rubbed against the gap, causing Ling Qingyu to tremble. A strange feeling surged up, and he groaned, "It's there."

Yan San couldn't help it anymore, holding on to her waist and pushing it to the bottom. With Ling Qingyu's scream, Yan San felt that his hot guy was wrapped in a soft lump and found an outlet for catharsis, poof. Puff, Yan Sanzhi felt that his life seemed to be fulfilled.

Although I felt complete, but the guy below didn’t relax. Ling Qingyu didn’t need to remind this time. Yan San followed instinctive guidance and hugged Ling Qingyu’s waist and began to hit hard. His body has been trained for a long time, although his waist is thin. But flexible and powerful, he hit faster and faster, and finally couldn't help venting inside.

"Ah," Yan San roared, only to feel a white light in front of her eyes, her body trembling unceasingly, and finally vented and softened to Ling Qingyu's body.

"Hey," after breathing for a few times, Yan San, who had recovered a bit, shouted to the people below. Seeing no response, he slightly propped up his body. Good fellow, Ling Qingyu had rolled his eyes and fainted.

Looking around, the water in this lake is cold and refreshing. It is definitely not suitable for Ling Qingyu to wash. Seeing that there seems to be smoke coming out of the lake, Yan San grabbed his sword, took a few ups and downs, swept to the side of the mountain, and saw below. At the hot spring, he didn't notice a smile at the corner of his mouth, turned back to the lake, picked up Ling Qingyu, picked up the clothes and put it on her body, and swept over to the hot spring.

I found a hot spring with the right water temperature, put Ling Qingyu in it, leaned her waist with one hand, and put water in the other hand to help her slowly clean.

The water temperature was just right, and Ling Qingyu hummed comfortably, turning from dizziness to sleep.

Seeing her lazy look, Yan San laughed softly and helped her clean up her lower body gently. The woman in her arms was gentle and soft, her head resting on her neck, her gentle breathing sprayed on his neck. Here, from time to time some babble, or laugh twice, and then cry a few more times.

"Don't be afraid, after we go back, I will avenge you." Yan San whispered in her ear. One night when everyone chatted, Zheng Xi told about Ling Qingyu’s family background, his father and brother were killed, his mother was **** off, his fiancé divorced, he was kicked out of the family, and all his family properties were taken away. Such an experience made him laugh so cheerful and lively. So frank. Only at this time will you cry out loud, right? Yan San lowered his head and kissed her forehead, glanced at the palm of his hand, and said softly: "Although I don't know how long I can stay with you, as long as I live for one day, I will keep you safe for one day."

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