Fellow Daoists, Would You Like To Buy Gatling?

Chapter 676: 667. The disaster of the arrogant self-help plan leads to the east

  Chapter 676 667.The disaster of the arrogant self-help plan leads to the east

  Lao Jiang returned to the real world with a stinking face.

  He now feels that Tokamak is too bad, maybe he is retaliating for painting a little turtle on his face in the wasteland last time.

   Knowing that Lao Jiang has just gained the ability to roam data, he is an out-and-out novice, but he has to leave difficult things to him.

  This is obviously expecting boss Jiang to make a fool of himself.

  What a bad thing!

  He opened his eyes and glanced at the superhero opposite.

  The latter does not have such a powerful data magical power as Lao Jiang. Every time he "floats" and "dive" in the data world, it takes longer than Lao Jiang.

  Waiting for the tokamak to end the consciousness transfer and uploading from the data world, after awakening from the real world, Boss Jiang was already sitting on the sofa, drinking comfortably.

  The superhero glanced at the wine cabinet that he had been violently opened, shrugged, and made no dissatisfaction.

  He is a very smart person, and he can naturally feel the slight dissatisfaction in Lao Jiang’s heart, so he explained:

   "I didn't mean to embarrass you just now, Jiang."

  "In our world, the data compilation method used is still relatively backward. Everyone uses the same encoding method. Therefore, the data protocol written by me will be discovered by Dr. Annihilation no matter how it changes its disguise.

  I never underestimate his evil wisdom.

  But you are different.

  The data that composes your consciousness comes from Eden’s technological power, which is more advanced science and technology than our coding method. Therefore, even Dr. Annihilation, without rewriting the entire program, it is difficult to find that your data awareness remains.

  You can use your own instincts to do what I need to work hard to do. It is a very genius idea to integrate a trace of your consciousness into the program just now.

   is equivalent to a miniature eavesdropper installed in their communication system. "

  Tokamak pointed to the working platform at hand, and said:

   "Now, we just need to wait, maybe there will be soon"

  "There is already an email interacting."

  Lao Jiang's fingers trembling while holding the wine glass, a flick of data phantom appeared in his eyes, and he said:

  "Three of their members have just been killed. This email is for a casualty report. The location is in the sewers of Lower New York City. They were killed by the ‘W-189’.

Who is that? "


  The superhero in front of Lao Jiang was taken aback, and immediately replied:

   "That's the sword spirit monk from your world. Wasn't he saved by these guys? How could he kill their people? Could it be infighting?"

  "Wait a minute, let me trace these data nodes."

   Jiang Xia made a posture for a while. He closed his eyes and dived into the data world again, using his instincts and magical powers to track the data nodes at both ends of the email.

  A few minutes later, he opened his eyes again and said to Tokamak:

   "Those guys formatted each email data, they are really careful. However, some residual information was pieced together by me. This magical power is really useful in data tracking and restoration."

Boss Jiang flicked his fingers, squinted his eyes and said:

   "I probably know what they want to do. It's an arrogant and bold plan."

   "Don't lose your appetite, Jiang."

  Tokamak pours himself, and asks:

   "Let's talk about it, what maddening things are my compatriots planning?"

  "They want to send the contaminated Barbara into my world!"


  Lao Jiang summarized the action plan of the guardians of the Heart of the World. As a result, the Tokamak, who had just drank a sip of wine, spewed it out before swallowing it.

  He took the handkerchief in embarrassment, wiped the water stains on his body, looked at Lao Jiang again, and said:

  "Is this possible? Barbara is the heart of our world. How can it be possible to enter other worlds? And why would they do this?

  This is not in line with common sense. "

  "In theory, it must be impossible.

  The heart of the world represents the power of civilization. It is bred from the world's ontology, and its power radiation and effective range can only exist in its own world. "

   Jiang Xia stood up, frowned and said:

  “But Barbara’s peculiar life, which carries both the heart of the world and the will of the monsters, cannot be theorized in the first place. We suspected before that the birth of Barbara might still be related to my family’s great son.

  What happened in your world is also very likely to be another failed attempt by Juzi.

  Although he failed, he created the individual Barbara, and her existence itself represents ‘unreasonable’.

  So I guess Barbara should be able to go to other worlds.

  They must catch the silly old seven of the Kunlun school, probably because the old seven has the Xinghai coordinates of the Suffering Wood Realm, which can be detected by them and used to locate the position of the Suffering Wood Realm.

  In addition, Barbara needs a guide to go to Sufferwood Realm.

  And as you said, her guardians gathered the world's top geniuses of yours. If it was an infeasible solution, they would not push it so crazy.

  As for why you want to do this.

  The reason is also very simple. "

  Lao Jiang rubbed his chin and said:

   "Since Barbara has both the heart of the world and the power of the monster, the power of the monster to destroy the world will eventually explode. The contaminated heart of the world cannot stop the spread of this power.

  The calamity she is entangled in is a manifestation of destruction.

  I guess their idea is that since the power will eventually explode, it is better to find another world that is not innocent and replace the MAGA world to bear the power of destruction.

  After Barbara releases the world-killing power from her body, she will return to the state of the pure heart of the world.

  Take her back at that time, and the world can be preserved.

  唔, it’s a good plan.

  If I were them, if I didn’t know the truth, I would definitely agree with this plan and do my best to complete this plan.

such a pity.

   Their attempts are doomed to fail. "


  Tokamak asked:

  "Didn’t you say it yourself, the feasibility of this plan is very high."

   "There are two reasons for failure."

  Lao Jiang waved **** and explained:

  "First, the way the Heart of the World works is not as superficial as they understand. I guess Barbara may not know much about it.

  Once she leaves this world, she may not have a problem herself.

  But the problem in your world is big.

  Once the heart of the world disappears, it means that the world has officially entered the end of death. Without that kind of power to maintain the stability of the world, even greater disasters will enter the countdown to the outbreak.

  According to the information I have learned from many large and small world hearts, it is calculated according to the endurance limit of your world, the great spiritual world.

  Well, about seven days!

   Seven days after Barbara leaves this world, the countdown to the destruction of the MAGA world will begin.

  Continental shelf-level earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, large-scale rainfall, melting glaciers, or the onset of extreme cold, the world’s ecosystem will be completely destroyed, and it will never be saved. "

Boss   Jiang glanced at the tokamak whose complexion changed drastically, then raised a second finger and said:

  "The second reason they are doomed to fail is that they chose the wrong target."

  "They thought that my world was not tortured by the extermination of natural disasters, and they were very dissatisfied with our'invasion'. With malice, they regarded my world as a good cannon fodder for the MAGA world.

   But they were so wrong!

  My world has not only experienced the catastrophe of the world, but the catastrophe has not yet receded.

  It is even the most dangerous place in the entire group of stars, where the horrible things buried there will scare their pants when they say it.

  Once Barbara enters my world, the demon nature of the deserter in her will immediately be triggered to explode.

  This kind of outbreak is not even her control.

  She has a great possibility of becoming pure, but she also has a great possibility of dying in the disaster after the demonic eruption. After all, she is not good at fighting.

  And once she died.

  Your world will also immediately enter the destruction sequence. "

   "So they must be stopped immediately!"

   Tokamak’s expression became very serious. He turned around and pressed the summoning device on his wrist to summon all the heroes who are currently in the same camp who can be mobilized.

  Can't wait any longer!

  The arrogant plans of those crazy people must be stopped immediately. Although this is only Lao Jiang’s family statement, in Tokamak’s view, boss Jiang has no reason to deceive him on this kind of thing.

  And he personally participated in the Red Moon War and the Wasteland War. He knew that Boss Jiang had saved the world more than once.

  He is willing to believe in Lao Jiang.

  But the summon button was not pressed in the end, because Jiang Xia flashed over and grabbed Tokamak’s hand. He looked at this smart man in the MAGA world and said to him:

   "Don't worry, listen to me."

   "What else is there to say? Let them complete the plan, it will be a death either!"

  The superhero is a little anxious.

  But Lao Jiang shook his head and explained in a deep voice:

   "No, it doesn't necessarily die.

  Don’t you hear what I just said? After Barbara leaves the MAGA world, it will take seven days for your world to enter a state of collapse.

  So as long as they complete this task within seven days, if you convert the time on our side, it will be three days!

  Within three days, release the catastrophic power of Barbara, and then clean her up and bring her back, your world will be able to win an extremely bright and bright future.

  唔, these superheroes are really worried about the survival of their own world.

  They all dared to advance such a bold plan. It seems that they have also understood the seriousness of the matter.

  I appreciate this courage to let go.


  I decided to help them. "

  Boss Jiang’s narrowed eyes sparkled with sharp thoughts and dark conspiracy. He said to Tokamak who was shocked in front of him:

  "What do you do with this expression? It's just a simple trick. I also have enemies in my world, and I am still a powerful enemy.

  It happens that your heroes want to purify the heart of the world and detonate the power of disaster.

  You said this is not a coincidence?

  They can be used by me, just need to grasp the time and a precise landing point, Barbara Simbelian, will become a ‘humanoid nuclear weapon’ that will clean up difficult enemies for me.


  There is power even in disasters, as long as you know how to use it. "

  "But. But what Barbara is carrying is a disaster of world destruction. Once such power is released, won't it affect your world?"

  Tokamak, a wise man, immediately understood Lao Jiang’s plan.

  He asked incredulously:

  "You are going to explode a world-destroying bomb in your own world. Are you afraid of self-defeating and unleashing the big guy in your world?"

   "That's why I said to grasp the time well, and to ventilate with the big guys in advance."

  Lao Jiang waved his hand and said:

  "Furthermore, don't underestimate my world. It has lived with the Desolate Lord's Demon Mind for five hundred years. Although it is broken and old, its tenacity is far beyond your imagination.

  A doomsday natural disaster that has been delayed and consumed for a thousand years is not enough to shake it.

  But your compatriots’ plan is still a bit flawed. They are trying to use the people of Eden to shuttle through the star gates of the realms to complete the transfer to Barbara.

  This is stupid.

  Ordinary star gates simply cannot withstand that level of pressure.

  Well, this is a terrible omission.

  I want to help them fill this defect. It just so happens that I have something they need very much in my hand. Well, now it's time to use your wisdom to think about how to get this thing into their hands.

  There is also the silly old seven who has been running away.

  Perhaps I should help them and let the silly old seven honestly become the ‘lead party’. "

  (End of this chapter)

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