Fellow Daoists, Would You Like To Buy Gatling?

Chapter 333: 329. The Call of War (Part 1)

  Chapter 333 329. The Call of War (Part 1)

In the top-floor office of the dream company, Ruyue sits behind her desk with a document in her hand. Three meters away from her, Super Soldier One, wearing a soldier vest and army pants, is standing there in a straddle position. .

   is like the best soldier.

   Silent and fierce, like an iron tower, looking ahead, tenacity is revealed in the gray eyes.

  Waiting for orders at any time.

  "Your performance is very good, Mr. Cooper, whether it is a dream company or the chief of the Ministry of Defense, you are very satisfied with your current state.

  But before you return to the army as a soldier, we have to conduct a final combat test on you. "

  Juyue put the documents on the table.

  She closed her fingers professionally and said to the soldier in front of her:

  "You have received intensive training in the dream company for forty days. You should know that in addition to the intelligent prosthetic body project and the super soldier project, we also have a multiverse exploration project.

  You have seen that "world gate" with your own eyes, right? "


  Super Soldier Cooper nodded and said briefly:

   "Very shocking and mysterious."

   "Yes, that's the mysterious technology we found in ancient ruins, or magic."

  Russell tells a lie seriously.

  She looked at the super soldier in front of her, as if looking at a weapon about to be unsheathed, and said:

  "The good news is that our exploration plan has made gratifying progress. The bad news is that terrible natural disasters are occurring in the first other world to be explored.

  Dream company, in the spirit of humanitarianism, tries to intervene to bring hope, democracy and freedom, and a new future to the desperate people in another world.

  This is the actual test for you! "

  She handed the file in her hand to Cooper, who took it in her hand and did not open it immediately.

  "The action time is set at midnight today. You and your companions will serve as support forces to join us in our operations in that world. The file contains everything you need to know.

  But remember, this is a confidential project.

  The chip in your mind has a security protocol. If you try to disclose this to other people, the security protocol will be activated, depriving you of the right to act, and shock your brain. "

   Ruyue said softly:

  "I think you can understand this kind of caution. After all, you signed a legally binding non-disclosure agreement before joining the Super Soldier project. As far as I know, you are a warrior with a sense of honor.

  I think you will not take the initiative to disclose our trade secrets to unrelated persons. "

   "I have a question, sir."

  Cooper hesitated for a moment, he asked:

  "Will this secret hurt our world? If it changes to the worst, will it affect my country and my compatriots?"

"Will not."

   Ruyue glanced at the super soldier in front of her, she said:

   "That door can be closed at any time."

   "Then I have no problem."

  Cooper straightened his body and said loudly:

   "I can go anytime! Sir."

"very good."

  Ragitsu nodded in satisfaction. She clicked on the communicator on the table. A few seconds later, Miss Denise, wearing a heroic suit, carried a black suitcase and walked into the office.

   and put the box under Cooper's feet.

  Ruyue said loudly:

  "Our boss believes that true bravery should be rewarded. For a good soldier like you, you waste your talent and fighting spirit with ordinary bodies.

  This set of military prostheses made of special alloys is the "battle armor" we prepared for you.

  At the same time, the boss will appoint you as the commander of the ‘Roaring Commando’. In the next battle, the eleven super soldiers will be under your command.

  I don’t want to lie to you that this battle is easy, in fact, according to our estimation, its intensity will be very high, so you have to shoulder your own responsibility, Cooper.

  If you can’t lead them well

  Then your team members are very likely to die there.

  Now, disband, soldier.

  Go to choose weapons and pack up. "

  Cooper immediately gave Ruyue a standard military salute, and then carrying a suitcase and papers, he strode out of the office and returned to his private dormitory on the third floor.

  He put the suitcase on the table, unlocked it with fingerprint, iris and chip key triple, and opened the suitcase.

  There are three prostheses with arms and left leg inside. Compared with the one he uses now, both in appearance and power have been greatly improved.

  In addition, on the other side of the suitcase, there is a round shield.

  This surprised Cooper for a moment. He thought that the weapon rationed to him would be a gun, or a war knife, and he took down the buckler.

   has blue and red paint on it, and a five-pointed star logo.

  It is light to start with, it should be a special alloy, which is extremely strong, and there are some very mysterious notches on the back that he does not recognize. Cooper put the buckler around his wrist and waved it decently.


  He thought of:

   "It's easy to use, and the shield means protection, I like it."


  At the same moment, in the underground training ground of the former Justice Company and now the "Anomalous Humans and Superpower Phenomenon Research Center", all the street heroes who renewed their contracts with the new owner were concentrated here.

  There are more than one hundred people.

  There are men and women, and the clothes they wear are also different.

  In general, the bells and whistles are like a complete miscellaneous army. Although these street heroes are generally not strong, they have their own strengths and are considered good combat power.

  In front of them, the wolf demon Liu Hui, who changed into a black suit, wears a blindfold, and flicked his tail, was carrying his hands on his back, pretending to his subordinates like a dog.

  Mike wearing a seven-color battle suit is her assistant.

   "You all listen to me!"

   Liu Hui coughed a few times, standing on the second floor platform, shouted to the street heroes below:

  "Dream company has its own set of hero grading system. Our system is rigorous and rewards and punishments are clear. We will not bury any valuable employees.

  Since you have signed an agreement with us, it means that you are also willing to obey this system.

  This is great.

  Now I want to inform you of one thing. At midnight today, the company will conduct a practical test on all the heroes currently under its contract!

  Everyone must participate in order to check each person’s abilities and your use of abilities, as well as your fighting style and experience.

  This is very important for your future career planning!

  So I cheered me up!

  What I need to tell you is that the performance of this battle will directly determine the first batch of'enhanced personnel list' ten days later. The genetic medicine that Justice Company gave you is too rubbish.

  We will give you better, we will train you strictly, and we will make you a real superhero, not a rookie clown who beats criminals on the street.

  But you must first prove that you are worthy of a better one! "

  Speaking of this, the wolf demon stopped. It looked back at Mike and asked through the chip communication:

   "What's next? I forgot."

   Mike sighed helplessly.

  Transfer a bunch of data to his confused boss. At this moment, he feels that his future career is in jeopardy. Do you want to find a way to transfer?

  Perhaps continuing to do things under Mr. Rogge’s command, is it more promising?

  "Okay, now everyone is divided into two columns according to men and women, and they receive the company's ‘induction training’."

   Liu Hui raised her paw and shouted.

  In the next instant, the side door of the underground training field opened, and a group of wasteland soldiers in doctor uniforms walked in, each carrying a medical kit and assigned combat chips.

  They must complete the chip implantation work for the contracted heroes of these dream companies before midnight, and let them adapt to the chip operation.


   "Your mentor was killed, don't you show any pain or disappointment?"

  Wasteland, Blackhand Town.

  Rogge put on his clothes and said to the witch Asuna who was smoking on the bed behind him:

   "Or you really have accepted your fate? No, you, a little wild cat, shouldn't you plan a dangerous plan to kill me with a sword at some point?"

  The naked Asuna was expressionless, she leaned against the bed and flicked the cigarette in her hand.

  A few seconds later, she said in a hoarse and mocking voice:

  "You used that **** chip to turn me into your puppy, and planted at least seven bombs in my body. Are you so afraid of me?

   Roger Fetals.

  You coward who can only work **** women! "

"If I'm afraid of you, then you shouldn't show up in my bed, good dog, besides, didn't you also enjoy it just now? Every passionate night we were together at the end, you would become so active .

  Look, we broke your mission.

  We gave you freedom.

  Although you don’t want to say it arrogantly, in the past two months, don’t you also enjoy the freedom of being unconstrained by oaths? You already know the taste.

Trust me.

  Mrs. Windsor, who is more stubborn than you, will sooner or later join us just like you.

  She will see it with her own eyes.

  We outsiders, how do we change your world. "

  The black fox smiled.

  He moved his shoulders, put on his long-lost wasteland suit, and turned back and said to Asuna:

  "Get dressed and take your magic warriors to prepare. According to the 1:2.5 time conversion, we still have 35 hours of preparation time.

  This is the first appearance of Black Hand Society in Red Moon World. I don't want to be ashamed in front of my colleagues. "

  He walked to the window and looked down.

  The entire reconstructed Blackhand Town is busy. The wasteland fighters of the Blackhand Society are loading a large number of weapons and explosives into heavy trucks lined up.

  After obtaining the productivity and resources of the MAGA world, the Black Hand Society’s production capacity has been fully exploited, and it has been fully mechanized as before the nuclear war.

  If it is not too much trouble to build things like tanks, then the black hand will expedition to another world this time, and there will be a tank unit accompanying him.

  The buzzing, science-fiction and mighty armed helicopter group flew in the gloomy sky of the wasteland, sending soldiers from the other seven towns to Blackhand Town.

  In this expedition, Rogge will bring all his family wealth.

  A total of 1,400 brave warriors who were born, grew up, trained, and slaughtered in the wasteland are like boarding a gambling table. He wants a stud, and then the black hand will win a bright future.

  They no longer have to fight alone.

  They already have companions who can trust everything with confidence, and the strength of their companions will be transformed into their strength. This is the meaning of partners.

  Rogge looked up into the distance.

  He can no longer see the direction of Liberty Citizen City. Thirty kilometers in front of Heishou Town, a 50-meter-high thick city wall, such as the surrounding dragon's spine, completely blocked the road leading to Liberty Citizen City.

  The wall is called "Monster Great Wall".

  It extends all the way into the desert of death, looking like a self-blocking, but it is not, it is only to prevent the monsters who are about to enter this world from destroying the development of the Black Hand Society.

  The most wonderful thing is that the side leading to the Free Citizen City is open.

   "My strength is increasing day by day, Emma."

  The black fox opened the window and felt the rough wind in the wasteland. He looked at the place where he was born.

He says:

   "Soon, soon I will take my friends to find you, I hope you are ready to go to hell."

  (End of this chapter)

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