The puppet sat in the pavilion, as did Eimiya Kiriji, who remained vigilant and protected Alice Phil by his side to ensure that if something happened, he could protect Alice Phil as soon as possible.

"You must be full of doubts about me, but I'm sorry, I can't tell you everything now, at least not now, and I know a lot more than you think."

"Regarding Illya, I believe that whether it is you, Eimiya Kiriji or Alice Phil, you all know the meaning of her birth."

After the puppet finished speaking, Emiya Kiriji and Alice Phil looked at each other.

Of course they knew the meaning of Illya's birth, and the meaning of her existence was the same as Alice Phil's.

They are all hole cards of Einzbelen, the hole cards used to win the Holy Grail War.

If Eimiya Kiriji fails to win the Holy Grail War this time and Alice Phil dies in vain, then Illya will face the same fate as Alice Phil in the next Holy Grail War.

They are all containers of the Little Grail.

So no matter what, Alice Phil must win the Holy Grail War in order to realize her husband's ideals and for her daughter to escape the same fate as her.

Therefore, she also gladly accepted her fate and accepted her own ending, not only for Kirito, but also for her daughter Illya.

They are all half their lives.

If her sacrifice can allow Kiriji to realize her ideals and free her daughter from fate, then her sacrifice is worth it, and she is willing to accept such fate.

It seems that the young man in front of him really knows a lot.

"I took Illya just to free her from her fate!"

The puppet's tight tone carried an unimaginable resoluteness.

"If I win the Holy Grail War, then she can also get rid of her fate, so do you think I will lose the Holy Grail War?"

Eimiya Kiriji thought about a lot of things, and seemed to find something from the words of the doll.

The other party does not seem to think that he can win the Holy Grail War, and the whole time means that he cannot change Illya's fate through the Holy Grail.

"No, you will win the Grail War, but even if you win the Grail War, summoning the Grail will not help, because the current Grail can no longer fulfill wishes."

As soon as the puppet's words came out, the faces of Eimiya Kiriji and Alice Phil changed.

"It's gibberish! How can you be so sure that the Grail will not grant its wishes?

Emiya Kiriji was full of doubts about the young man's words.

"Because of the Third Holy Grail War, someone violated the rules to summon the eighth follower Angola Manuel (all the evil in this world), but the Holy Grail could not summon that kind of existence, so what was summoned was actually a person carrying Angola Manue, his strength was very weak, defeated, defeated heroic spirit, his soul will be used as the key to summoning the Holy Grail, flowing into the Little Grail, but Angola Manuel is originally a gathering body of wishes, and at the moment when his soul flows into the Little Grail, The Grail indirectly fulfilled its wish, and the Grail was contaminated! The current Holy Grail simply cannot fulfill the true wish! "

The puppet said everything at this point.

This is the truth about the Holy Grail War.

"Nonsense! And how do you know this? Do you think I will believe this kind of lie?

Eimiya Kiriji's tone was full of doubt, he had never heard what the other party said, it was like making it up.

So the Holy Grail War is meaningless? Because the Holy Grail simply cannot fulfill real wishes?

Although he was extremely shocked by the words of the young man, Emiya Kiriji had great doubts about the truth of this matter.

These things can't be heard by Saber, otherwise what would she think?

Moreover, about Illya's fate, and Alice Phil's fate, these saberrs do not need to know, and Alice Phil does not want Saber to know.

That's why Shirou Emiya didn't let Saber join their conversation.

Of course, Eimiya Kiriji will not give up this Holy Grail War because of a few words from the puppet.

Not to mention the authenticity, as long as he has not seen it with his own eyes, he will not believe the words of the doll.

Shirou Emiya knew the person of Emiya Kiriji very well, so when he said all this, he would not be naïve to think that just a few words of his own would be able to make this man give up the Holy Grail War.

This man is for the sake of justice, he will not hesitate to kill anyone, such a person, just a few words to want to change his words, is simply a fool's dream.

"Whether you believe it or not, but now you have a chance to leave Illya in my care, I will do everything to find a way to change the current state of her body so that she can thrive like an ordinary person, moreover, I will take care of her to grow up, and I will definitely not let her participate in the fifth Holy Grail War, if you really get your wish, then Illya I will also return it to you."

This is the purpose of Eimiya Shirou to find Emiya Kiriji this time.

Emiya Kiriji did not speak, but Alice Phil asked rhetorically: "I can't find any reason or reason for your identity and everything you have done these acts, so why should I trust you?" After all, you also know that Illya is Einzberen's hole card, perhaps, your purpose is also for the Holy Grail, I need you to give me a reason to trust you! "

That's right, what the young man said made Alice Phil very moved.

But she still has concerns, the biggest of which is that she knows too little about young people.

Perhaps, all this is just a conspiracy, a huge conspiracy, a scam?

"On this point, I can work with you all the way to help you win the Holy Grail War and help you get the Holy Grail."

The puppet paused and spoke.

Alice Phil was speechless, but Eimiya Kiriji still fell into a long silence.

"If you fail, Illya will continue to transform her body by the Einz Belen family, her body will be constantly cut and sutured, and various transformations will be carried out, her body will completely become a collection of magic circuits, even if she does not participate in the Holy Grail War, even if you are still alive in the end and can take her away, she will not live for many years."

This phrase of the puppet is like the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Emiya Kiriji also understood this, there was no way to change Illya's status quo, if the young man in front of him could do it, he would choose to try it anyway.

Eimiya Kiriji looked up and sighed, "I promise you!" I hope you really intend to help us..."

"At this point, you can rest assured, although there is no blood relationship, Illya is as important to me as my relatives."

When the puppet said this, he did not fake.

The secret Weigong Shirou breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, he finally achieved his goal.

As for why he planned to let the puppet help Eimiya Kiriji, most of it was for Illya.

He can't stop the death of Illya's mother, Alice Phil, but if her father, Eimiya Kiriji, is still alive, Illya will no longer be a child without parents.

Shirou will find a way to prevent Emiya Kiriji from dying.

If he doesn't intervene, then Emiya Kiriji will be tainted with sludge, and the Fourth Grail War will end, and he will only have five years left to live.

Moreover, he couldn't even enter the magic array of Einz Belen Castle, and he couldn't take Illya away.

In fact, Shirou Emiya could have taken Illya directly away from Fuyuki City, not caring how sad Illya was, but he didn't do it.

At that time, he directly abducted Illya, and did not even give her a chance to say goodbye to her parents, which Emiya Shirou was still a little guilty.

The main thing is that he doesn't want to see Illya sad when she misses her parents.

At the same time, he also took this opportunity to approach Saber and join the camp of Eimiya Kiriji.

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