"Dean? It turned out to be the dean of the clock tower? "

Tina didn't expect to meet the legendary mysterious dean of the Clock Tower?

This time Albion's exploration brought her too much shock.

Seeing the terrible vampire, I thought that I had saved a stupid child who did not know the height of the sky and sneaked to Albion, but I did not expect that this stupid child was not a child at all, but a mysterious existence with a child's appearance and extremely terrifying strength.

Saw the strange scenes of Albion, encountered precious treasures, and obtained an unknown sword treasure.

Let's call this the Sword of Fire.

After drawing those two swords, the whole world they were in collapsed.

They fell into the abyss of endless darkness and kept falling.

Tina even felt that she would never be able to escape this dark and endless abyss, and she would die in it.

Unexpectedly, she still underestimated the strength of the stupid child, his magic reserves are completely a mystery, is this still human?

It's just a monster! No, even monsters can't have unlimited magical powers.

The stupid children take her out of the abyss, and they appear in a world full of green life.

Here, she ran into a human being, an old madman who seemed to have some nerve problems.

She saw the dragon egg that only existed in legends, and the old madman turned out to be the extremely mysterious dean of the clock tower?

"You're a junior student in the Clock Tower?"

The corner of Ogukana's mouth twitched.

Although he basically doesn't care, he knows the clock tower well.

He knew exactly what the lower students of the Clock Tower were like.

It was some young children, educated in magic.

Although the guy in front of me looks like a child, that's definitely just what it looks like.

Ogukana knew that this guy was definitely not a child.

Can a child go to the third level of Albion? Is this something that a clock tower junior student can do?

It's just a joke, even those monarchs, those magicians who stand at the top of the clock tower can't do it.

"Of course, I'm a junior student in the Clock Tower, and I really didn't expect to meet Lord Dean here."

Shirou Eimiya really did not expect that his Albion expedition this time would have such a big gain.

Judging from this old man's reaction and his own inference, nine times out of ten, this old man is really the mysterious dean of the clock tower.

If he had a relationship with the dean of the clock tower, wouldn't he be able to walk sideways in the clock tower?

You know, the dean is the real ruler

of the clock tower, of course, he cares most about the resources of the clock tower.

Some of the precious magic wood books that could not be found in the library had long been secretly stored by the Clock Tower and were only open to certain people.

A long time has passed since the establishment of the Clock Tower, and its heritage and resources are beyond imagination.

"Your IQ is not like what a junior child can have, and you can guess my identity, you are very good!"

For the first time at this moment, Ogukana began to look seriously at the child in front of him.

"It's just a gift."

Weiguan Shilang smiled calmly

, combined with the information he had said from this old man before, there were some strange words about the dragon, plus the scene in front of him.

Thinking about the appearance of the old man when he seemed to recall his name, and some information that Shirou Emiya himself knew, he boldly deduced the identity of the old man.

Not surprisingly, his current location is no longer in the second floor of the Albion Venous Cloister, Odvina, then he should now be on the third floor, the ancient heart.

Not everyone can enter the ancient heart of the third layer of Albion, but an old man has appeared here, and the first layer of the clock tower has an entrance directly into the third ancient heart, of course, not everyone can enter that entrance.

This entrance is strictly controlled by the clock tower, and it is absolutely impossible for outsiders to trespass.

If it is speculated that the identity of the old man is the upper level of the clock tower, then it is reasonable to be able to enter the third layer of the ancient heart

, plus the appearance of the old man when he recalled his name, he seems to have forgotten his name, if he boldly speculated, it was because the last time he recalled his name was too long, so that he would not be able to remember the name for a while, and the time period of more than two thousand years in the old population at the beginning.

It is the high-level of the clock tower, and it has been guarding the dragon egg for more than two thousand years, which is somewhat consistent with the identity of the dean that Shirou Eimiya knows.

In his known information, the dean of the clock tower had been staying in the center of the clock tower and had never appeared, and now it seems that this news is wrong.

This mysterious dean has actually been staying in the depths of Albion, guarding a dragon egg?

The dean of the clock tower is a mysterious existence that has been alive for more than two thousand years since the clock tower was established.

The dragon itself has too many secrets, it is a creature that stands at the highest level of the phantom beast species, of course, even if it stands at the top of the pyramid, it is divided into three, six and nine.

However, being able to stand at the top of the pyramid, even if it is the lowest, is an untouchable existence.

There is no doubt that although it is not known what the lifespan of a dragon is, it is definitely long.

And the dean of the clock tower has lived for more than two thousand years, and the secret that he has survived to this day is most likely related to the dragon egg in front of him.

"You want to wake it up, right?"

Shirou was a little uncomfortable by the dean, and quickly spoke.

"When I hear that such creatures emerge from eggs, they think of the first creature they see as their relatives."

Ogukana nodded, his cloudy eyes deepening.

Of course, this is really just a guess on his part, but there is no doubt that it is very promising to gain the trust of a newborn young dragon.

But he waited for more than two years, but the dragon egg showed no sign of hatching, so that he had some magic flutes, and only then did he have the crazy words and actions before.

Tina understands that this is a shocking secret.

The Dean of the Clock Tower has been staying in Albion Deep, where there is a dragon egg, and the Dean has been trying to hatch this dragon egg, gaining the trust of the young dragon and keeping the young dragon by his side.

Now that they know this shocking secret, will this mysterious dean in front of them kill people?

Quite possibly! After all, this secret is too scary.

Once exposed, it is enough to drive all the magicians of the entire world crazy.

For a while, Tina began to get nervous.

"Shirou, watch this guy!"

Tina felt compelled to remind Shirou Emiya of their current situation.

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