The soft touch from his hand made a huge sense of guilt rise in Eimiya Shirou's heart, and he quickly threw away his distractions and began to think...

Shirou Eimiya has full control over the magic of the Little Grail, so the magic under control will not affect the body.

And Illya cannot fully control the magic of the little chalice, and can only let the magic of the little chalice affect the body.

You know, the Little Grail is not a power that humans can fully control.

Except, of course, Shirou Emiya, because he made a wish to the Grail and achieved this miracle.

He was able to completely control his body, because the little chalice merged with his body, so that in a sense, the little chalice became a part of his body.

He is also able to completely control the power of the Little Grail.

"Hmm~ is it a big brother?"

Just as Shirou was thinking, Illya didn't know when she had woken up, a pair of big eyes were looking at herself, and under the bright moonlight, she could see her red little face.

"Ah! Illya, you're awake!"

Shirou was startled and quickly took away the hand that was placed on Illya.

It's over! I can't explain it at this moment, I'm a pervert! I'm really punished!

"Big brother, what are you doing?"

Illya had already sat up from the bed, because the pajamas were relatively large, and they looked loose on her petite body, so that large areas of snow-white skin were exposed.

"Well, I'm checking my body, because Illya has just come here, and there may be a situation of unsatisfactory conditions."

Shirou Eimiya said nonsense and did not make drafts.

Not used to the local environment? This kind of reason he himself did not believe, it was too far-fetched.

"Water and soil ... Defy? That's right.

Illya tilted her little head, obviously to her, what did it mean to be disobedient, she didn't understand at all.

After a while, Illya said in a cute soft voice, "So, does the big brother still need to check Illya's body?"

Believed, the simple Illya really believed his excuse to check his body.

Shirou Eimiya's guilt at this moment became stronger and stronger, and deceiving a simple little loli would really make people's consciences go away.

"No need, no need, Illya go to bed early, it's not early."

Shirou Eimiya waved his hand, intending to run.

Staying here and looking at Illya, who looks innocent and ignorant, will make him feel guilty all the time, so let's leave quickly.

"Don't! No! Big brother don't go, Illya is scared alone!"

Illya suddenly shook her head, her long beautiful eyelashes blinked, and her big eyes flashed with tears.

Shirou Emiya's heart softened, if he made the lovely Illya cry, it would definitely not be allowed.

Yes, it was also the first time that Illya left the castle of Einz Belen, where she had lived for eight years, and the first time she left her parents so far away, everything here was so strange to her.

For a little girl, being alone in a strange room can be very scary.

At first, because she was too tired, Illya changed her pajamas and lay down on the bed, and soon fell asleep.

But now that I wake up, I will probably not be able to sleep for a while, and if I stay alone in the room, I will definitely be afraid.

"It's okay, Illya, I'll be here with you.

Shirou Eimiya had to sit helplessly on the edge of the bed.

That night, Shirou Emiya sat on the edge of the bed, and in order to apologize for waking Illya, he began to tell a bedtime story to coax the little cutie to sleep.

"Once upon a time, there was a little pink pig that looked like a hair dryer, its name was Paige, and opposite Paige's house, there was a grassland called Green Prairie, where a herd of sheep lived, and in order to prevent being eaten by wolves, they asked a guy named Bald Qiang to build a strong gate..." Before

he knew it, Shirou Emiya was also asleep.

The next day, the cheerful chirping of birds came from the window.

Shirou Emiya felt that his body was a little heavy, was he too tired?

When he opened his eyes, Illya's delicate and cute little face was almost in front of his eyes.


A big question mark began to appear in Emiya Shirou's mind, and then he remembered what had happened last night.

The more Illya listened to the story, the more excited he became, and he talked about it in the middle of the night, and finally felt a little unbearable, and before he knew it, he also fell asleep.

At this moment, Illya was almost coiled on his body, her little hands were on his neck, like a kitten in his arms, no wonder how he felt that his body was a little heavy!

"Damn it! I feel like I'm going to jail!"

The guard felt Illya's close breathing, and the delicate and cute little face of the little loli was almost attached to his face.

But thinking that his current age is only seven years old, his heart is relieved for a while.

The prison meal should be temporarily unavailable.

He tried to sneak up from the bed and slip away, taking away Illya's slender little arm that was draped over him.


Illya made a sleepy and hazy voice.

Shirou Eimiya hurriedly got up, not daring to look at Illya on the bed anymore, and fled as if leaving.

The magic array of Einz Belen Castle in the Far East was strengthened again.

"Kiriji, you said why did that monster capture Illya, Illya is still so young, she doesn't know anything."

Alice Phil's heart has fallen to the bottom in the past few days, and her eyes are a little ethereal.

Since she learned that Illya had been taken captive, she felt as if she had lost her soul.

She didn't have much to do, Illya occupied most of the meaning of her life, and the other half belonged to Eimiya Kiriji.

Now, someone has brutally and forcibly taken half of her life.

Perhaps, this is fate, cruel fate! She was destined for such a cruel fate.

"Believe me, I will find Illya, that monster will not hurt Illya, and taking Illya should have some other purpose."

Weigong Kiriji has become a lot more vicissitudes in the past few days, and his face is full of scum, and he looks decadent.

It was definitely some kind of monster, that magical power, not human at all, not at all magicians can have.

Until now, whenever Eimiya Kiriji recalled the scene he encountered that day, his heart still set off terrifying waves.

Now, he can only hope that his guess is correct.

Although the monster took Illya, it did not hurt him.

The holy relic has been found in Conwalt, and then Eimiya Kiriji will devote himself to the Holy Grail War, and I am afraid that he will not be able to find Illya at all.

"Can we still see Illya?"

Alice Phil muttered, learning that Illya would be in no danger, and her face seemed to have a hint of blood.


Eimiya Kiriji really couldn't say anything frustrating, even if it was deception, he didn't want Alice Phil to suffer any more blows.

He knew better than anyone that Alice Phil was far more vulnerable than he thought.

In the face of the Holy Grail War that will soon unfold, Alice Phil's role is crucial, and she needs to be in good shape, not like this.

"Let's go!"

Old Man Ahat appeared at this time.

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