Rusde Tranbellio has somehow been very interested in Lisfil lately, and is always pestering her.

Lisfil was annoyed by this.

The guard felt a little funny, and from Lisfeld's statement, it was not difficult for him to see that Rusder should have a good impression of Lisfeld.

"Are all children so precocious now?"

Shirou Eimiya couldn't help but sigh that

most of the students in the lower grades of the Clock Tower were around ten years old, and his age was the youngest, only seven years old.

According to his understanding, Lisfil's age is also relatively young, the rest of the students are eleven or twelve years old, and their thoughts are also

enlightened, this behavior for some precocious children, in fact, is relatively normal

Eimiya Shirou of course will not care, after all, this is just a child's play between children, let alone worry, because behind Lisfil

stands the Animus Fia family, one of the same twelve monarch families, With her little devil-like personality, it was Rusder who should be worried.

Looking at the packed tongyaki and takoyaki in his hand, Noka felt that his head was a little out of space lately.

Adults bring these foods with them every time they travel to the Far East.

So, the purpose of adults going to the Far East is to change the environment to eat?

Isn't that a bit outrageous?

Is it really an incomprehensible proclivity to go to the Far East to watch Einzberen Castle eat, or do you like to eat in cold

and snowy weather? This environment will be more than cooking?

Of course, the Guardian didn't care what was going on in Noka's head.

Einz Belen Castle

made an appointment with Illya that he would come every two days

, so that Illya looked forward to the arrival of the Guardian every day, often standing by the window inside the castle and looking at the snow-covered forest.

This somewhat abnormal behavior also attracted Alicefield's attention, but she couldn't think of any reason to explain her behave.

As for Eimiya Kiriji, he was busy with the upcoming Holy Grail War, unless the blizzard stopped and the weather improved, he would go with Illya to complete the promised agreement, and under normal circumstances, he simply couldn't spare time to pay attention to Illya's state.

Regarding Illya, there is something abnormal, Alice Phil and Emiya Kiriji said this

, but Emiya Kirito just said that he knew, and it seemed to be a little unconcerned.

"Illya went to build a snowman!"

As usual, as soon as the two days passed, Izenya would shout this to his mother, and then planned to walk out of the castle.

"It's snowing and cold outside, so why don't Iya go out another day?"

Alice Phil looked at the raging blizzard outside the window, and the color of doubt grew stronger in her ruby-like pupils.

As if she didn't expect her mother to say this, Illya's little head began to think, but the temptation of food was too great.

She had been looking forward to it for two days, and he couldn't wait to know what the big brother would bring.

Thinking of this, Illya shook her head and said, "Don't! No! Illya is not afraid of heavy snow!"

After that, Illya ran out of the castle.

The storm outside was really strong, and Illya's small body was like a small sapling in the wind, which seemed to be blown away by the blizzard at any time, and she was a little worried about whether her big brother would be in danger.

It's still the forest in front of the agreed castle, or that location, where four or five snowmen are piled up, but today's blizzard is so big that the snowmen are blown down.

"Big brother?"

Illya tried to shout, but the whirring blizzard completely muffled her voice.

"Is it because the snow is too big, didn't the big brother come today?"

Illya lowered her little head, a little dejected

: "What's wrong, the lovely little princess Illya doesn't seem to be very happy today?"

A voice appeared, Illya quickly looked up, her lost look disappeared, her little face had a cute smile, and her eyes were bent into a crescent.

"Big brother, you're here, you're coming! Illya thought you wouldn't be here today!"

Illya was so happy that she threw herself at Shirou Emiya.

Shirou Eimiya hugged this small body, completely isolating her from the raging blizzard.

Feeling the temperature emanating from this small body in his arms, Shirou Emiya only felt that he had to protect this little cutie no matter what.

To protect this young sister who looks like a sister, but is actually a year older than him now

, this time, no one can hurt Illya, no matter who it is, even if it is facing King Gilkamesh, he will spare his life and fight to the death.

The next step is to watch the little loli in her arms eat.

I have to say that feeding little loli with food is really enjoyable.

Quietly watching Illya's little cutie eating the food she brought with satisfaction, Shirou Eimiya suddenly asked: "Illya, do you want to go to the outside world with your big brother?"

"The outside world?"

Illya's eyes seemed to twinkle with stars.

She was so curious about what the outside world was like, and she was full of longing for the outside world.

At this moment, Shirou Emiya frowned.

In the next second, he took out the black robe and the black cat mask from the small backpack behind him at a very fast speed, quickly put them on, and wrapped himself in the black robe.

Sure enough, what he feared the most happened, someone was rapidly approaching him.

Shirou Eimiya could feel the magic that was rapidly approaching him, and the other party was coming towards him.

He had never underestimated Eimiya Kiriji, but Emiya Kiriji was more terrifying than he thought, worthy of being the man who could win the final victory in the Holy Grail War.

His IQ and hole cards, as well as his determination to achieve the end by any means, no matter who faces such an opponent, it must be terrifying.

"Big brother?"

Illya looked at Shirou Eimiya, who was wrapped in a black robe in front of her, her big eyes were full of doubts, and she didn't seem to understand this action of her big brother at all.

A figure flashed.


Submachine guns are roaring, firing bullets at a terrifying speed per second.

The black-robed figure protected Illya in his arms and quickly jumped up to dodge the dense bullets.

"Put her down!"

Eimiya Kiriji's icy voice did not carry any emotion.

This scene was beyond his expectations.

He thought that the reason why his daughter was abnormal was because of something here, but he could not have imagined that there would be another mysterious guy here.

Why did this mysterious man lure her beloved daughter here several times? What purpose does he have? It's just so weird.

The figure in the black robe is not large, and it looks like a child is wrapped in a black robe.

But judging from the keen dodging action just now, this is definitely not something that a child can do.

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