In this villa, Noka has already cast some magic arrays.

Ordinary people will not approach this villa at will, and Sakura will not be able to sneak out of this villa.

This is also the reason why Shirou Emiya is very relieved to leave Sakura at home.

"Sakura washed the bento box, Sakura is very well-behaved."

Sakura picked up the bento box on the table, seemingly happy that she was able to wash the bento box.

"Sakura is so good, then how did you wash it, you can't reach the sink now, do you?"

Shirou Emiya felt that Sakura was still very well-behaved and sensible, of course, even if Sakura didn't wash the bento box, it would be okay, let Noka, or another magician from the Ulipis family, wash it.

The poor magician, who is also the noble magician of the Ulypheus family, is now here every day to do housework such as cleaning, washing dishes and cooking.

Of course, Norka, they dare not be reluctant.

"Sakura stepped on the stool to wash, how about senior, isn't Sakura very smart?"

"Yes, Sakura is so smart."

These days, Sakura is getting more and more comfortable with life here, and she no longer cries and thinks about going home, which may also have something to do with her addiction to watching TV.

Over the next few days, Shirou Eimiya often traveled to the Far East.

The clock tower had already sent

the magic books he needed and finally, today, he had completely analyzed the magic array shrouded in Einz Belen Castle.

"Noka, go buy a piece of seabream yaki, and then we'll go to the Far East."

Shirou Eimiya shouted.

Noka's mind couldn't turn around, but he still went out to buy sea bream and burn.

These days are quite normal, adults seem to be studying magic array things, but what is going on with this snapperyaki?

If an existence like an adult buys seabream yakiniku just to eat it, then this reason is a bit too far-fetched.

How can adults like to eat seabream yaki with this kind of existence?

Thinking about it this way, Snapperyaki may not be as simple as he imagined, maybe there is some secret hidden in Snapperyaki?

"Two portions of seabream yakisaki!"

Noka stands at the front desk of a shop selling seabream yakisaki.

The adult wanted to buy one copy of the sea bream yakisaki, but he decided to buy two copies and study one for himself.

Soon, Noka received two portions of seabream yaki in the hands of the clerk.

Picking up one of the seabream yakisai, Noka observed it carefully.

"The milk smell is very full, it looks crispy, no! What was I thinking? There must be some secret hidden in this seabream yaki, a secret that even adults are very curious about.

Noka scratched his head and took a bite on the snapperyaki.

"Huh? It tastes okay, it's good, it's delicious?

" After dissolving the share of sea bream in his hand, Noka sighed: "Sure enough, I am still too superficial to see what secrets are on this fish burning."

Noka doesn't seem to be very smart Yako?

If this scene was known by Shirou Eimiya, I don't know how to feel.

How did Noka become more and more divid?

Taiyaki is really Yakiyaki, where is the secret?


The extreme east is

still that asphalt road, and Shirou Emiya gets off.

Today's blizzard is a little smaller than the previous few times I've been here.

"There is no need to worry about time, there is dry food in the car, and I don't know when I will return."

After Shirou Eimiya finished speaking to Noka, he walked towards the snow-covered forest.

There was a thick layer of snow under his feet, and he had already walked this path several times, and it didn't take long for him to come to the periphery of the magic array.

Shirou Eimiya sings complex magic tricks, and a magic array lights up on him, disappearing the next moment.

He hid his breath to the lowest and continued to walk forward.

He was very careful along the way, he did not choose to put on a black robe and a mask.

Although he can't be seen by Wei Gong Che, if he dresses like that and is sneaky, he will definitely scare Illya.

Therefore, in the end, he still chose to face Illya with such a face.

The old castle seems to have existed for a long time

, "It seems that my luck is not bad."

Shirou Eimiya looked at the forest in front of the castle, where there was a small figure building a snowman.

"With my current perception, once a magic fluctuation occurs within a certain range, it can be detected instantly."

After thinking about it, Shirou Eimiya planned to get closer to Illya.

This is a rare opportunity, because at this moment, Illya is obviously out of sight of Emiya Kiriji and Alice Phil.

Emiya Kiriji and Alice Phil didn't know what they were busy with, but they were definitely preparing something related to the Holy Grail War.

Lonely Illya could only be alone in that pile of snowmen

, and the snowman built by Illya was very small, only half the size of her body.

At this moment, the general appearance of the snowman has come out, and she took the branch she found and liked better, and inserted it into

the snowman, acting as the snowman's arm.

Illya's little face revealed a very serious expression throughout the whole process, but she was really too cute, even when she was serious.

"Where is this cutie building a snowman?"

The sudden voice startled Illya,

"You! Who are you?

When Illya saw the guy in front of her clearly, her eyes did not have any look of fear, but were full of curiosity.

In front of him was a boy in a thick cotton coat, with short red hair and a delicate little face with immaturity.

He looked a head taller than Illya, perhaps because they were both children, so that Illya did not feel afraid when they first met,

but was full of curiosity about this strange boy.

"Let's get to know, my name is Shirou, it's nice to meet you."

Shirou Emiya smiled.

This was his first meeting with Illya, and he had been looking forward to this scene for a long time.

Illya was a little smaller than he expected, as tight as a porcelain doll, long eyelashes set off those bright

big eyes, red pupils were as gorgeous as rubies, it was so cute that people's hearts melted.

"Big brother Shirou? Illya Sfeil von Einz Belen, that's Illya's name.

Illya walked up to Shirou, circled around him with curious eyes, kept looking, and asked, "Why has Illya never seen you?"

"Because I'm from the outside world."

Looking at the little Illya in front of him, it was so cute that he couldn't help but feel the urge to hold it.

"The outside world? What does the outside world look like? Illya has never been to the outside world~ "

Because it is all because of children, Illya has no guard and fear of the guards, but only excitement and curiosity.

It was the first time she had seen a child her age, a boy.

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