"Is this world going to end up going to ruin..." There

were tears in Caster's eyes.

She remembered the world she was in.

And this world is so beautiful, now, do you want to watch this world destroy?

"No, this world will never go to destruction."

Shirou Emiya cut to the chase.

So much effort, so many sacrifices, how many times of despair.

This time, he will definitely succeed.

In the shocked gaze of everyone, Shirou Emiya's body was wrapped in white light.

The next moment, the light became more and more intense.

It was a dragon that was about the size of a mountain.

The white vertical pupils, the wings and the whole body were covered with hard scales like ice crystals, white like snow, full of cold, and magic was raging on his body.

The ground beneath his feet was completely frozen the moment the dragon appeared.

The temperature between heaven and earth dropped sharply, and the originally snowless weather suddenly drifted into heavy snow.

His existence affected this heaven and earth, resulting in changes in heaven and earth.

Although her body size is comparable to a mountain, it is still only half her size compared to Tiamat.

Rao was so, and this scene also shocked everyone.

Because this is a dragon, a real dragon!

"How come, the big brother turned into a dragon!"

Illya and Caster watched the scene blankly.

"Shirou, he turned into a dragon!"

Saber never imagined that Shirou would be able to turn into a dragon.

In her impression, Shirou was just a human being.

Although he has strength that is difficult for humans to achieve and has a mysterious magic, in Saber's opinion, Shirou has always been human.

Now, he has become a dragon.

"How can he control the power of dragon blood?"

Timia spoke in disbelief.

Of course, she knew that Shirou Emiya had taken half of her dragon blood, so that her body was still in a juvenile state.

The fact that the human body can withstand the domineering of dragon blood is shocking enough.

If you want to become a dragon, you must completely control the power of dragon blood, otherwise you will be eroded by the power of dragon blood, lose your mind, and become a dragon who only knows destruction.

But now, Shirou Eimiya has completely controlled the power of dragon blood in his body.

The existence of the dragon is too big, and it certainly attracts the attention of countless people as soon as it appears.

At this moment, they had a feeling that they were dreaming.

But it's all too real.

Many people pinched their flesh, and some even slapped themselves, and they could clearly feel the pain, which was enough to show that they were not dreaming.

What is happening today has turned their perception upside down, their perception of the world.

It turns out that those legends are true, they all exist, there are really monsters and dragons in the world!

The dragon spread its wings and flew into the air.

It opened its mouth, and it was the breath of a dragon, with unimaginably large magic and coldness.


He was breathing a dragon towards the seashore, and the raging cold and magic made the entire seaside, those Rahmu who tried to walk on land and head towards Fuyuki City, were turned into ice sculptures in an instant.

A huge wall of ice rises up, blocking the Sea of Life and Fuyuki City, and resisting all Rahmu who tries to reach Fuyuki City.

The next moment, the dragon sent a dragon breath towards Tiamat, and the dense patterns of the magic array lit up.

The sea level froze, and solid icicles appeared around Tiamat, turning into ice prisons to bind him to it.

After doing all this, the dragon form is lifted.

Shirou Emiya stood on the icicle.

Saber and the others looked at Shirou Emiya, not understanding what he was going to do.

Even if they work together with treasure tools, they can't defeat it, and they can't even be seriously injured.

So what are the ways in which Shirou Emiya can defeat Tiamat?

I am the bone of my sword. (I am the bone of the sword)

body は剣で出ている

. Steel is my body, and fire is my blood.

"This is the voice of the big brother!"

Illya spoke immediately.

Everyone heard the mantra chanting.

Because there was no servant, Rin Tosaka just watched the battle from a distance and did not participate.

Listening to the mantra that had been chanted by the archer, he looked at the back of Shirou Emiya in the distance.

At this moment, Archer's figure seemed to overlap with Shirou Emiya.

I have created over a thousand blades. (Handmade swords have reached more than a thousand



loss)ただ一度のdefeatもなく.(not once defeated)

Behind Shirou Emiya, a golden vortex appeared, The Heavenly Lock frantically attacked the creation god Tiamat.

Even with such a huge body, the Heavenly Lock still bound her.

Immediately afterwards, relying on the almost infinite magic power, the dense black vortex all unfolded, which were thousands of whirlpools, and thousands of treasures were also revealed at this moment.

This is a scale that has never been seen before.

If it were Gilkamesh's body, it might be able to release a king's treasure of this scale, but the spirit base given by summoning with the Holy Grail would not be able to summon a king's treasure of this size.

The light of the treasure illuminated the entire heaven and earth, dazzling.

"Boom !!"

The treasures in the sky bombarded the creation god Tiamat like a rain of stars, and the sea surface that was originally frozen was blown apart.

"Can such an attack defeat him?"

Saber muttered.

Everyone is waiting for a miracle.

"This guy is really terrifyingly powerful!"

For the first time, Timia saw the power of Shirou Emiya.

Such strength is not available even by those heroic spirits.

"I'll be able to beat that guy!"

Caster watched the scene in front of him intently.

However, the bombardment passed, the creation god Tiamat's body only appeared some scars, there was no big problem at all, her body became pitch black, more and more terrifying, and the pitch-black sea of life was instantly thawed.

"Is even such an attack ineffective?"

The crowd was utterly desperate.

It seems that no matter what kind of attack can not cause fatal damage to her, her level is too high, and she is the life level standing at the top of the pyramid.

But a smile appeared on Shirou Emiya's face.

He was well aware that this level of treasure bombardment was basically immune to the defense of the creation god Tiamat.

But the number of treasures is too much, and such a quantity has caused a qualitative change, making the destructive power reach an amazing point.

Although it did not inflict heavy damage on Tiamat, Shirou Eimiya at this moment already understood something.

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