Farming Food Tycoon

Chapter 125: Internal relationship breakdown

Master Hu handled things very quickly, and the next day, he sent one of his staff to Fortune.

At that time, Hongyun had just delivered a batch of goods, and the round-faced boss was happily counting the money in the small house. After the count was intact, he went to the bank and replaced it with silver ingots or silver bills.

"Boss, Director Zhou of Huihai is here." The manager of Hongyun came in and said to the round-faced boss.

"Huihai's Zhou Guan?" The round-faced boss was surprised and asked, "What is he doing here?"

The manager shook his head and said, "I don't know, he is just looking around."

"Go, let's go out." The round-faced boss hurriedly put the money back in the drawer, locked it and closed the door and went out.

"Oh, Director Zhou, I will welcome you if you come here, what are you doing here?" The round-faced boss greeted as soon as he saw Guanshi Zhou.

This week, the steward is the right-hand man of the boss Hu, the largest shipping company in Tongshan. He is highly valued by boss Hu. He often represents boss Hu when he comes out to do errands.

The round-faced boss didn't know what he was doing this time, on behalf of Boss Hu or himself.

"Boss Yuan, where are you?" Director Zhou walked to a small wooden barrel and saw a little seafood left in it. He asked, "It's okay, I'll come over and take a look. Eh, how do you sell seafood?"

The round-faced boss smiled and said, "Guardian Zhou wants to taste the seafood and just take it. This is just out of stock this morning, and there is still a little left, and it's still fresh. I'll let you pick it up."

"Hey, boss Yuan is welcome, it's not that I want to eat seafood." Guan Shi waved his hand.

The round-faced boss asked, "That's it?"

Guan Shi glanced at the round-faced boss and said with a smile: "It's our boss who likes to eat seafood, and he especially likes to eat shrimp made by boss Jufu Lou Yu. Yesterday he went to Jufu Lou for dinner and heard that the price of seafood has increased. It turned out to have doubled. After Jufulou, I was afraid that I would not be able to make shrimp, so he sent me to take a look."

When the round-faced boss heard about this, he felt a little in his heart, and then cautiously asked, "Does Mr. Hu like to eat seafood?"

Guan Shi nodded and said, "I like to eat. I used to have no good cooks and didn't cook well. Now Jufulou cooks very well to his taste. Basically, he eats every two or three days. So ah , If this Jufulou doesn’t make shrimps, he will have a headache, so let me take a look. According to the boss, if this seafood is so profitable, let’s just open a line to specialize in seafood. It can be shipped to Boss Yu at a low price, and Boss Yu can always make seafood, and the owner will always have delicious food. Don't you think Boss Yuan?"

Hearing this, the round-faced boss felt a chill in his vest. If Huihai is making seafood, how can his small wooden boat compete with the big dragon boat of Huihai?

He swallowed his saliva, rubbed his hands nervously, and said, "Has the price of seafood in the market rise? Me, we have always been at the same price, and only once a year, it will increase by one penny or two."

"Really? How did Yu boss buy seafood doubled?" Manager Zhou asked suspiciously, and then said: "Oh, by the way, I heard that the price of flour in Yu Ji snack bar has also increased. Now, Hu's husband and father like to eat dim sum, and when I heard it, I was very worried that the price of dim sum would increase in the future."

The round-faced boss wiped the sweat from his forehead, and immediately replied, "Is the flour also going up? Generally, the price of flour is relatively stable. It must be the grain and oil store who wants to make some money during the Chinese New Year."

Guan Shi glanced at him, and then continued to look at Fortune's warehouse up and down, and then said: "Boss Yuan, your wooden barrels are doing very well. How many shrimps can one hold? Eh, Boss Yuan, Huihaihui If you want to open a grain line of wheat flour or something, let me learn from you. Which state of Taizhou, Qinzhou and Yuzhou in the north has lower grain prices? I remember, you buy in Yanshan County, Qinzhou?"

Need to open a grain line? Have you figured out where they bought the goods?

When the round face boss heard this, he also knew that Guan Shi was here for the increase in the price of seafood and flour, so he didn't dare to play tricks, and said: "...Yes. Guan Shi, I think the price of seafood and flour in the market will increase. It is estimated that it is a misunderstanding, no matter how much the price increases, it will not double that much."

"Really?" Guan Shi asked, staring at the round-faced boss.

The round-faced boss nodded and said with certainty: "It must be."

Guan Shi picked up a sea fish casually, and asked casually, "Does the owner of Xiangmanyuan Restaurant know Boss Yuan?"

The round-faced boss sank and said, "He is, my nephew."

"Oh..." Guan Shi's hands loosened, and the marine fish slipped into the wooden bucket with a thump, splashing a few splashes.

He shook off the water in his hand and said, "Boss Yuan, you have been in Tongshan City for several years. We usually do business in our own way, and we get along well with each other. It is not easy for you, so I just I kindly remind you, as for Tongshan City, it’s not big or small. There are many big and small families. There are only one or two less each year. It’s not a problem, especially because it moved outside. Do you understand? "

Upon hearing this, the round-faced boss nodded quickly and said, "Understood."

Guan Shi stared at the round-faced boss for a while, confirming that he really understood, stood up, took a cloth towel from the person next to him and wiped his hands, then patted the round-faced boss on the shoulder, and said, "I understand. That's fine. Then I'll go back. Don't let me run again."

The round-faced boss nodded heavily.

By the time Guan Zhou left, the round-faced boss was already sweating and cold sweat, and the clothes on the back vest were all wet.

"Boss, are you okay?" the steward asked with concern.

The round-faced boss waved his hand weakly and said, "It's okay, you send someone to run and tell the people at the seafood stall and the grain and oil store to stop raising Yu Qingze's price and restore the original price."

"Good boss." When the manager heard it, he quickly agreed to find someone.

The round-faced boss entered the room, opened the drawer, looked at the money in it, and sighed deeply, not happy anymore.

At noon, Jia Xiaoren got the news. He rushed to his uncle's house and asked: "Uncle, what's the matter? My people saw yours and told the seafood stall owner to stop embarrassing Yu Qingze? And, Didn’t I say not to sell, why did you just ask them to increase the price?"

The round-faced boss has been frightened after the incident in the morning, and he believes that Manager Zhou is not just talking about it. If he doesn’t deal with the matter as soon as possible, maybe Hu’s family will really open two lines. When the time comes, he How can this small team continue to be annexed sooner or later.

The round-faced boss looked at Jia Xiaoren, and persuaded him earnestly: "Xiaoren, just listen to your uncle’s advice, make your restaurant well, and don’t use the same thing you used in your hometown here, especially Yu Ji, let’s Can't afford it."

Jia Xiaoren frowned and asked, "Uncle, what's the matter with you?"

The round-faced boss wiped his face and said, "The people from Huihai Shipping came to me this morning. They warned me that if I trouble Yu Qingze any more, I won't be able to stay in Tongshan."

"Huihai Shipping?" Jia Xiaoren frowned and asked, "What does it have to do with them?"

The owner of Round Face explained: “Hu Dang’s family of Huihai Shipping likes seafood very much. His family also likes Yu Ji’s dim sum and dishes. Moreover, he has a very good relationship with Caifu, and Yu Qingze has a relationship with Caifu. It’s also very good."

Jia Xiaoren sneered and said, "Isn't it just a small boat? You scared you, uncle?"

The round-faced boss said: "A small boat? Huihai is the largest ship in Tongshan. It can swallow any of our other ships at any time. If you don't do this, of course you don't care. Can't you think about it for uncle? "

"So, uncle refuses to help me?"

"I feel powerless. Xiaoren, listening to your uncle, your uncle won't hurt you, don't fight with them. Although your uncle has something to do with it, Cai Mansion is not easy to provoke."

Jia Xiaoren snorted and said, "Uncle, are you not afraid that you will not even have a place to stay in Qingzhou in the future?"

"You!" The round-faced boss was anxious. This nephew threatened him with the things of his hometown. He flicked his sleeves and said: "Do you like to listen! I tell you, in May of this year, I have already registered the whole family's household registration." They have all moved to Tongshan, I don’t care if I don’t go back!"

Jia Xiaoren squinted his eyes, but he had forgotten this. His uncle did go back once in May and moved his household registration. He snorted coldly, flicked his sleeves and left.

Without the help of the round-faced boss, Jia Xiaoren thought for two days, thinking about how to deal with Jufulou, but when he heard the news, Jufulou introduced a new dish-Drunken Duck.

It is the signature dish of Xiangmanyuan.

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