Throughout the ages, there has never been such a Heavenly Supreme Venerable, and when his cultivation reached this step, sweeping all the records in the Void God Realm, everyone today opened their eyes and trembled.

And in the real world, the cultivators of all parties are also stunned, this is too against the sky, ordinary people are difficult to set a record in their lives, but the wilderness can be created at will, which is terrifying!

On this day, countless people landed in the Void God Realm, eager to watch, to see with their own eyes what step he would go and how many records he would break.

Ara is strong all the way, although tired, but non-stop, all the way forward.

In this process, the eyes of the bird master and the Jingbi uncle became deeper and deeper, like a different person, as the illusion of the wilderness continued to move forward, they also seemed to be nourished, and gradually exuded a monstrous terrifying aura!


Sealing the Demon Domain, the figures of Bird Master and Jingbi Uncle also appeared, moving forward in the Void God Realm, followed by a young figure, but not wild, calm and calm, and fierce coexistence under the clear appearance.


Some people shouted that they finally saw this figure again, who had walked out of the Void God Realm in the past, showing a trace of glory and saving the entire Demon Sealing Realm!

Today he reappeared, causing another storm.

"Martial ancestor reappears, showing the footprints of the past, and the divine power is endless!"

"Quickly enter the Void God Realm, Martial Ancestor is in the world, the scene of the past appears, and it is constantly breaking records!"

The Demon Sealing Realm made a pot of porridge indiscriminately, and Martial Ancestor had a very high status in their world and was highly respected!

In the Hua family, a heroic figure stepped into the Void God Realm, and the ancient armor was attached to the body, like a Valkyrie!

She is Hua Jiahua Shuyun, and now she is even more terrifying, standing at the extreme of the realm of true self, she can enter the realm of Avatar God at any time, even among the thousands of domains in the world, she is also the top demon!

At this moment, she also appeared in the Void God Realm, watching the illusion of Martial Ancestor, Wuzu has gone to the extreme in martial arts, watching him make a move, Hua Shuyun also gained greatly!

In the Void God Realm, the figure of Martial Ancestor walked all the way, sweeping everything, one after another ancient stone talismans suspended on the side, immeasurable and boundless, like worlds after world, full of monstrous power!

He has the power to open the sky, the ability to fight the sky, the divine power is peerless, and the battle is unmatched, breaking one record after another, reaching the top, and seems to be going to the sky!


Far more than the Cangwu Domain and the Demon Sealing Domain, the Void God Realm has changed greatly, and in each domain, the figures of Bird Master and Jingbi Uncle appear, they seem to cross the Infinite Realm, appear in all the Void God Realm Domains, walking in it, as if to go to an ultimate place!

And in all the great domains where they appeared, there were also countless figures appearing, each of which was peerless and domineering, and each of them had supreme divine power!

In the Divine Fire Domain, a figure dressed in black and black robes appeared, his face was resolute and angular, and there were divine fires hanging around his body, burning everything, like a fire emperor, ruling the heavens and earth!

"It's the Yan Emperor, who dominates ten thousand fires, directly sets a fire record, eternal supreme!"

The creatures of the Divine Fire Domain recognized him, this is a former demon who controlled the fire of heaven and earth, dominated all the divine flames in the world, and was a true and worthy Yan Emperor!

In the Heavenly Sword Domain, a young man held a sword, the corners of his mouth smiled, his face was like a crown jade, a sword swept out, ten thousand swords roared, as if he had composed a sword song, endless, any record was broken in an instant, as if there was no power in this heaven and earth that could stop him!

"That was... The peerless sword master of the innate realm, he actually appeared, is he going to conquer the great world? "

Someone exclaimed, recognizing this figure, he was the peerless sword master of the Heavenly Sword Domain, if Gu Ning was here, he could recognize him even more, he was a descendant of that ultimate existence of the Sword Dao, and he had a supreme posture!

In the Star God Domain, the god king travels, the stars follow, there is a supreme figure, like the lord of the stars, and like the god of the stars, these heavens and stars, the immeasurable stars seem to be controlled by him, he is the brightest star in this world!

"The Ancient God King, the strongest creature in the bluestone road, has come to a transcendent existence!"

In the Star God Domain, Yu Xingkong couldn't help but marvel in his heart as he saw the figure of the God King stepping into the void, constantly breaking records, and soaring up!

He had heard everything that happened in the Heavenly Death Realm, the creator of the Heavenly Cave, a senior brother of the existence of the Emperor Venerable, and he himself was beyond the Emperor Venerable level, reaching an unknowable and unfathomable realm!

"Has something big happened in the Void God Realm again?"

Yu Xing was puzzled in his heart, he had just crossed the Great Domain from the Cangwu Domain, he had seen the changes in both domains, and the supreme beings such as the Barren Heaven Emperor and the Ancient God King had reappeared, and something big would definitely happen!

"What happened, why did the Xeon Tianjiao of all domains reappear, ascend to the sky, and constantly break records!"

"Is there going to be a big change in the Void God Realm? Where are these beings going? "

"In the past, the Tianjiao demons were indeed terrifying to the extreme, and the records that I had worked so hard to set were as if they were readily available in their hands!"

"Too terrifying, endless brilliant brilliance, that is a peerless existence that has conquered the ages, and now all of them reappear, which will induce unpredictable changes!"

Thousands of domains, everyone is looking up, sighing, shocking, shaking!

One by one, one by one, the demons and the Tianjiao, competing for the world, the scene of the past shows their wisp of divine power, they are all to the extreme in this world!

Now that they appear together, something big must happen!

Many beings have come to a higher level of the region, like an immortal deity, breaking major records and moving forward!

Unconsciously, they all came to a hazy place, white mist flowing, like fairy air.

A pair of huge bronze doors, magnificent and boundless, like a mountain, did not know that there was such a mysterious place in the past.

"That was... Bluestone Road ?!! "

Some people exclaimed, too similar, but a little different, these scenes, all illusory, or in other words, that is the memory of the past, and now reappear, to open the world!


Uncle Jingbi moved forward a little with his hand, and the rune light flickered, and the pair of huge bronze ancient doors rumbled open, gushing out bursts of chaotic qi!

Behind the bronze door as high as the mountain, there was no bounds, the fog was very thick, and it was impossible to see what was clear, and after a long time it was vaguely visible, there was a road, winding towards the heavenly dome.

"It's similar to a bluestone road, but it's narrow, like a trail!"

There is a life road, this road is very similar to the bluestone road, also paved in the void, stretching endlessly, as if there is no end in sight, but different from the bluestone road, chaotic qi ups and downs, like a small road, connected endlessly, I don't know where to go!

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