Fantasy: Starting from the Nine Crowns

Chapter 308 Death is also life! (For subscription support!)

The black-robed old man laughed frantically, his mouth was still stuffed with flesh and blood, Qin Yuntian was in grief, those human beings had no life at all, but Qin Yuntian failed to save them from those demons!

He didn't know how many innocent human beings were still imprisoned in the underground of this elders' society, but what he knew was that in this small world, in this Azure Dragon Pagoda, and even in the entire world, there are unknown how many people like this are suffering.

Qin Yuntian is not a great kind person, and he does not have the energy to rescue one by one. He uses Buddhist methods, but this does not mean that he will save all beings, but his heart is warm, as long as he encounters injustice , he will try his best to rescue.

Fairness, justice, freedom and democracy, that is the real harmonious world of 12. I have won the title nine times and been called the king of the nine crowns, so I can't just enjoy the glory, wealth and fame, but in the end, isn't it turned into a cup of loess?

Since he came to this world and achieved such achievements in this world, he must do something for this world, not to be able to change the world, even to control the world, but also to do something for the living beings.

Sweep away all evil, sweep away all darkness, even if it is a sinister cultivator, even if he pays attention to the law of the weak, he must give everyone a chance and right to survive.

If there is any injustice, I, Qin Yuntian, will break through all evil spirits. If this world is unfair, then I will kill this world. I, Qin Yuntian, will surely become the Immortal Emperor, equal to the sky!

Qin Yuntian made a secret vow, even for the sake of the living beings in this world, for all the relatives and friends he met and knew, he had already lost it once, and he didn't want to experience this kind of pain again Between heaven and earth, there is only one person who is empty.

That kind of loneliness, that kind of loneliness where nothing exists, the world is no longer the world, only one's own consciousness exists.

Qin Yuntian calmed down and looked at the black-robed old man. Previously, he had always thought that he had used some method to change the power of the contract. If he could know, he might be able to create a contract that would be beneficial and harmless. Come.

But Qin Yuntian really didn't expect that the black-robed old man was even more ruthless than the sacrifice contract.

But this is indeed considered to have broken the contract and changed the sun. According to the understanding of the black-robed old man, if one dies, there is still another self, but Qin Yuntian has no way of understanding it.

The consciousness of each individual soul is not interoperable, that is to say, although there is still a person who is exactly the same as himself to inherit, regenerate, and replace himself, he has his own character, has a part of himself, and even has his own way of thinking, but he is completely himself.

Qin Yuntian couldn't understand, even the split half, the half of his own soul, is a completely different individual, how can he be the same as himself, even if he is dead but the split is alive, can it be considered alive?

But when you die, there is an identical person to replace you. So are you alive or dead? Is the new born still you? Qin Yuntian couldn't accept it, even though he knew that he would exist in another form, he still couldn't. to face death.

At this point, the black-robed old man was undoubtedly stronger than Qin Yuntian.

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