After all, no matter how strong Yang Zilei's defense is, the bullets will be blocked at best, or blast away, it is impossible to penetrate directly, but there is no wound.

At this point, Bai Yuzhe felt a little strange.

Because he couldn't do it at all.

"This Gatling gun is indeed an armament weapon from the same system!"

After completing the verification, Yang Zilei's eyes flashed, staring at the Gatling gun in his hand, and he couldn't help being surprised.

But immediately, Yang Zilei's mind became complicated.

If the system is the same, is the master named "Yang Guo" still alive ten thousand years ago?

Or was Yang Guo already dead, so that the God-level armed system re-searched for the host, and then chose himself?

For these two possibilities, Yang Zilei prefers the second one.

After all, there is only one system. He now owns the system, which means that the previous master no longer exists.

Because, at this time, this fire Gatling gun is the best evidence!

"Yang Zilei, how did you do it?"

Bai Yuzhe looked at Yang Zilei in surprise, couldn't help but wondered, and asked.

"Because I have one thing in common with Master."

Yang Zilei smiled pretendingly, he never intended to expose the secrets of the system.

Hearing this, Bai Yuzhe gave Yang Zilei a weird look, but felt that the words were impeccable.

The arms and weapons that Yang Zilei possesses are indeed very similar to those created by the master, and they are the destined ones that the master is calling for.

Thinking about it this way, Yang Zilei was able to defuse the Gatling gun shot, but it was not impossible.

As Bai Yuzhe guessed in his mind, he had no choice but to relieve Yang Zilei's magical skills.

"Now this seat takes you into the area of ​​the Antarctic Land to truly understand the ancient alien race. If you find anything unexpected, you must return as soon as possible."

Bai Yuzhe's face was slightly rigorous and asked.

As soon as the voice fell, Bai Yuzhe quickly punched three rune seals with both hands, covering him, Yang Zilei, and Xiaolongyuan respectively.

Yang Zilei's heart was slightly startled, and he suddenly felt a soft light radiating from his body, lingering in an obscure energy wave, as if he had some involvement with the ancient monument of formation.

"This rune seal can shield the imprisoning effect of the formation light curtain, and can freely enter and exit the Antarctic region."

Bai Yuzhe briefly explained, and then moved his body and swept directly towards the formation barrier, passing through without any hindrance.

"Little ape, go."

Yang Zilei raised his eyebrows lightly, greeted the little dragon ape next to him, and the steel armor instantly emerged from his body.

Xiaolongyuan knew it, and immediately hugged Yang Zilei's right leg and followed the flyby.

In this way, Yang Zilei also passed directly through the array light curtain without any obstruction, and then followed Bai Yuzhe's figure to the depths of the Antarctic land.

Up to this moment, Yang Zilei understood why this ancient secret realm would restrict flight. It was most likely to imprison those ancient alien races by flying through the array light curtain from high altitude.

There is only this way. The only way for the ancient alien race is to attack from the ground. When that time comes, they will face the fierce bombardment of countless cannons and missiles.

"This combat strategy is absolutely perfect."

Yang Zilei admired secretly, but became more and more interested in that "Yang Guo".

It's a pity that the other party is already cold, otherwise, they can meet again and discuss how to return to Earth.

While thinking about it, Yang Zilei's gaze also looked down at the scene below.

The land of Antarctica is extremely vast and vast, and as it goes deeper into the area, the wind gusts.

Yang Zilei obviously felt that some icy cold air was gradually gushing out of the air.

That strange cold, extremely cold, even if he was wearing a steel armor, he still felt a tingling sensation on his skin.

"This is the erosion of bones by yin and wind. If the cold air enters the body, the bones will be eroded and hurt greatly.

Bai Yuzhe preached indifferently.

Yin wind eats bones?

Yang Zilei moved slightly, and he could indeed feel a hint of coldness as sharp as a blade in the yin wind.

The cold air penetrated through the cracks in the steel armor, and kept digging into the pores of the whole body, trying to erode the bone marrow. If it was covered by all of it, even the bones could corrode away.

As we all know, the bone marrow is the essence of the human body and the foundation of martial arts practice. The longevity of the source of life is largely due to the degree of consolidation of the bone marrow.

Yang Zilei couldn't help but stunned secretly, this Antarctic land is indeed not accessible to ordinary people, no wonder it will be listed as a restricted area.

But thinking about it from another angle, wouldn't that group of ancient alien races be very powerful to survive in the harsh environment of this Antarctic land? !

Due to the race wars that year, this space was also on the verge of collapse, and cracks in the space were visible everywhere.

Yang Zilei flew cautiously. Not long after, he noticed a team appeared on the grassland in the distance.

The large number of tall figures suddenly caused Yang Zilei's pupils to shrink slightly, and he was stunned.

Because those guys are really terrifyingly big, nearly six or seven meters tall, their skin has a metallic gray-purple luster, their muscles are strong, and they all carry a giant axe.

The most important thing is that they all have blue-faced fangs, and they look extremely fierce and ferocious. They are obviously not humans. They feel more like the rune puppets he had previously obtained, the troll clan.

And just as Yang Zilei had guessed, only Bai Yuzhe next to him said: "These guys are trolls with amazing power. An adult ordinary trolls with power comparable to the spiritual realm of our human martial artists."

It really is a troll clan.

Yang Zilei's eyes were slightly drenched, and he couldn't think that the power of these trolls was so powerful, and ordinary trolls could be comparable to the spiritual realm. Wouldn't it be more perverted if it were to practice martial arts?

Regarding this, Yang Zilei couldn't help feeling the weakness of human beings. Compared with the unique physique of the trolls, it took great effort and cost to cultivate to the level of the trolls.

"In addition to the Troll Race, there are two other races in the Antarctic, the Orc Race and the Demon Spirit Race."

Bai Yuzhe explained with a calm face: "The orcs, like the trolls, belong to the force-type warrior race, and are violent and bloodthirsty."

"As for the Demon Spirit Race, the attack method is much more bizarre and terrifying. Ten thousand years ago, they most liked the spirits and spirits of human martial artists, and their methods were extremely cruel."

"Swallowing Wuling?"

Yang Zilei was stunned, feeling that these three ancient alien races seemed to belong to this monster spirit race the most terrifying!

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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