It turns out that there are treasures and formations to suppress those terrible guys.

Yang Zilei's face was slightly startled, and he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

In this way, this hidden danger should not erupt so quickly.

However, since the master named "Yang Guo" wanted to protect a pure land, but his buttocks were not wiped clean, there was still such a big hidden danger.

If the two magic weapons that were suppressed at that time were useless, wouldn't the Tianyan Continent be in a dire situation?

Yang Zilei shook his head secretly, feeling that the other party was a little vague in his actions.

At the same time, he did not want to do what is called a predestined person, shouldering the feat of saving the common people.

If a disaster really breaks out, Yang Zilei's daughter Yang Chenchen is the first person Yang Zilei wants to protect.

In this way, Yang Zilei flew at full speed following Bai Yuzhe with complicated thoughts.

After about half an hour, the two of them and one beast finally arrived in the Antarctic.

Yang Zilei's figure is suspended in mid-air, here is just the edge of the Antarctic land.

His gaze scanned slightly, even if Xuan was frozen on a mountain not far away, a touch of shock suddenly appeared on his face.

However, on the top of the mountain, there stood an ancient stone monument measuring nearly a hundred meters, faintly, exuding an ancient atmosphere of vicissitudes.

This stone stele is almost exactly the same as the huge ancient stele that opened the ancient mystery.

The surface of the stone stele is covered with complex and mysterious runes, forming an ancient huge formation, containing a kind of terrifying energy fluctuations that can tear the world.

Under the surging of that energy, Yang Zilei, who had reached the Divine Realm at this moment, couldn't help but feel his insignificance.

And the light radiated from those formation runes, spreading, actually condensed into a looming huge barrier, directly isolating the area of ​​the Antarctic Land until the end of the line of sight.

"This ancient stele is used to confine the ancient alien race..."

Looking at the majestic and majestic rune stele, Yang Zilei couldn't help taking a breath and muttered to himself.

"Yes, this ancient monument was made by the master."

Bai Yuzhe nodded, his face in awe and said: "It is said that it was the rune formation that Master used strong sword energy to engrave on the stone tablet."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei was slightly moved. It seems that the master Yang Guo, although he has a god-level weapon system, is still a capable kendo master in martial arts.

However, with the function of systematic military scanning, no matter how difficult the martial arts technique is, you can learn it instantly. Yang Zilei thinks he can do it too.

But Yang Zilei has always adhered to the simplest and most brutal fighting method. Any enemy is killed with arms, so he rarely uses cold weapons such as swords.

As for these mysterious and magical rune formations, they have never been in contact.

"There are so many skills that don't overwhelm you. The fellow traveler is so diligent in practicing various martial arts. It seems that I have to learn when I have the opportunity."

Yang Zilei secretly sighed, deciding that if there is plenty of time in the future, he must also work hard to avoid losing the face of the traveler.

"Senior White, didn't you say that besides the imprisonment of the formation, there are weapons suppression? Why didn't you see it?"

Yang Zilei's eyes swept around, but it was barren and there was no hair.

"A mechanism hidden underground will open the mechanism if a foreign object approaches the stone tablet."

Bai Yuzhe said lightly: "I will show you this."

After saying that, Bai Yuzhe's figure moved, and he rushed towards the ancient stone stele on the top of the mountain...

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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