Previously, due to Yang Zilei's various special performances, Bai Yuzhe aroused interest.

Therefore, since the opening of the ancient mystery, Bai Yuzhe has been paying attention in secret.

He found that Yang Zilei was not interested in the so-called heaven, material and earth treasures and spiritual pill treasures in the secret ruins, but he was keen to search for metal resources.

And every time you get metal, your strength will increase.

But now, Yang Zilei has received five million catties of Chenjin, but there is no movement at all. This makes Bai Yuzhe's original idea of ​​trying to be sure, which is undoubtedly lost.

"Well, since this kid deliberately hides his clumsiness, I can't ask anything."

Bai Yuzhe shook his head and smiled to himself, but he didn't intend to ask questions.

"There are two levels in the assessment of Tongtian Tower. The desert giant tests power. This illusion represents the heart of martial arts."

Immediately, Bai Yuzhe adjusted his mind slightly, and said with a smile: "You have all passed the assessment, then congratulations, and become the new tower guard."

Upon hearing this, Yang Zilei was slightly startled.

Why does this sound like a trap.

"What are the benefits of tower guards? And, what dangers will there be?"

Yang Zilei frowned, it is better to ask more clearly about this situation.

You can't just become a tower guard in a daze, and you don't know if you are pitted.

"Then talk about the benefits first."

Bai Yuzhe smiled lightly, how could he fail to see Yang Zilei's careful thinking.

"There are three benefits. The first is power. Once you become the tower guardian of the Tongtian Tower, you will have a noble status. Even if the super sect leader meets you, you have to be afraid of three points, and you also have the authority to mobilize any sect force."

Hearing this, Yang Zilei's heart jumped.

Is the identity of the tower guard so awesome?

"The second one is resources. After tens of thousands of years of precipitation, there are countless precious resources in the Tongtian Pagoda. With just one venerable pill, you can improve your cultivation The level of the earthly respect."

"The third is freedom. Under no special circumstances, you can still travel around as before without being restricted by the Tongtian Tower."

After listening to Bai Yuzhe's three benefits, Yang Zilei's eyes flickered, obviously already passive.

These benefits are like pies falling from the sky.

Resources and freedom are second, and the most important thing is the power of the tower guard. Unexpectedly, even the super sect and other behemoths have to promise.

It can even mobilize all sectarian forces. Doesn't this situation amount to dominance? !

Yang Zilei couldn't help taking a deep breath. Faced with such a huge temptation, he tried to calm his passionate emotions, and then asked, "What about the responsibility?"

He didn't believe that this kind of benefit would be smashed to himself for no reason, and what price should be paid behind his back.

"The responsibility is very simple. It is to protect the space of Tianyan Continent from foreign invasion!"

Speaking of this, Bai Yuzhe's eyes were sharp, and the smile on his face was reduced, replaced by a determination and coldness.

Sure enough!

Yang Zilei's eyes darkened slightly. This position does not seem to be that simple.

He knew very well that Tianyan Continent was actually just a small self-enclosed space in order to avoid the race wars ten thousand years ago.

Although there is a sealed enchantment, even if tens of thousands of years have passed, this situation does not mean that it will be permanent. It will be discovered by the strong of other races at any time and face the situation of being invaded.

And the existence of Tongtian Tower, is it to prevent this from happening?

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