The next day.

Although Yang Zilei did not go out in the city lord's mansion, he still knew from the news that Chen Si brought every two hours, that there were more and more powerful people coming from various dynasties.

Obviously, news about the ancient tomb mansion in the Michuan Mountain Range has spread in the surrounding areas of this mountain range.

However, this is the case, these warriors who came to hunt for treasure, before obtaining the true location of the tomb, can only wait in the city of chaos.

After all, the area of ​​the Michuan Mountains is extremely vast, and among them are countless terrifying beasts.

Especially in the depths of the mountains, most of them are some high-level beasts, which are very dangerous.

If it goes too deep, even a martial arts expert who has stepped into the Divine Sea Realm can hardly retreat without care.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, except for some warriors who have been adventuring in the mountains all year round, very few people dare to go deep into the Michuan Mountains.

And the flow of people coming from everywhere has brought a lot of benefits to the economy of the chaotic city, and this city, which is being re-planned and created, suddenly becomes lively.

Of course, the dragon blood clan who moved here are also well known for this, which really shocked many people.

At this time, on the open space in the front yard of the City Lord's Mansion.

Yang Zilei was holding a bison submachine gun, and said to the six figures on the opposite side: "Do you understand the operation method taught you?"


These six people were the four Star Realm Hall Masters of the Canglong Gang, and Dameng and Dakushi from the Dragon Blood clan.

They also had a bison submachine gun at the moment. Under Yang Zilei's guidance, they already knew how to operate it.

"Tonight's tomb exploration, the six of you will follow me."

Yang Zilei glanced at the six people, and said in a bitter voice: "As long as there is anyone who does not open his eyes to fight for the treasure with us, kill without mercy!"

"Yes, boss."

The six people cheered and shouted together.

Yang Zilei nodded in satisfaction. Although he now has a lot of staff, the treasure hunt for the ancient tomb is not the more people the better.

Because of the powerful fierce beasts that would appear from time to time in the depths of the mountains, if there were too many people, it would inevitably cause bigger targets and slow down the progress.

Moreover, places like the ancient tomb mansion must also hide many dangerous institutions. The more people there are, the greater the deaths and injuries will be, and the gain will not be worth the loss.

So instead of this, it is better to choose a few elites to enter the battle. Not only can they be flexible and changeable in battle, but also can get out quickly when in distress.

"Boss, what you want is ready."

At this moment, Chen Si came over with a sackcloth.

As the bag unfolded, there were seven dark gold masks and seven leather armor suits inside.

"Everyone, try the size."

Yang Zilei said, picking up a set and putting it on.

Because of the runes engraved on the leather armor, as it was worn on the body, although it was loose, it suddenly contracted on its own and adjusted to a size suitable for Yang Zilei's figure.

The material of this leather armor is exactly the skin of a fifth-level fierce beast, the "Furious Groundbreaker" he killed when the beast tide occurred in the Chaos City last time.

The body of the violent earth-splitting tiger is several feet large, so it is more than enough to untie the peeled animal skin and make seven pieces of leather armor.

Moreover, after the refiner's transformation, runes were engraved on the leather armor, which had a strong defensive effect, equivalent to a treasure armor of the ground level, and ordinary physical attacks could not hurt the body at all.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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