Along the way, Yang Zilei asked several branches of the Chamber of Commerce specializing in the purchase of minerals, and found that the price was not much different from outside.

One hundred taels of gold can only buy 40 catties of profound iron at most, and it is not bargaining.

Yang Zilei was naturally very dissatisfied with this price. He came here from a long way, with the purpose of buying metals with more favorable prices, thereby reducing more costs.

"What's so, this one is even more ruthless, 100 taels of gold can only buy 30 catties, when I am stupid."

At this time, Yang Zilei once again walked out of the store door of a chamber of commerce branch, and cursed in his heart quite angrily.

"Forget it, let's find a restaurant for one night, and then find a few more restaurants to talk to tomorrow."

Yang Zilei looked up at the thick night and sighed.

When he was about to leave, Yang Zilei noticed a burly man in leather armor walking towards him, as if to enter the Chamber of Commerce branch behind him.

Judging by his dress, he should be a casual martial artist who specializes in adventure hunting in exchange for wealth.

"Brother, wait a minute." Yang Zilei stopped him immediately.

"What's the matter?" The brawny man frowned, looking at Yang Zilei who was in front of him, with a vicious look in his eyes.

This fierce temperament was obviously tempered from fighting with fierce beasts in the mountains all the year round.

"Are you going to sell minerals?" Yang Zilei couldn't help asking.

The brawny man stared at Yang Zilei with guard, and asked in a rather rude voice: "So what!?"

Yang Zilei smiled slightly, "It's nothing, I just want to ask about the market, here one hundred taels of gold, how many catties of black iron can be sold?"

The strong man glanced suspiciously at Yang Zilei. He felt that the market was not a business secret, and said bluntly: "100 catties, one hundred taels."


Hearing this, Yang Zilei couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Damn it!

Immediately afterwards, Yang Zilei also cursed indignantly in his heart.

This group of chambers of commerce is simply a group of vampires.

He bought a hundred catties from here, but sold him 30-40 catties.

For example, the 660,000 kilograms of metal he was going to buy this time, as soon as someone changed hands, he easily made millions of profits directly.

With such a huge profit margin, it is no wonder that those firms that set up branches here can be rich!

"My purchase price here, one hundred tael, sixty catties of profound iron."

Yang Zilei seemed to have a vengeful mentality and started to grab business with a high price.

"Huh? Eighty catties?" The strong man was taken aback and looked at Yang Zilei in surprise, a little unbelievable.

"Yes, it's 80 catties, how much do you have, how much I will charge, and on-site transaction."

The corner of Yang Zilei's mouth rose. Although it was revenge to grab business, he could buy it for 80 jin, which would save a lot of money.

"Well, I have exactly 10,000 catties of profound iron in my storage ring. If you want it, sell you now."

The brawny man’s face suddenly showed a pleasant smile. The mysterious iron he and his companions dug from the veins at the risk of their lives were naturally unwilling to sell them at a low price.

However, the Chamber of Commerce in the City of Chaos uniformly lowered prices, and there was no way.

But at this time, the brawny man was overjoyed when he heard that Yang Zilei was willing to pay a high price for the acquisition.

Thus, Yang Zilei and the strong man completed the transaction here.

When 10,000 catties of profound iron were put into the storage ring, he was converted into 10,000 strengthening points.

It's still a little out of reach from the 660,000 strengthening point.

"The boss, may I ask where your shop is in the city? I will immediately notify other partners and ask them to sell you all the profound iron accumulated in the past."

After receiving the money, the brawny man was obviously excited, as if he had met such a conscientious gold master for the first time.

I like fantasy: the beginning Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons, please collect: ( Fantasy: The opening Wuhun hundreds of millions of modern weapons has the fastest literary update.

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